RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (Full Version)

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B.L.I.T.Z -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/19/2009 15:30:56)

Here's my Favorite/Least Favorite things on WarpForce!
Favorite Weapon: My favorite weapon is the Tronzor's Blade series. They are pretty strong, cool looking, great special and a nice type to boot. By far my favorite weapon series.
Least Favorite Weapon: My least favorite weapon is the Rocket Launcher series (from Stormfront). They look terrible when my character is holding one, they are weak and don't suit me at all. As soon as I tried it, I hated it.

Favorite Armor: I have two favorite armours, one of which I only just picked up. #1 - The Star Knight series. They are very powerful, great attack range (especially the Uniforce attack) and look cool. My characters tail proudly shown when wearing this armour. #2 - The WarTrooper series. From III, particularily, this armour is quite powerful. I hit 35 - 55 without fail, it looks awesome (like a ninja, [:D]) and is generally a cool armour.
Least Favorite Armor: Well, plainly, I like every armor in WarpForce. After a bit of searching, I came up with the Explorer. Well, its a weak starting armour that I hate the look of and it, well... sucks!

Favorite Gauntlet: Well, there aren't many gauntlets in-game so far (I could only think of three series) but I have came up with my answer. I choose the Lightning Gauntlets. From the Warped on, they become powerful, electrically cool looking and awesome. I was thinking of the Hand of Creation (HoC) for this spot, but while it did have the power, it didn't have the looks even though it has a cool backround story thing.
Least Favorite Gauntlet: Since I've only known three gauntlet series, my least favorite is the Power Gauntlets. Yeah, the Earth ones. They look TERRIBLE. They really do, I hate the look, and they are pretty weak (in my oppinion) and I just do not like them one BIT.

Favorite Spell: My favorite spell is the Nanotech series. They *may* be weak, but they are resourceful. They can heal and attack and that, imo, makes them resourceful.
Least Favorite Spell: My least favorite spells are the IMP spells. The ones that I can access (e.g. non Z-Token) are weak. They may not use a whole bunch of energy - in fact, they use barely any - but they just aren't to my liking. The animation and power aren't my cuppa' tea.

Favorite Pet: I have a limited pet liking. Plent I do not like, a few that I do. My favourite must be the... cl166 Droid series. Cool looking, strong and fantastically robotish! I love the metal worms.
Least Favorite Pet: Now, because of my strong disliking of pets, I had to choose one of my many dislikes. I chose: Glador. Well, I don't like them because of their look, attack animation and, overall, don't like them.

Favorite Guest: I've experienced alot of the guests available, and I don't use them anymore because I'd rather use my SP on things like Gauntlet Blasts. But, I must say, my favorite guest is definately the Protean/Protus Guard. Cool looking, cool attack animation, fairly decent attacker and serves well if you must have a guest.
Least Favorite Guest: By a long, long, LONG mile, it has to be Zorboz. Week, bad looking, failing attack animation (imo) and I would prefer Zorbak.

Favorite Misc: I haven't really used any Misc., but the WarpGuardian Helmet is my favorite. Nice look, good bonuses and a pretty cool Misc. item.
Least Favorite Misc: I don't have a Least Favorite. I use my Temura's Trust & WG Helmet equally, so I won't put anything here - there is no need.

Favorite Rare: I don't have any rares. The only rare (I think) is the Retro and I don't have that, so I can't really give an oppinion.
Least Favorite Rare: Same reason as above. No need to explain a second time.

Favorite Quest: I don't have a favorite quest, they're all fantastic. But, if I had to choose, I would say the Spy Hunt. It's a cool storyline and good training against the Guards.
Least Favorite Quest: I said they're all fantastic, and they are, but I just have a disliking for the Moon Base quest. I'm not sure why, so I can't say why, but I just... don't like it.

Favorite Event: Well, if I'm right, there have been no events, which means I cannot give an oppinion on this either. Sad, but true, I know. [:(]
Least Favorite Event: Uhh, read above? ^

I will not be saying my Most Desired / Undesired because I don't desire anything. If I want it, I shall get it! -evil eye glare-

SnaleKing -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/21/2009 21:35:42)

favorite farming: the guardbots in the WG only mission "spy hunt". 63 xp.

EDIT: if you miss a lot, raise your DEX( i hate missing)
i love the mining droid pet, except its animation when its just standing there....
dont like how the laser chucks look, it dangles"down" at a 20 degree angle, and its special attack does loads of damage, but looks just plain WEIRD....
i dont like that little piece of trim on the chestpiece of the WG armor that sticks up, partially obscuring your face.....
like i said before, i love to kill the guardbots in the WG "spy hunt" quest. 110 or so hp for 63 xp??? count me in!! (just remember to choose ensign and GreedoShotFirst as the password on the engineeering level)
i love the name 8A51C for general stormfront's pet. Classic.
i love fighting zorboz with zorboz as my guest
ok, i'll post more when i think of it.

EDIT: i HATE rolling EXACTLY 15 3 times in a row when i needed a 25 for the spy hunt quest........
power punching with the hand of creation on. I mean, really, look at those SPIKES!! that would HURT!! big thyme!!

Please don't double-post, use the [image][/image] button instead. Double-post merged & deleted ~Baron

5king wolf -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/24/2009 9:04:17)

Least Favorite Stat - Right now I have 2 things that do magic damage.. my base weapon special and my beam staff special... only goot for mana D:
Least Favorite Monster - Nechrons - They scare me and hurt a lot D:
Least Favorite Weapon - Breezy Beam Lance when it explodes >.>
Least Favorite Spell - None of them can be considered spells since the heal "spells" do melee damage and the "spells" do ranged damage D:

kartikchoo6 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/25/2009 6:16:44)

Where to find the Tronzor Blade Series and are they Non WG and Non Z Token Ones please tell and also tell where is cl166 droid and is there a version of it that is Non WG and Non Z Tokens

B.L.I.T.Z -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (8/25/2009 16:10:57)


You should ask all of your questions in the Q & A thread.

But, anyways:

The Tronzor Blade Series are WG, found in the Spy Hunt mission by going to the WG Tower.
The cl166 droid, I'm not sure about.

regina1997 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/2/2009 21:16:54)

This may sound stupid
Least favorite fact
Cannot go back to standard armor(i dont like WG armor)
Cannot switch between gunner and striker

The Braken Bard -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/3/2009 5:51:36)

Favorite Armour: Heavy Gunner. That is awesome.
Favorite Gauntlet: (Used to be: Nothing so then it would do 'Nothing' damage)
Favorite Guest: Queen Pra'Mithia
Favorite Rare: Retro Suit
Favorite Quest: The one with all the Exo Krill Scouts running away from something

Most desired of all items: 'Invisible Gauntlet' or in other words using Gauntlet Blast without an actual damage. It was so fun and cool to do that.
Most desired weapon: The one that won (or has yet to win) the weapon contest.
Least desire bug: The bug that when you equip a new armor, you have to reequip a Gauntlet.

liangwarrior -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/10/2009 10:14:41)

my favourite wep is the WarpGuardian Blaster Rifle
for gunner class
and for guardian
it can shoot well
can summon dragon and
even summon death

RagingMagma -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/10/2009 14:40:36)

I dont know if this is valid here, but my favourite pun ingame was the "GOO" from Balen-5:
"Im too GOO for you, you give me GOOsebumps.... LOL

Drallon -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/23/2009 21:36:33)

Least Favorite things:
1. As a lv 21 with a pet AND as Shearhide i cant one hit lv 10's =( or anything for that matter.....

2. 855 token items? are you serious? how bout 50 token items? Thats real money im spending

3. Weps that do 1-19 damage..... ummm how bout 18-19 damage. Much easier.

4. Not knowing if a high level free player item or a MUCH lower level wg item of the same type is better or not.

5. Lots of guns.... less swords

6. Not being able to buy items that are a higher level then you. why cant we just keep them til we level up?

7. Nanotech being no help. at all.

8. When you get healed you dont get SP back...

9. No heavy striker uniform....

10. wg sword failing miserably against every enemy.

Lotanubs -> Pyoopyoopyoopyoolazer (9/30/2009 16:25:24)

I despise Tronzor.
Only because he won't let me hit him.
And makes me feel sad about myself.

And the fact that even after the human race becomes space-faring, we're still running around hitting each other with sticks with animation.
And the starting rocket-launcher was WarpGuardian only. Drat.
Artix Entertainment is almost as penny-pinching as Jagex or Blizzard. =D

Dekomage -> RE: Pyoopyoopyoopyoolazer (9/30/2009 17:44:40)

Favorite Weapon-Tronzor's Blade, It looks so cool.
Favorite Monster-Treasure chest. :3
Least Favorite Monster- DEFILER. SENTRY.
Least favorite in general- CUTSCENES
Favorite Gauntlet-Hand of Creation, so shiny.
Favorite Armor-Warptropper. I'm surprised with the Knee attack.

Lotanubs -> RE: Pyoopyoopyoopyoolazer (9/30/2009 17:51:04)


I'm surprised with the Knee attack.

I'm surprised my knee still hits harder than centuries of firearms research and development.
Ff-- Yeah, right.

Maximum signature use once per page ~Baron

Dekomage -> RE: Pyoopyoopyoopyoolazer (9/30/2009 20:21:30)


I'm surprised my knee still hits harder than centuries of firearms research and development.
Ff-- Yeah, right.

say what.

Lotanubs -> RE: Pyoopyoopyoopyoolazer (9/30/2009 20:26:27)

Saying my knee attack does more damage than mah rofl blast.

Maximum signature use once per page ~Baron

Nex del Vida -> RE: ...Thread renamed? (9/30/2009 20:31:58)

Favorite Weapon: Illogically, it'd be my Tronzor's Solid Dual Blade.
Least Favorite Weapon: Beam Lance series. Not powerful, and a large chance to blow up in your face.
Least Favorite Aspect: Cutscenes. Each one is something along the lines of five solid minutes of the same two frames of stars repeated over and over and over again, lagging terribly. This has gotten better recently, but still.

afterlifex -> RE: ...Thread renamed? (9/30/2009 21:47:48)

reason: you can't call something a gunner and tell people that guns will not be there main source of dmg. It makes no since at all.
(needs to be called a scientist or even a technomancer rather then a gunner(or just given a description))

NecroMage22 -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (9/30/2009 23:46:59)

Favorite Weapon: Tronzors Solid Dual Blade (Makes me feel like a star-wars char)
Favorite Pet: Glador
Favorite Armor: Star Knight
Favorite Guest: Huntress

No Negativity.

Deadly_Bear_Mason -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/1/2009 20:10:24)

Favorite Weapon: The SR10
Most Desired Thing: A second version of classes: WarMaster/Sniper[:D][:D][:D]

Artus -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/7/2009 23:44:12)

I just looove the nechron exo is like taking wf best mosnter and add some spice [:D]

StealthMaster -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/11/2009 2:01:58)

Favorite Pet: Skitter
Favorite Guest: General Stormfront
Least Favorite Guest: Sergent "Lucky" Gibbs
Favorite Misc: Temura's Trust
Least Favorite Quest: Balen-5 (I've had so much trouble with that quest)

Lookout4Bears -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/15/2009 18:35:54)

I actually love how this game needs strategy...everyone is used to super easy quests because of AQ. Stop whining!!

Theo Vonkrieger -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/28/2009 20:14:26)

Least fav= the tough fight vrs tronzor (his stats are that of a lvl 12 at lvl 8 he will allways have 5 more skill than you do in any stat)This guy likes to dodge 75%(or more) of your attacks and has a three hit combo that destroys your hp. Heavy gunner forcefield is a joke in this fight and you have to pay in increaseing amounts to train your skills if you do get lucky enouph to win.////words can not express how much i detest this guy ,(at least none i can post here) even with 4 vrs 1 (drago vondrake) drakel striker,zorboz,his pet robot summon,and my pet all on the field i still couldnt get this guy past half of his life because of his high dodge rate and overpowered three hit attacks(getting hit for 15x3 (45) is devestating when you only have 120 life) +the fact that you cant use skills so even if you have medic its useless to you. The game developers could learn from mechquest crew imo.

Ghostclaw -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/29/2009 9:12:06)

Favourite weapon:GALAXYTHE coz it has uberness attacks
Least favourite part about warpforce:It takes ages to lvl up

Darius -> RE: =WF= (Least)Favorite Anything Thread (10/29/2009 10:46:03)

Favorite NPC: Temura (Hotness!)
Favorite Quest: Save the Queen (Helz yeah, baby! Nuke it from orbit! Can I push the button?)
Favorite Weapon: Osprey 10Z1
Least favorite aspect: Temura's theme song

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