Terror Set Bug (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> Terror Set Bug (8/30/2009 23:19:52)

Since this is a Z-Token Set, it seems reasonable to make a special post about its major bug (or bugs - this is the CORRECT behavior).

The Full Set Bonus does not deactivate properly when an item is deequipped, and does not activate properly when an item is equipped.
It is SUPPOSED to add the +20 whenever the Full Set is equipped, to ANY Fear effect, regardless of Source.
The +1 round should be active only if you have been CONTINUOUSLY in the Full Set since you activated Fear using the Armor specifically.

The Pet is supposed to only get bonus BtH from the number of Set items when the monster is Afraid.

The Shield should remove BtH from the monster whenever it is equipped AND the monster is Afraid; when the monster is no longer Afraid, the shield should no longer be triggered; if the monster does not become Afraid, the Shield should not trigger.

And yes, in the ____ Raiment, the ____ Eater blocks More buttons.

The Fear attack follows your weapon instead of dealing Darkness damage.

These have been fixed, except for the ____ Eater blocking things. Sorry 'bout that-- not much I can do! ~ww

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