Break Free (Full Version)

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Omni -> Break Free (11/15/2009 14:08:17)

Break Free
Quest Location: WG Tower
Quests Given From: Temura

Dialog: Temura is the last descendant of several human families that were taken in by the Drakel over a thousand years ago, when the Drakel movend into huge domed cities, called K'elds, whielded from the attack of a world-eating creature called the Devourer. Temura's anscestors were kept hidden in the massive mansion of teh wealthiest Drakel family, the Ge'Thraks.

Knowing that she is the last human hidden in a Drakel city, she went against the Ge'Thrak family's wishes and leftthe Drakel dome, going into the outside world which no Drakel has seen for centuries, in search of other humans. The stories of the past say that the Drakel were the only true civilization, followed closely by the Elves. Humans and dwarves had barely graduated from tribal society to villages and farms, and constant gfeuds kept them from becoming greater. THe Elves did not have the technological know-how of the Drakel, and were unable to properly defend themselves from the Devourer's Network, and so they suffered nuch. While the Drakel passed centuries within the domes while the Network plundered Lore and many suffered and died. All the while, Temura's ancestors lived relatively safe lives under the protection of the Ge'Thraks. After a millenium had passed, young Temura, only 16 at the time, ventured into the outside world thinking that all she might find is a wasteland full of barbarians and monsters...

She found monsters--lots of them--but also found that Humans had become the dominant race, now living in many towns and kingdoms across the world of Lore. Shortly affter she left the K'eld, the Drakel themselves bagan to emerge. Many sought ways to increase their ability to defend against the Decourer's Network, should the Devourer com again. Many Drakel cared little about other races and used their superior technology and magiscience to take whatever they wanted in efforts to build up their military might.

Temura tried to fit into the human societies but could never quite understand many of their ways. In the K'eld, she was raised by parents who learned much from the Drakel, and their worldview was very different. When her parents died, she became the last and only human int the entire K'eld.

A wide open plain dotted with villages, or a city open to the sky-- the daily effects of the elements and constant threats from neighboring kindgdoms or monsters--all of this was alien to Temura. Also alien were the emotions that she suddenly had trouble controlling in the way the Drakel taught. You human men looked at her strangely and often tripped over their own feet. Sometimes the bravest of them would attempt to talk to her, and their boastful pride was enough to make Temura feel embarassed for them.

Naturally, she soon gravitated back to the K'elds. But wars had begun to spring up between Drakel, Human and Elf factions.

Temura found sanctuary with the caring Pra'Mithia, queen of K'eld Alorin. She knew the Ge'Thraks of K'eld Ner, where Temura grew up, and held their same philosiphy: Becoming friends with Humans, Elves, and even Orcs, Vampires and Werewolves of Lore would be the key to surviving the Devourer's return.

And return he did...first Agents of his Network,a nd then the full force of the NEtwork. Lore became engulfed in war for over a year. During all of this time whil heroic warriors, wizards, rogues, and all manner of creatures fought back, Temura grew into Queen Pra'Mithia's right-hand woman, studying the new alien technologies brought to Lore by the Network, learning better ways to fight them, and planning--planning for a way to extend the defense of Lore far beyond our world's verdant forests and azure skies...

<<TEMURA'S MEMORIES (Featuring "Break Free" by Lkeas)

<<Cutscene of Temura escaping K'eld Ner, fighting monsters, facing the dangers of Lore. Also shows wars against the Network (in AQ). In the end, she boards a ship. Long story short, cutscene of Temura's life.>>

Rewards: Break Free shop
Weapons: Osprey series
Miscs: Temura's Trust (levels 3/10/42/62)

Thanks to moneybags.

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