RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/12/2013 22:23:19)

Dread became yours truly. Changed my username a few months ago.

Lights down! Wait, when did we even got light in the first place.

*Blames Dynami and their lighting bulbs*

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/13/2013 1:11:07)

Someone asked for a light?

Thankfully, Lucian needs no lightbulbs. We radiate our own light.

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/13/2013 2:38:25)

Too bright.. It's so bright, I can ACTUALLY see my soul.

theosenia -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/13/2013 9:30:39)


Earthy Back, you probably all forgot about me/Don't remember me but whatever! I'm baack and I missed EVERY single one of you.

We do remember you,Earthy! ( We are not all that many here anyways,so we kind of notice when somebody leaves for a while ) Welcome back! [:)]

Enjoy the game and the forums!

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (3/14/2013 6:23:00)

Thankyou and Thankyou :)

Edit: Hm.. a Lucian.. in a dark cave.. 10 bucks says Lucian planted a light-nuke to burn out our-un-entertained-I-enjoy-doing-this-souls?

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 7:40:30)

Time to renew our unofficial alliance with the Clan of Darkness.

We will be there to help defeat the Truphma.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 7:57:04)

Whoa whoa whoa, hold on Sigmund on the alliance talk.

1) we're all fighting the same foe so forming alliances with certain clans and not others right now is silly

2) ALL old alliances are null. Too many old Paxians have left for that and new blood is moving in. Alliances will need to start anew and get approval from the new guys

3) also, if you want to ally with Nocturu, Estchon will need to make friends with the necromancers

We got tons if stuff to do around here to rebuild, let's hold off talk of alliances until they actually could be user full in game please.

MP -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 11:41:12)

The only one thing we can do... Unite all clans in this war!

0Neo -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/3/2013 11:43:36)

As Ultrapowerpie said in the official thread, alliances won't serve any purpose right now. We're all against Xov here and we will all fight her as one big dysfunctional family

tommy2468 -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/5/2013 17:11:12)

I'm sure with all eight elements united as one there is no way that Xov will be able to defeat us!

And if there are no alliances, there might actually be a little fun after this war... muhahahaha!!! Just kidding! I love everyone in Paxia [:)]

0Neo -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/5/2013 17:21:29)

We will address cross-clan communications as soon as Nocturu get's back on its feet so we thank you for your patience Glacius clan

Seth Hydra -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/6/2013 7:48:53)

Hail Nocturu and its denizens. I SS of Igneus offer you my help in this war(Considering darkness is my second fav element) let the darkfire rain upon those who wish to Burn down Paxia or cast it into darkness(pun intended)


darksaber22 -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (8/6/2013 7:50:25)

@ss2195 your help is gladly accepted so lets work together and beat the trumpha :)

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (1/3/2021 19:47:00)

[:D] Where is Darkness when you need some?

It is getting a bit too shiney bright in the Lucian clan so come and say "Hi..." before we all go blind
The lucianade is as good as ever and the Lucianilla icecream is just moreish... help yourselves, it is back on the menu![:D]

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/23/2021 7:13:28)

Oh man, it's been a hot minute since I perused this forum.

(Sorry if this counts as bumping, I remember there being a strict rule against that)

I feel quite aged looking at some of my older posts, when I was much younger. [:D]

Digital X -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/23/2021 7:21:06)

Nice to see you back earth breather! Yeah my activity in the Clan section is very scarce. Hopefully that can change.

earth breather -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (6/26/2021 3:09:17)

Thanks, good to be back!

I feel like clans as a whole have kind of dropped off, but I could be totally wrong haha.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/18/2021 9:56:35)

Let us hope that there are a few Clan Members for each Clan during the forth coming Olympax event. Lucian Clan will have at least one. [;)]

Sunfyre232 -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/26/2021 3:55:53)

Oh my God I missed this. How is everyone?

And does anyone have a link to the current clan rankings?

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =Nocturu= Cross-Clan Communications (7/26/2021 4:01:53)

Yes. It's right here.


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