Not really a question about the game, but... (Full Version)

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Ash The Phantom -> Not really a question about the game, but... (9/8/2009 1:57:19)

Ok, with the new version of FireFox (Version 3.5.x), I've noticed that clicking on a tab and dragging it down into the window space causes the tab to close and re-open in a new window. I cannot count the amount of times that has happened to me on all of AE's games. Because they're flash-based, closing the window causes you to lose everything you were doing, and this is obviously very frustrating if you do this accidentally. The worst part is, AQ's pre-window closing pop-up warning with the "Are your sure you want to close this window?" does NOT appear when this happens. I can't really control this happening because my mouse is quite slippery on the bottom, and the mere pressure from a click can move the mouse down just a bit, but enough to cause this to happen.

My question is, is there anything I can do to keep this from happening? I'm tired of having this happen at the WORST of times, especially on AQW when I'm talking to people or in the middle of a quest.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Not really a question about the game, but... (9/8/2009 2:49:24)

I tested the problem, and it does seem like a very annoying issue.

FireFox cleanly moves the web page to a separate application window and does not reload the actual web page.
The "are you sure" prompt is never triggered, because the page is not reloaded.

However, the change does refresh running Flash movies on the page, which is what causes the game to reset.

I can't find any option settings in FireFox to turn this "feature" off.
Maybe there is an addon to firefox that can control it?

Ash The Phantom -> RE: Not really a question about the game, but... (9/8/2009 2:52:07)

I'll try looking around for one. I hope there is, maybe then I can finally stop walking on eggshells when I play the games. Thanks for the reply, Captain.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Not really a question about the game, but... (9/8/2009 3:00:27)

AH HA! I found a fix!

This is a addon provided my Mozilla.
After it's installed go to Tools/Addons, find the bug489729 addon in the list, and click Options.
Then check 'Disable Detach Tab'

Ash The Phantom -> RE: Not really a question about the game, but... (9/8/2009 3:03:00)

Heh, I found that exact one just now on my own. xD

Thanks for the help, Captain. I can play again!

Lock, please. :3

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