Circe -> Reaper's Baleful Gunblade (11/15/2009 14:30:04)
Reaper's Baleful Gunblade Location: You have to die!(...die in battle) -> Galaxythe! -> WF Death Level: 50 Price: 672 Gold Sellback: 336 Gold PLvl: 50 Damage: 8-26 Element: Darkness Type: Ranged BtH: +6% SPECIAL Rate: 20% SPECIAL 1 When a Special occurs, this special happens 90% of the time (18% of all attacks) Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 360% Base and Random plus 320% LS BtH: +21% each Stats: No SPECIAL 2 When a Special occurs, this special happens 10% of the time (2% of all attacks) Calls Death 2.0 Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: Darkness Damage: 1796,6315...% Base and 533,2631...% Random plus 320% LS BtH: +31% each Stats: No DESCRIPTION The weapon of Death 2.0 himself! [image][/image] Thanks to AVA. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.