ShS Trog FASC Series (Full Version)

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PD -> ShS Trog FASC Series (8/8/2009 3:49:56)


ShS Trog FASC11

Level: 11
Price: 18,000 credits
Sellback: 1,800 credits
Location: Trog Special

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: None
Damage: 24-44
Hits: 1
Energy: 17
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:

-Chance of "Power Hit! +x% Extra Damage!" Increases the Hit's damage where X is a Number between 40-70%

Combos: None

Description: This Trog Arm has the potential to deal insane damage! It also levels up with you - to level 25
Image: ShS Trog FASC11

Correction thanks to Peachii!

Ello -> RE: ShS Trog FASC11 (6/22/2011 23:59:24)


ShS Trog FASC16

Level: 16
Price: 24000 credits
Sellback: 2400 credits
Location: Trog Special

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: None
Damage: 32-52
Hits: 1
Energy: 24
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:

-Chance of "Power Hit! +x% Extra Damage!" Increases the Hit's damage where X is a Number between 40-70%.

Combos: None

Description: This Trog Arm has the potential to deal insane damage! It also levels up with you - to level 20
Image: ShS Trog FASC16

Image, original post and info thanks to PD!

Ello -> RE: ShS Trog FASC11 (6/23/2011 0:00:03)


ShS Trog FASC21

Level: 21
Price: 30000 credits
Sellback: 3000 credits
Location: Trog Special

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Type: None
Damage: 39-59
Hits: 1
Energy: 32
Cooldown: 3
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:

-Chance of "Power Hit! +x% Extra Damage!" Increases the Hit's damage where X is a Number between 40-70%

Combos: None

Description: This Trog Arm has the potential to deal insane damage! It also levels up with you - to level 25
Image: ShS Trog FASC21

Image, original post and info thanks to PD!

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