RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (Full Version)

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Ripperthedivine -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/7/2009 23:29:48)


Is the cake a lie?
Only if its not chocolate!

Would you prefer an E-cookie, or an E-green cookie(not green as in clean, but green as in moldy :D)?
moldy? ewww!

Do you enjoy being an AK?

How far can a puppy run into the woods?
as far as the puppy wants!

um...long live Brittania?(the code geass super power, not real one.)

captian awsome -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 0:47:52)

My My a certian Green Fairy has reached six (count'm 6) pages.
that I have. All the other mods and AKs forgot to tell me there was a traditional length of time! lol

Do you play TF2?

Favorite upcoming video?
hmmmm, not sure. Watching Step Up 2 right now though!

Why do I keep coming back?
Dont know! But you cant come back again! :P

[:)] or[:@]. Which has been your day so far?
sorta inbetween... :| seems more apt.

Alright I'm done I'll see you around
Ok! See you around!

destoyer of twilly -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 8:00:52)

Twilly's destroyer!!

how ya doing girl!
I'm doing pretty good!

ive been on 3-4 of your pages, slowly controlling the lock on your shackles!
hahaha, you controlling? yeah right!

did'ya find the mail? if not,this is my face-->[:(]
nope, no mail! (just checked my RL mailbox a couple of hours ago actually.

wanna share a joke? like a [:D] joke?
hmmm, i think i'm good with my own jokes. :P they make me laugh!

have ya seen maegwn at all? havent seen the lassie since beta test in aqw!
I have seen her around. she mostly lurks though.

las isnt in my comp's dictionary but lassie is!
[well, maybe because lass is spelled with a double l. :P/i]

i'm not asking questions!
really? couldve fooled me!

i'm yelling alot!
:( why are you yelling at me? what did I do?


Mihail -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 8:39:50)

Hi Green lady ! I`m the red M.[sm=flowers.gif]
Hi Red M!

Are you girl in real life ?[sm=animal-smiley-077.gif]
Yes, i am.

Do you have a green hair ?
In-Game? yes. RL? nope

alive, pretty, yadadada...

I want to gift you ring with green gem - emerald :P[sm=treasuresmiley0ps.jpg]
Pretty! :D

hehe maybe you love a green manicures ... I can draw on them four leaf clovers.Pretty green of course [sm=feiertag-smiley-007.gif]
I do... sadly i lost my green nail polish and currently my nails are purple instead.

Favorite thing in the real life?
Riding horses or reading

Favorite NPC in the game ?
Trinki Bell!!

Why your character not in green color,green weapon and ghostly green cape ?
because i like matchingness!

Thanks for the words,good luck Green Princess

Np problem! Princess? I like that! :D

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 17:13:41)


i seem to be running low on questions

i liked your old avvy better
Me too, i'm going back to it soon.

meh i need to come back later out of questions
lol, too bad! You cant come back! mwahahahahahaha!

here is a chocolate cannon
Chocolate cannon? I can shoot people with large globs of chocolate? AWESOME!

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 17:24:14)

You continued from your MtAK L&L thread, why?
I did because it was easier than making a whole new one!


Jk, I believe you. That's all, bye.

lol, ok, bye!

dragondeamon -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 18:12:53)

whats up?
Nm. :D

I am the coase of you changing your avatar when I asked if it was an owl.
Nope, and i'm going back to that one soon. I liked it. (btw, it was an eye.) :P

why isnt your dragon green?
because I like matchingness. the black matched the black on my dread pirate uniform.

and why havent you started taking over the world yet I asome the maby ment yes.
Oh, but what if I already have begun? O.o

Gianna Glow -> RE: =MtAK= The Second Poison Ivy (10/8/2009 18:31:06)

Ok, I'm finally locking this. Those of you who I havent answered your questions yet, i will... after I watch my movies. [:D] I hope (andA pray) that all your questions are done! (because if they're not, well, too bad!) I hope you have had fun, I know I have! See you out in the forums! A final word of advice: Be nice, dont spam, follow the rules, or be prepared to be smacked by a fairy! :D just thought I'd give that piece of warning advice out! See ya!



Well, all caught up. I'll leave this up for a week and then move it to the archives! enjoy!

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