Save the Queen (Full Version)

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Omni -> Save the Queen (11/15/2009 14:28:23)


Save the Queen

Quest Location: WarpGuardian Tower
Quests Given From: Temura Ge'Thrak
Requirements: Level 5


Temura: Thank the Creator you are here! Queen Pra'Mithia was on a diplomatic mission to the world of Dorato, but her shuttle disappeared from our radar as it was passing the desolate planet Aglon-11.
Temura: Gravlax has a special TPV device -- Time Parallax Viewer -- that you need to use to find a clue as to what happened. After that, Opie-Juan Benobi, Sgt. Lucky and I will go with you to save the queen!
  • Rescue the Queen!
  • Back

    Gravlax: <<You>>! Come on in -- Captain Ge'Thrak told me you were on your way.
    <<You>>: Hello Gravlax! So you heard about the Queen?
    Gravlax: Of course I did! This is a real herbellgizz!!! Everyone on the Alteon is operating at 200% trying to track her down.
    <<You>>: Temura -- Captain Ge'Thrak -- said that you have something called a TPV I should use -- but what exactly for, I'm not quite sure.
    Gravlax: The TPV! Of course -- Why didn't I think of that?! The Time Parallax Viewer allows us to see everywhere on the ship without actually having security cameras.
    <<You>>: Wait-- so how does it work?
    Gravlax: It's quite simple, really. It constantly records the locations of all subatomic particles the ship contains. The information is stored in our Quantum Computer.
    Gravlax: We can then search the data for a specific timeframe and "render" it in 3D computer graphics and view anything, anywhere in the Alteon for that specific timeframe.
    Gravlax: It takes a lot of power, so we only use it in emergencies.
    <<You>>: Queen Pra'Mithia is mithing-- er -- missing. So I would say that this is an emergency. But she disappeared outside of the ship. So how can the TPV help us?
    Gravlax: By being applied in a NEW way! Because the TPV is recording the state of EVERY particle in the Alteon--
    Gravlax: --it is also actually recording the approximate state of any particles within a certain distance of the ship!!
    Gravlax: Why, you ask?
    <<You>>: Uh-- why?
    Gravlax: The movements of any one particle affect the movements of all those near it! So the TPV can extrapolate the data from the Alteon out into nearby space!
    Gravlax: What this means is that even though the Queen's shuttle was somewhere we couldn't SEE from the Alteon, the TPV will allow us to see what happened!
    <<You>>: So the further away from the Alteon we use the TPV to look, the less accurate what we see will be? How will that affect this?
    Gravlax: Well, ahem, at that distance I imagine instead of being able to view the Queen's shuttle in 3D we will be stuck with 2D Flash animation. But we have to take what we can get!
  • Use the TPV device to see what happened to the Queen!

    <<You>>: Amazing!! This TPV thing is just -- awesome! Oh, and it looks like the Queen's shuttle was pulled down to Aglon-11's surface by some shiny beam.
    Gravlax: Was it a TRACTOR BEAM??
    <<You>>: It didn't look like a dumptruck or backhoe beam-- so I think it MUST have been a tractor beam.
    Gravlax: You're SURE, now? It could have been a steamroller beam--
    <<You>>: No, no-- I'm sure. It was definitely a tractor beam.
    Gravlax: I was really hoping it was a steamroller beam...
    <<You>>: Why?
    Gravlax: Because only the Network has tractor beam technology... So it looks like the Network is responsible for kidnapping Queen Pra'Mithia!
    <<You>>: Then there's no time to waste! I have to get down to Aglon-11 and save the Queen!

    <<You>>: No sign of the Queen's Shuttle OR of any hostiles!
    Temura: That's why you brought HELP, remember?
    <<You>>: The tractor beam pulled the Queen's shuttle down to this exact spot -- well, within 50 meters of this spot -- but after that it seems to have just vanished!
    Sgt. Lucky: Don't panic, <<You>>-- all we have to do is split up and do a complete search of the area!
    <<You>>: Panic? Who's panicking? I'm not panicking!! We have to find the Queen!!! I'm just ready to find her, now! We need to FIND HER NOW!!!!
    Opie-Juan: Calm down, friend, before I use the Uniforce on you.
  • Search with Temura!
  • Search with Opie-Juan!
  • Search with Lucky!
  • Search by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    Full Heal after the second and third battles. See below for the monster list.

    <<You>>: Right back where we started, and still no clue as to where they took the Queen!
    Temura: considering Aglon-11 is completely devoid of anything artificially-made on its surface, I think the next logical place to look would be-
    <<You>>: --UNDER the surface! Of course!
    Temura: <<You>>, stay here with Opie-Juan while Sgt. Lucky and I return to the Alteon and bering back a Laser Drill!
    K1773R: You will never get your precious Queen back before we extract every bit of information we can from her pitiful living brain!!!
    <<You>>: I don't think so, Light-Bright McMetalHead!!
    Opie-Juan: Uhh-- this is a Defiler. A machine built for nothing but logic and destruction. Making fun of him won't affect him psychologically...
    <<You>>: Well, then I don't suppose he doesn't mind me asking him to make me a cup of coffee? How about it, tin can? I like mine extra-strong...

    K1773R shoots Temura and Opie-Juan away and slams Lucky into the ground.

    <<You>>: Sergeant Lucky!!!!
    Sgt. Lucky: <<You>>... I'll -- hold him off -- while you find -- the Queen!!!
    <<You>>: Are you sure?? It looks like you may be in over your head!!
    Sgt. Lucky: don't worry about me-- Now go!!!!

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: That was a Gathoran!! But why would one of them be here??
    <<You>>: Uh oh -- That felt like I stepped on something!!
    <<You>>: YES!!! A secret hatch!!!
  • Descend into the secret hatch and rescue the Queen!

    2 BATTLES: Gathoran (as above)
    Full Heal after ever battle

    <<You>>: Are you okay, Queen Pra'Mithia? I hope they didn't hurt you!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Thank you so much for coming to get me, <<You>>. Luckily the robots had not begun to do whatever it is they had planned yet...
    <<You>>: What happened to the shuttle and itscrew?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: They-- they are all gone. The crew died trying to keep the robots from me. It-- was horrible.
    <<You>>: I'm sorry to hear that, Queen, they are heroes, and performed their duty to the end. Follow me-- We will get you off of this dirtball!
    Temura: <<You>>! You saved the Queen -- Nice job!
    <<You>>: Where's Sergeant Lucky?
    Opie-Juan: We found him up to his neck in trouble! He was hurt badly but we got him back to the ship. K1773R the Defiler got away, though!
    Pra'Mithia: So these robots... are Defilers?
    <<You>>: I don't understand... I thought Gathorans were on OUR side. But here they are, working with the Network??
    Opie-Juan: Our Gathoran friend Screwloose is one of the many of his kind who fight against the Network--
    Opie-Juan: -- But the Network is so powerful that we Star Knights came to believe that not a single world in the galaxy has gone untouched by them!
    Pra'Mithia: Yes, Opie-Juan... I was holding out hope that wasn't the case. It is quite a sobering thought.
    Temura: This is neither a victory nor a defeat for us. At least we can make sure this base is of no more use to the Network...
    Temura: <<You>>, how would you like to be the one to NUKE THIS PLACE FROM ORBIT?!?

    Save the Queen

  • Laser Chucks
  • Powered Laser Chucks
  • Charged Laser Chucks
  • Sparking Laser Chucks
  • Energetic Laser Chucks

    Mission Debriefing

    It appears that the Network knows much more about the WarpForce than we thought. They seem to have knowledge of not only some of our weaknesses, but also details like flight paths! that is the only way they could have known where Queen Pra'Mithia was going to be at just the right time to use that tractor beam to capture her!

    It also appears as though nearly every civilization and race has been infiltrated by the Network. I am beginning to think-- we may have a Network spy aboard the Alteon!

  • Play Again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower
  • Exit
    Random Monster List

    Level 5-12
    Virin (1)
    Virin Behemoth (2)
    Virin Spider (3)

    Level 13-25
    Virin (11)
    Virin Behemoth (12)
    Virin Spider (13)

    Level 26-45
    Virin (24)
    Virin Behemoth (25)
    Virin Spider (26)

    Level 46-65
    Virin (43)
    Virin Behemoth (44)
    Virin Spider (46)

    Level 66-85
    Virin (63)
    Virin Behemoth (64)
    Virin Spider (66)

    Level 86+
    Virin (83)
    Virin Behemoth (84)
    Virin Spider (86)

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.

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