RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (Full Version)

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xxDestroyer_of_Lightxx -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/4/2009 23:42:05)

Hi Lord Tomato
gratz on akship
who is your cell next to?
I don't know! >.> I should know these things, shouldn't I...
want a cookie?
YesPlease. :D
keep this cookie away from dimension r. and TLH
*noms the cookie* mmmph. Whut cookie?
ok well TaTa!
Byebye!! ..LT

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/5/2009 0:42:15)

Congratz lordtomato! Yes I'm a bit late too the party.
Thanks! :) Haha.
I'll keep it short...
Byebye! ..LT

moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/5/2009 23:57:07)

Heyy, I'm back!
I'm bored so I just decided to bother ask you some questions.
Hehe, that's ok!
Sooo... Tomatoes, eh?
Ermmm... yupp!
Although I can't say I'm a big fan of tomatoes, but I like your Avvie :P
I don't like tomatoes that much, myself, yknow.
The tomato more than the crown, if it makes you feel better :)
Hahaha! :P
Heh, thats all for this page, byes! :D
Bye!! ..LT (thanks for the color tags again! :P)

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/7/2009 20:11:58)

Hmm, a bit 2 late...
It's never too late! :D
I also will keep it short!
Chao... LT![sm=costumed-smiley-011.gif]
Byebye! ..LT

ilikepizza123 -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/8/2009 19:22:39)

Halloz agains!
Hows is yous?
I'm good!
What is your favourite song?
That's a tough one! Hmm.. Currently, I'd have to say Rough Landing, Holly by Yellowcard.
Mythical Species?
Dust bunnies :D
Thin crust, pepperoni, not too much sauce
Key Lime
I don't like balloons. I'm always sad when they pop or deflate.
SMIlie FacE?
Did I get your colour tag right? I hope so...

No, you didn't, but it's fine, having them there like that still saves time. Thanks! ..LT

Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/8/2009 20:17:37)

*omnomnoms lordtomato*
*omnomnoms deathwalker*
1: So you a *blank* Lord Tomato sandwich? (Still a BLT)
No, I am not a sammich. Rawr.
2: Will you answer the questions in order?
You'll never knoooow! hehehehehe.
7: Are you a member of the RP threads?
Nope! I've done some RPing on a different forum, but I haven't really participated much here.
5: What is your AQW username soz I can meet you. I love meeting AK's. (not mods/staff members, they are always surrounded by other people <_<)
10: You likez Bleach? If so then has you watched Fade to Black? If not then clicketh to watch a fansub of it.
No, I don't watch any anime except for Pokemon. :P
3: See my photographic proof of the cake lying? Lying cake! >=O
I'm making a note here.
8: Like mah siggy?
It's nifty!
6: Soz I herd you likez mudkipz?
Yes, yes, I do in fact liek mudkipz.
4: Favorite song?
*looks up* Hard question. At this time I'd say... Plateau by the Meat Puppets
9: Favorite question in this entire =MtAK=?
What is your favorite song?
PS: Can I haz lots of random nonquestions in mah next posty instead of questions?

Depends on the spaminess. :P Although I prefer questions. Bye! ..LT

sunumbrella -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/8/2009 21:32:38)

Hi Lordtomato, congrats on your new position!
Hi there and thank you! :)
I'm not going to spam your thread with lots of random questions, entertaining as they are, but I do have some questions:

1. How do you plan to leave your mark on the WF forums? What do you hope will be your legacy?
My mark on the WF forums? I hope to make it a civil, constructive, friendly, and helpful area where players can discuss WarpForce. Legacy? My name on the wind. :)
2. I'm new to Warpforce, played it a few times, but I don't understand what's going on. I haven't really played AQ for a few years. How much AQ do I need to play to get the gist, or which AQ quests/sagas will help me to understand WF better?
Hm. The Devourer saga in AQ is essentially the prequel to the WF storyline. I suggest you try that, even though it is rather long. It can be found by sailing east on the Travel map I believe.
3. I'd like to follow the progress of the WF story line; where do I find the record of what was added when? The encylopedia entries have no release dates.
That is a very good point. I suggest changing the "Display topics from last:" box to "All topics" (It's near the top of the page, under the banner), and then you can find all of the release threads!
4. Speaking of the encyclopedia, the current linear format is ok while WF is small, but as the game grows, I think it will get harder to navigate. Is the encyclopedia going to develop into a sub-forum?
I'm actually not sure yet; that's why me and OmniGuardian haven't touched the encyclopedia thread much yet.
Good luck, I wish you well on your new mission. And I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Thank you! I look forward to seeing you participating in the forums! ..LT

regina1997 -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/10/2009 14:01:00)

Yo, Regina1997 here
Hey, I'm burai, the guy from the Junior RP "Life onboard the Alteon"
Here is my questions
What good is a tomato sandwich without bacon?

Absolutely nothing.
What do you think about living onboard the Alteon?
My turn!
How long have you been an archknight?
A month now, I think.
Do ya like thin mints? cuz thats all I have. Burai has some chocolate chips, and a couple lit frag grenades.
Yup! Thin Mints are tasty!
Ya want one? Okay! *Hands you a lit frag before you can voice your objections*
*throws it back*
Stop trying to kill every AK you meet!
Why should I?

:P Well, bye you two. ..LT

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/10/2009 16:22:36)

Hello LordTomato again!
Like my "asking AK's question" font and color? to hard to read?
Not really!
Well I just came here to say congratz again! and I hope to see you again in AQWorlds!
Thank you! haha, cool!
Bye! for now..Mwhahaha!
Bye! ..LT

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/10/2009 16:31:15)

/Me imagines LordTomato in a ChickenCow Sandwich...
Sounds tasty!
All AKs have Power in this Board!?
*Sprays Anti-V_J-Coyote-ILmaster-DimensionR-User-Tflo-GG-Vent90 Spray*

That should do the trick. :)
That'll never work. they have anti-anti-mod&AK spray.
Have fun AKing!


Thanks! Bye. ..LT

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/12/2009 14:02:58)

Congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thanks! :D
So, where do you stand on the Tomatoes being Fruit or Vegtable debate?
Tomatos are fruits but I didn't tell you that.
I am an investagative Reporter from The Secret Movement To Free The AK from The Daily Blah. Can you tell me Why The amount of AK's are rising Your secret Tomato Sandwhich recipe?
Ermm.. No! <.< >.>
Two men, known here as 1 and 2, are playing a strange game. First, both men are put their empty pitchers on the table. Next, a judge brings a picther full of viniger and places it in either Spot A or Spot B. The judge then stars shifting the vineger from one pitcher to any adjacent pitcher. over and over. after moving the liquid 55 times, the owner of the viniger filled pitcher must drink it in one. If you were the judge and secretly wanted 2 to drink the vineger, would you place the pitcher in Spot A or Spot B? If you can be bothered, please give reasoning. MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Spot C, of course. Then I know exactly where it's going.
That was a puzzle from Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. Have you ever played any game in the Layton series and if so, what do you think of it?
Also, have you ever wacthed Doctor Who and if so, what do you think of it?
Doctor Who?
If you have seen Doctor WHo, who is your favorite villien?
And, just because I am evil, here is one more Puzzle before I leave.
"This Vase holds 101 stones, each identical in size and feel. There are 50 black stones and 51 white stones. Now, put on this blindfold, reach in, and pull out as meny stones as you like. When you are finished, if you have removed an equal amount of black and white stones, you will receive a number of gold coins equal to the amout of stones you pulled out." How many stones should you pull out to give yourself the best chance of getting the most money possible? Please give reasoning if you can.
You'd want to pull out 100. No matter what, if you pull out an even number of stones, the chances are about equal that you would get either a black or white. But if you pull out 100, and leave one, you know you've either left a black or a white. But since there are more white stones, there is a slight statistical bias in favor of it being white. Therefore by pulling 100 out, you have the greatest chance of getting the most money.
Bye! ..LT

liangwarrior -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/14/2009 3:02:35)

hi is me again great tomato sandwich
in warpforce what is the quest that u like to do
They're all fun.
and where is the place that has good xp
The battle button usually works great for training
inside have tomato?
not yet!
have to go now see ya again next time
Bye! ..LT

Mazic -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/14/2009 13:42:33)

Hey. How's it going?
Congrats on AK!.
bye! ..LT


srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/14/2009 23:15:20)

congratulations on making AK! =D
*accidentally squishes tomato* oops, there goes your cousin. [sm=twig.gif]
Peace out.
Bye! ..LT

Plushie -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/15/2009 8:40:17)

So this is the last time im allowed to annoy get to know more about teh tomatoes...
1.Is it a fruit?
2.Is it a vegetable?
3.Is it an AK?
4.Hat the soulbanisher taken your soul yet?
9.I found out about your paln...You cant stop me stopping it.Its unstopable.
10.Looks like this is the last one.Happy tortureAKdomshipnesslessfulthankyouthinkKthnxbai

cya! ..LT

Lord Hades -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/17/2009 14:07:27)

Hiyas LT!!!
Hi!!! ..LT

doomsin -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/23/2009 13:28:11)

LOL the posts here maked me laughed XD
Cant think of a good question :/
That's okay.
Are you tomatolord?
or Lord of tomatoes?
Bye! ..LT

exodus74 -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (10/23/2009 15:02:41)

(I ask this in every MtAK) So, whats it like becoming a forum nerfer?
Nerfer? Hmm. I woudn't put it THAT way.
Do you know Bacon and Lettuce? I hear they go good with tomatoes XD
What is the difference between me and you?
5 letters.
If the world would end in the next 20 or so minutes, what would you do?
Eat ramen, play video games.
Are you bought from a store, or homegrown?
Are you just a tomato, or are the people you rule over also tomatoes?
The latter.
What kind of government do you rule over? An empire? A republic? Or just pure anarchy?
Oh, it's an empire.
Like This Kirby (>")>?
Thats all. Enough Torture for one post.
I'll Be Bak! (MAYBE. Last time I said that, I ended up forgetting, and when I finally remembered, the MtAK was locked.)
haha ok. cya! ..LT

KingWolfy -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (11/1/2009 1:24:00)

Hi! ..LT

Flare Phoenix -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (11/4/2009 22:40:15)


Did you know Korin likes ketchup? (It's made of tomatoes)
Eew. Ketchup is icky.
Is the glass I'm holdin half empty or half full?
The glass you're holding is twice as big as it needs to be.
Do u h8 it wen ppl typ lik dis?
Hate, no. Dislike, yes.
If I saw pie and you saw pie could pie fly?
Goodbye! (gotta go have a tomato salad for dinner :P)>:/ I'm dead serious :D
hehe. Enjoy! ..LT

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (11/4/2009 22:52:20)

Just one question; ever gonna lock this thread? :P
<.< >.> Yes. ..LT

Verlyrus -> RE: =MtAK= lordtomato sandwich! (No bacon!) (11/7/2009 21:51:45)

Ummm. Yea... I'm gonna finish and lock and move by the 10th. :)

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