Zorboz's Challenge (Full Version)

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Omni -> Zorboz's Challenge (11/15/2009 14:18:26)

Zorboz's Challenge

Quest Location: Engineering Deck
Quests Given From: Zobroz


Zobroz: 0100010001101001011001010010000001001101011011110111001001110100011000010110110000100001!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • What was that?!?
    Zobroz: Oh, I am sorry. I was speaking in machine. I apologize profusely again. Meh-heh-heh... Allow me to begin once more:
    Zobroz: Cold greetings, Fleshling. I am Zobroz, Galactic Representative for the Prime Moglin Necromancer Zorbak of Lore.
  • That sounds important!
    Zobroz: It is. It is much more important than you are, Fleshling. I am much more important, and better, and virtually indestructible. I am Zobroz. Do -- you --- want -- to -- play -- a -- game?
  • Yes I do!
  • Not with YOU. You don't seem very nice...
    (Both have the same, below result)
    Zobroz: You have issued a direct challenge. I accept, Fleshling. Face my necrobotic wrath.
  • Wait-- What??
    Zobroz: Cold greetings, Rusty Sawbot. I have summoned you so that you may show this Fleshling just how obsolete all Fleshlings are.

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: So, Zobroz, it looks like I won against your rolling junkpile. Looks like your necrobots aren't as good as you thought. And we "Fleshlings" aren't as obsolete as your think, either.
    Zobroz: You win. I do not. It is good that my master Prime Moglin Necromancer Zorbak of Lore is not here. He would surely destroy me for my incompetence.
    Zobroz: Destroy me or turn me into a coffee machine. But that is worse than destruction. My first version met that fate, and radios me daily with complaints of overuse and constant runny noses.
    Zobroz: I am programmed to offer my services to anyone who wins a challenge against me.
    Zobroz: Though I warn you: Face my challenge again in a few levels and victory will be more difficult. Meh. Heh. Heh.
  • Take Zobroz with you in battle!
  • No thanks

    Zobroz Guest (Temporary)

    Note: The string of binary Zobroz speaks in at the beginning says "Die Mortal!"

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.

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