=MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (Full Version)

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Baron -> =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 16:44:41)

Hi all & welcome to my MtAK thread, here are just a few rules before you's all start questioning me :P

1. All forum rules apply
2. Please don't ask more than 10 questions per post
3. Please don't post more than once per page
4. Please don't ask any personal questions, I may skip a question if I think it is to personal

Finally I will edit in this colour

Ask away!

p.s I created this thread before school so I have some questions to answer when I get home. I will lock this thread after 5 days (since I'm going to holidays soon & would like to leave this up for a few days before moving it to the archives).

Evo -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 16:57:14)

Hello Archmagus Baron :p

Congratulations once again on the AKship!
Thanks heaps...again! :P

Are you are a Star Wars fan?
No, haven't watched them

Who is your favorite character?
Don't have a favourite character because I haven't watched it :P (this is Star Wars you are talking about aren't you?)

Favorite movie?
Ummmm...all of the Harry Potter movies currently out & Pirates of the Carribean (all of them too)

Were you a bit shocked when you got asked if you would like to be a AK?
I was very shocked

Are you enjoying all the new and cool things you can see and do now?
Yes, it has been very exciting. I have been having so much fun that I've forgotten to get ready for school :P

Well I know you have a lot of new stuff to check out and read so that is it for now. Good luck! I will cya around here since this has been my home on the forum for a long time now ;p
Okay, thanks & I'll see you around :)

The Galin Killer -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:00:44)

I know you don't really know me but i was looking forward to the time you became an AK. You really deserved it.
So where did you get your name from?
After my beautiful dog, Baron
If blue is red then what is pie?
Sorry if this isn't very funny. I suck at comedy.
Lol, it doesn't matter, I'm not that good at it either :P
*takes cookies*
Oh, I thought I was getting a cookie :(
So tell me about your cell.
It is cold...dark & dusty
Well im off. See ya later Baron. =D
Oh that's all of the questions? See ya!

Blue Revenge -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:07:25)

I don't believe we've been formally introduced, so my name is Blue Revenge. :P
Hi, my name is Archmagus Baron :P
1.) Does it bother you if I type in this font?
Not at all

2.) How many words per minute do you type?
I don't actually know, but I type fairly fast

3.) You like Johnny Depp(not a question).
Yes he is one of my favourite movie characters!

4.) Buttered or salted popcorn?
Buttered *drools*

5.) Favorite class in school(currently or in past years, either or)?
Music & maths :D

I believe that will be all for now. :)

I'll see you around!

& I'll see you around :) Bye!

Cryogenesis -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:11:47)

Well, what do you know? You're an Archknight now. Congrats, Baron.
Thanks :)
Remember me?
How could I forget you?
As the AK of AQ Q&A, what do you actually do?
Lock threads, bump the FAQs & many more fun things :)
Pie or Cake?
It depends on what mood I'm in...usually it'd be pie though
Isn't it ironic that an Archmagus is an Archknight?
If I gave you twenty bucks, what would you do with it?
I'd save it up for something special :)
How has your dog, Baron, been? Good, I presume.
Yes he has been going great ;)
Do you like Pizza and Root Beer?
I like pizza, root beer not so much
Finally, will we be seeing you back in Glacius?
I'll always be around to help in Glacius, don't worry.
That's all I have. See ya Baron.
See ya around

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:30:22)

Hiyas, Archmagus Baron
Hey DragonUltraMaster!
Nice to see you've been an AK now :D
I've seen you so many times as...err, friendly(?) title *ZOMG, Haz I forgot already?* <-- First question [:D]
Yes you have forgotten already :P I had the helpful title before ;)
Well anyway.. Very much congratz to you :P
& a huge thank-you :)
How does it feel?
I'm still getting used to it, but it is kinda settling in
Can I have your old title? :3 *lol*
I don't know...it depends if you are helpful
Do you know what a color trap is?If not, you'll noitce after this edit *PS: Add my signature, please* [;)]
No I don't know what a colour trap is...*adds D.U.M's signature*
Well, I... think I'm done.
I just wanted to say Congratz and good luck anyway!
Thanks again
Have fun,


zgulp65 -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:41:39)

hello new archknight
1. fries or burgers
Probably burgers...depending on how hungry I am
2.evil or good
3.u wanna cookie
Yes please
4.if yes answer the next question

4.1.if no move on to 7

5.i don no wut u arch knights mean by cells like are they places u go in with other people
The cells are the places where we get locked up with another AK of our section...so we don't escape D:
6.thanks here u........o noes zorbak stole it better wait next time.
Oh teh noes!
7.well looking forward to seeeing u
PS. wut forum u work on
You can see the place I work in, in my title....I currently have a position in the AQ Q&A section

brianspenceni -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 17:50:22)

Congratulations, Baron. Well deserves! So tell me:
Thanks heaps :)
Who invited/informed you of the good news (becoming an AK)?
Iemaster Yeti invited me on IRC
Do you intend to use your new powers for good or evil?
Good, of course :P
Will becoming an AK affect your role in Glacius and your activity in general?
It shouldn't affect my activity (all of the GHC have been asking me this :P)
Will you smite me if I'm impertinent?!
It all depends on what you did
Are you currently surrounded by a mad-maxesque red dust storm?
I was two days ago & there is a chance another one could come :S
Nerfkitten or Nerfbat?
Nerfitten, always!
What's your favourite thing - ever?
Playing piano

And goodbye and good luck.
See you around!

ZanpakuTτ -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 18:45:47)

Congradulations, ArchMagus Baron!
Thanks & congratulations on your helpful! title (may be a little late but still...congratulations!)
What's your favorite AQ Weapon?
Currently my favourite weapon is Sila's staff (because it can regenerate mp & boosts spells)
Nice Avatar; did you make it yourself?
Thanks, I found it on a website...oh & your avvy is nice as well
Blue or Black?
Sayonara; see you on the Forums!
See you around!

Ebil Twilly -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 19:26:02)

Oh noes! It's the Baron...
Oh noes...an Ebil Twilly!
Pie or cake or they're all lies?
They are all lies!
What is 2^pi - 4?
Umm...*grabs out calculator* 4.824977827076287623856429604208, hey I thought Kaelin was the number cruncher!
I don't know either...
Now you do :P
Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, Ebil twig, or Ebil Twilly?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, or Violet?
Green, it is my most favourite colour in the world!
Thanks heaps :)

P.S. I brought you pie and cake and kookee!
Yay! *noms*

Raven Mac Drake -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 19:31:22)

I just noticed this: gratz Baron ;)
Thans Raven :)
I don't have questions, dropped by just to gratz you xD
I'll see you around in Paxia...bye!

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 19:48:10)

I'm 99% certain that we haven't been formally introduced. But I've seen you around and I believe you deserve the AKship. Congratulations!
I'm 99% sure we haven't formally introduced as well...Hi, my name is Baron *shakes shadowyams hand* Thanks!
(Why 99%? Just in case. [;)])
Not everything is perfect D:
Anyways, I don't have many ?s. I was just browsing the forums when I saw this.
Tht's alright
How long have you held that Helpful title before you became an AK?
I have had the title for...*looks in inbox* 33 days
Do you play any AE games other than AQ?
I play a bit of AQW but not much
That's it.
Okie dokie
Congrats once again, and have fun as an AK. [:D]
Thanks once again & I will :)

raff -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 19:49:03)



*Takes the food out of raff's hands & happily noms on it* D:

Naysh -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 20:10:47)

Hello Archmagus Baron.
Hello Naysh
I doubt you know me, and I don't really know you, but hi anyway.
I know you a tiny bit
I've seen you helping people in the AQ Help and Support Forum for a while, and in my opinion you really deserve this Archknight..ship-thing.
Anyway, questions:
What is the meaning of life?
I don't know
Which side is the dark side of a chocolate cake?
The right side I think
Does the dark side really have cookies?
How do you like your cell?
It is cold
Are pie circular, or square?
Anyway, have fun as an AK, and have a good day. Bye.
Thanks, bye

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 21:45:21)

Hies Baron!
Hey Ilmaster!
See what did there? :P
What happened? D:
WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS
colors? :o
Well, it means that I don't have to use the tags, so I'm pretty happy that you took some work out of editing your post :P
"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru?
It is half true, you do throw yourself, but instead of throwing yourself to the ground & missing you actually throw yourself to the sky
Wy is me askng quezions?
Because it is my MtAK :o
Say what?
Why didn't you use this as your edit color? :P
Because you need a noticeable edit colour & I like green
Her ice yore cakey! *Hands the "bloody" baron a cake* Cookie if you get the reference :P
Can I have a cookie anyways? :P
KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?
I thought it was free...
Isn't this latedog's color?
TLH said it was fine
Thats all for now. See you later.
See ya

somethinscary -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 22:02:01)

What do forumites, like me, do that annoys you most?
I don't get very annoyed, but if somebody breaks a rule I may get a tiny bit annoyed
Favorite famous "Baron"? (And no made up ones like the Bloody Baron) ;)
I don't know anybody called Baron, I only know my dog, Baron :P
The Beatles or Elvis?
The Beatles
Football or Futbol?
Magic or Bird?
hmm... anywho congrats you deserve it.

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 22:15:58)

Well hello there Archmagus Baron
Hello there Tokijin
Congratulations on your AK status!
Onwards to the questions..
Kamehameha or Rasen-Shuriken?
I don't know either of them :P
Super Saiyan or 4 Tails?
Super Saiyan
So, your the 10th 12th 15 new Ak this month!? Ho do you feel?[:D]
I feel very excited & happy :)
Well these are all the questions I have for now
Okay, bye!
Bye! Happy Aking

vegeta ssj2 -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 22:21:56)

What is your favourite aq spell?
Mayhem Burst
Do you know me?
Yes, I have answered a few of your questions :)
Are you a DraognBall Z fan?
Not really

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/24/2009 23:54:28)

Hey Archmagus Baron!
Hey kittycat!
How's AQ?
It's great :D
You were supposed to be bloody!
No I wasn't :(
If a + b = c, then d + e = ?
Do you love eating cherry pie?
I've never actually had it :P
What is your epic weapon?
Um, currently Winged Lightning Streak

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 0:33:26)

Congratulations Baron!
Thanks Valane!
I recall when I first met you. You needed assistance with figuring out how to create a spell. *sob* *sob* They grow up so fast.
Lol, I remember you helping me with that suggestion :P Thanks again
Good luck! They will loosen the chains only if your on good behavior! Just kidding! Sorry to get you excited.
Oh, you really had me excited then, the chains have already given me bruises :P
See ya!
See ya around!

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 1:16:29)

Haider oh & thanks for preparing colour tags for me :)
Congrats and welcome to the Madhouse!! :D
So...how's them shackles?
They have caused bruises
Favorite way to travel?
Aeroplane...I've only been on there twice, it made me feel free when I looked outside the window (especially when I was in clouds & there was a thunderstorm to the right of us...I love thunderstorms! :P)
Do you like sushi?
I don't really like any types of fish/seafood & the thought of having raw fish kinda puts me off
Fried Strawberries or Blenderized Shrimp? :o!
I'd choose fried strawberries over blenderized shrimp anyday (since I don't like any type of fish/seafood)
What did you think when you got the PM from Yeti about you being a AK?
I was so happy...actually I wondered whether it was a dream or I was fully awake (p.s. He asked me on IRC)
'Tis all! Good luck! Well deserved!! :)
Thanks :)

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 1:16:46)

Hey Archmagus Baron!
Hey Sleddy
I see you have been doing good things and answering lotsa questions.
How does it feel to be an archknight?
It feels great & exciting
How's the cell? Too cold?
The cell, it is cold & wet, but not too cold, I think I'm getting used to being in the cell now
That's all for now, and congratz! :D
See ya & thanks :)

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 5:42:37)

Archmagus Barononononon!

How do your shackels fit you?
They have been causing bruises, but other than that they are fine :)
What colour are they?
They are green right now

Congratulations on being an AK! You earned it man ;)
Thanks :)
Yes... I do like smileys
I noticed
See ya around!

X. Celestin -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 7:05:41)

Hi, congrats, you deserve it :)
Hi & thanks :)
I've completed my 2nd CS 1.6 Zombie map Yaaaay. Everyone likes it!
This one's for you - Mmmmmm.... cooookkkkiiieee
Thank-you...how did you know I like those kinds of cookies? - I can read you'r mind, muahahaha :)
Oh noes somebody can read my mind D:
Don't u get tired by answering thses questions?
I've seen you answering many questions, you did good.
Me like pie!!!!
Do you know me?
Yes I do, I've seen you around
Do you like Twig?
Yes, Twig is one of my favourite moglins
Congrats again. :)
Thank-you once again & bye

jolabong -> RE: =MtAK= The Glacial Mage of AQ Q&A: Archmagus Baron! (9/25/2009 7:27:01)

Hi there Bron Baron. :)
Hi there Jola! (One mistake I hope I will never do again (accidently changing my nick to Bron|AFK on IRC XD))
Congratulations. Its a long road ahead for you. o_0 :D
That's all now, won't bother you too much.
Oh, I thought you were going to ask some questions :(
Bye. *waves*
See ya on IRC!

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