The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (Full Version)

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Alixander Fey -> The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/15/2009 15:07:30)

Well hello. Long time indeed.

For those of you who /haven't/ heard, Heritage is dead. Don't bug me about it. It was a hard bridge to burn, even harder to rummage through the burnt husks and explain why I lowered the torch.

Anywho, I've been AWOL for most of the summer. Now that school is about to start, I'll actually have /more/ time. Funny how things work.

A pair of short stories, which some of you have read and some of you haven't. Firefly might eat me when she finds out I've posted them.

Please, enjoy. And leave comments. It's been a long time and I miss L&L.

Firefly -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/16/2009 14:02:38)

I kinda figured out which stories you were posting when I saw the first post. I won't burn you or bite you, since it's your decision.

I reread Hear the Wind. I still think it's awesome. I think the story is engraved in my brain, from all the editing I did--I still remember most of the phrases. You did forget to plug in the italics, but it's a brilliant story otherwise. I really hope someone else will decide to read it; it's definitely something I'd recommend.

Alixander Fey -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/16/2009 19:49:08)

Oh trash. Itallics...

Ugh... does it mess the story up?

Eddy II -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/21/2009 7:21:53)

I read Hear the Wind. Very well written.

Disappointing that you gave up on Heritage, but understandable. Are you still aiming to get published?

Alixander Fey -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/21/2009 17:31:08)

Yeah! I'm working on a story right now for WotF! =P

Randomness: For my IRC friends, my slightly wierd college internet doesn't like Mr. mIRC. I'm looking for some other options but until then PLEASE contact me on the forums! I already miss you guys.

I dunno when I shall update this thread next. If I get a story I like but am not sure I can /do/ anything with it I suppose I'll put it on here. XD

Eddy II -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/22/2009 23:06:52)

Your college internet probably has the ports blocked, to stop people torrenting a bunch of stuff on their bandwidth.

Try the IRC client on Through the magic of proxies, it'll probably work. Just click “start chatting now” to go to the client. Then enter your server, channel, etc.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/26/2009 22:30:24)


For those of you who /haven't/ heard, Heritage is dead. Don't bug me about it. It was a hard bridge to burn, even harder to rummage through the burnt husks and explain why I lowered the torch.

You've abandoned the project?


Alixander Fey -> RE: The Master's Lair | Short Stories from an Old Friend (8/27/2009 18:08:00)

Yeah. Twitch. I twitched alot.

I'm putting the finishing touches on a story I'm not posting here. It's called Mind Healer, and it's a little more than 4,500 words. Anybody who wants to read it, pop an email to I'm totally glad to show it to anybody, indeed I'd love some advice on it, but I can't post it publicly.

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