Dragonguard (Full Version)

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domen94 -> Dragonguard (8/28/2009 10:23:49)



Level: scaled
Price: $19.95 ($79.80 total or $65)
Sellback: 0 Nova Gems
Location: bought - Dragonguard bonus offer

HP: scaled
EP: scaled
EP Regen: scaled

  • Immobility: 80
  • Fire +9

    Description: The exclusive, extraordinary mecha of the Dragonguard Masters! It uses your Dragonguard items to their fullest potential, adding the power of the Dragonlance and Dragon's Breath attacks to your awesome arsenal! Levels with you to: 100
    Image: Dragonguard

    Thanks to Terosin, domen94, ShiitakeWarrior for default info!

  • Ello -> RE: Dragonguard (6/24/2011 0:21:27)


    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 1
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 1
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: chance to: increase damage by X% and activate Regenerator G2 (HP healing over time)

    Combos: N/A

    Description: Deals insanely high damage with the chance to activate the powerful Dragonguard-exlusive G-Regenerators!
    Image: LINK, In Action, Better image


    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 1
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: chance to activate: Dragon's Flame (next hit is guaranted critical) and Regenerator G2 (HP healing over time)

    Combos: N/A

    Description: This amazing arm weapon used only by the Dragonguard deals incredibile damage - and has the powerful regenerator G2, the Dragonguard's special healing ability!! Levels up with you to level:100
    Image: LINK, In action

    Ello -> RE: Dragonguard (6/24/2011 0:22:57)

    Chibi Dragonoid

    Equip Slot: Front shoulder
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 1
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: chance to activate: Damage Boost (increases damage by X%) and Regenerator G2 (HP healing over time)

    Combos: N/A

    Description: The Elite Dragonguard earn the honor of having the Chibi Dragonoid shoulder pet! Deals awesome damage with a chance of activating Regenerator G2. Levels up with you to level:100
    Image: LINK, In action, Enlarged version


    Equip Slot: Back shoulder
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 1
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: chance to activate: Guaranted Crit. and Regenerator G3 (MP regen over time)

    Combos: N/A

    Description: This awesome power of Dragonlance frequently delivers critical damage. Activates the Regenerator G3 to regenerate your energy quickly.
    Image: LINK, In action

    Ello -> RE: Dragonguard (6/24/2011 0:24:31)

    Dragon's Breath

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 4
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: 4 hits, 1, 3 have one special, and 2, 4 other special (100% chance of activation for all)
    *hits 1, 3: Melted Armor, - 20 Defense to enemy for 6 turns. (if both hits hit, they stack > -40 Defense <)
    *hits 2, 4: Melted Sensors, - 8 Bonus to enemy for 6 turns. (if both hits hit, they stack > -16 Bonus <)

    Combos: N/A

    Description: Only the Elite Dragonguard members can breathe Dragonfire - this spectacular attack melts the sensor and armor of your enemies!
    Image: In action


    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Type: Dragonfire
    Damage: scaled
    Hits: 4
    Energy: scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects: 4 hits, each activates its own special(100% chance for all):
    *Dragon's Roar, increasing defense over time for 6 turns.
    *Dragon's Eye, increasing attack bonus over time for 6 turns.
    *Dragon's Tooth, increasing Boost over time for 6 turns.
    *Dragon's Fear, decreasing enemy's attack bonus over time for 6 turns.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: The combined effects of Dragon's Eye, Tooth, and Roar give you, the Superior Dragonguard, an assortment of bonuses while decreasing the effectiveness of your enemy! This weapon levels up with you to level:100
    Image: LINK, In action

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