The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn (Nautica Artwork!) (Full Version)

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Lkeas -> The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn (Nautica Artwork!) (7/20/2009 21:01:10)


Welcome to the Coral Reef! Among the brilliant colors, shimmering light, fascinating creatures and plants and rock formations of the reef, the artists of Nautica gather to create awesome works of art with an underwater theme. Members from all clans are encouraged to contribute to our oceanic gallery! Just make sure it has some kind of fishy motif.

This gallery has come and gone quite a few times, because it gets going for a while but then people forget about it and don't contribute. If you don't want your coral reef to disappear, let's keep the art flowing!

Artists of ALL SKILL LEVELS are welcome to participate! Don't feel intimidated by the art that's already in the gallery, the point is to encourage creativity and clan pride, not to have an art contest. We do encourage artists to submit original work as often as possible, but some edits and recolors are ok as long as it's not the majority of the submissions.

NOTE: This thread is for comments on artwork ONLY. If you want to contribute artwork, follow the link below! Then be sure to comment on your clanmates' work here!

Have fun, fellow Nauticartists! Show pride for your clan with artwork worthy of hanging in our hallowed Nautican halls!

(As per Scakk's approval, this will be replacing the old =Nautica Artwork Comments Thread=)

Lkeas -> RE: The Coral Reef of Canu'r Delyn (Nautica Artwork!) (7/22/2009 15:25:25)

Sorry to double post, but I didn't think this belonged in the first post. I've uploaded smaller versions of our old honor medals in the artwork thread, in case people want to put them in their sigs like I have below. Since we're trying to get Nautica going again, grab your favorite Nautica sig from our sig gallery and spread the word!

If I have time sometime this week I'll see if I can add some new artwork to our gallery. [:)]

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