Warp Crystals! (Full Version)

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Omni -> Warp Crystals! (11/15/2009 14:40:33)

Warp Crystals!
Prerequisite: Character Level 5
Quest Location: Engineering Deck
Quests Given From: Gravlax

Gravlax: «You», jenaab to you! Here on Engineering Deck, we rely on Warp Crystals to power the Alteon and all of the Fleet's warp-capable ships.
Gravlax: Sometimes warp crystals fail due to microscopic structural defects. We always keep a reliable supply of the largest crystals for the Alteon, but we need some right now to replace some faulty crystals in scoutships.
Gravlax: I need you to go to the Shattered Realms and search the ruins for warp crystal fragments that are large enough to power a scoutship. Glabbus jibbly!
  • Warp Crystals! - Continue with the dialogue
  • Back
    THE SHATTERED WORLDS... A distinct area between galaxies, this is a place consisting solely of the ruins of planets that have been totally destroyed by the Devourer. The creatures who once populated these worlds have either perished with them or spread throughout the universe, including the intelligent races of Dicero and Cor-Demiaz.

    One of the many side-effects of this total destruction was the creation of valuable warp crystal...

    «A short cutscene is played, showing LSS Alteon launching a shuttle. The scoutship flies at high speed towards the Shattered Realm.»

    «Scene: The Shattered Realm»

    «You»: Gravlax, this is «You». I've reached the Shattered Worlds. This place is amazing. It seems to defy the laws of physics!
    Gravlax (on radio): That's because it DOES defy the laws of physics!

    «The scene zooms in to the radio you are using to communicate with Gravlax.»

    Gravlax: The Principle of Mass-Energy Equivalence? E=MC squared? Doesn't apply here.
    Gravlax: Does matter exist here as both waves AND particles? Nope. The Law of Universal Gravitation? The 3 Laws of Motion? Negative.
    Gravlax: Electromagnetic induction? Are you kidding? Try putting a conductor through a changing magnetic field in the Shattered Worlds and just see what happens -- zilch!
    Gravlax: The truly amazing thing about this place is that while those laws don't apply HERE -- if you come from outside of the Shattered Worlds those laws actually come WITH you!

    «The scene zooms back out»

    «You»: So the laws of physics I am used to work for me and everything I brought with me? ... I guess that explains how I'm still alive and can still communicate with you.
    Gravlax (on radio): Exactly! Quite convenient, actually. Now, do you know what you are looking for?
    «You»: Yes-- a particular configuration of rock strata will indicate the location of warp crystal.
    Gravlax (on radio): Glabbus jibbly on your search, friend!!
    «You»: I'll need some jibbly-- that's for sure.
    Gravlax (on radio): We haven't been on the Shattered Worlds for a while, so watch out for possible Network infestation. Keep searching until you get 3 warp crystals. Gravlax out!
    «You»: Okay, time to search these rocks for some warp crystal! Where to start...?
  • Search this Shattered World
      1 BATTLE
      See below for encounter list. Full Heal afterwards.

      You look over this area as closely as you can for any sign of warp crystals...
      Difficulty: 25
      Stat Used: Intelligence

      If you were successful in your stat roll, the scene changes to a warp crystal lying on the floor and a message 'You have found a warp crystal!' appears.

      Failing the stat roll leads you back to your choices of which shattered world to search in.

      If you have previously found a warp crystal in a certain area, searching the area once again after a successful roll yields a message 'This area no longer holds any warp crystals.'
  • Search Shattered World 2
      1 BATTLE
      See below for encounter list. Full Heal afterwards.

      You look over this area as closely as you can for any sign of warp crystals...
      Difficulty: 40
      Stat Used: Intelligence

      If you were successful in your stat roll, the scene changes to a warp crystal lying on the floor and a message 'You have found a warp crystal!' appears.

      Failing the stat roll leads you back to your choices of which shattered world to search in.

      If you have previously found a warp crystal in a certain area, searching the area once again after a successful roll yields a message 'This area no longer holds any warp crystals.'
  • Search Shattered World 3
      1 BATTLE
      See below for encounter list. Full Heal afterwards.

      You look over this area as closely as you can for any sign of warp crystals...
      Difficulty: 50
      Stat Used: Intelligence

      If you were successful in your stat roll, the scene changes to a warp crystal lying on the floor and a message 'You have found a warp crystal!' appears.

      Failing the stat roll leads you back to your choices of which shattered world to search in.

      If you have previously found a warp crystal in a certain area, searching the area once again after a successful roll yields a message 'This area no longer holds any warp crystals.'
    Once all 3 warp crystals are found, you proceed on with the dialogue.

    «You»: «You» reporting in. I have acquired 3 warp crystals and am heading back to the Alteon now!
    Gravlax (on radio): Jenaab again! That sounds great! Run into any trouble?
    «You»: Yes, yes I did. Nechrons... They were quite hedious.
    Gravlax (on radio): That makes sense -- Nechrons, being undead and all, are able to live... er. UN-live.... anywhere. But Nechrons are part of the Network, so they know you're there.
    Gravlax (on radio): You should hurry and get back to the Alteon before--

    «A laser beam strikes the shuttle you used for traveling to the Shattered Realm, blasting it into pieces.»

    «You»: ........ before a huge laser beam 'splodes my shuttle?
    Gravlax (on radio): Wow, that was loud!! These communicators have excellent digital sound -- It was like I was right there!
    Gravlax (on radio): Can you make a positive ID of your attacker??

    «The scene shifts upwards to show a Nechron scoutship hovering above before shifting back down.»

    «You»: I can positively say that it is a Nechron fighter craft. And that there is nowhere for me to run or hide. Any suggestions?
    Gravlax (on radio): I just launched a warpspeed cruise missile. It should be there in-- well, NOW.

    «A short cutscene shows the LSS Alteon firing a cruise missile, which travels towards the Shattered Realm and strikes the Nechron fighter craft which bursts in flames and disintegrates.»

    «You»: Nice shot, Gravlax! Ummm......... Do you think you could send me a scoutship to come pick me up before I run out of energy bars?

    Rewards: Warp Crystal

  • Lithium Warp Crystal
  • Sodium Warp Crystal
  • Potassium Warp Crystal Z
  • Potassium WarpGuardian Crystal
  • Cesium Warp Crystal
  • Dilithium WarpGuardian Crystal

    Thank you for your determination, courage and ploxy in the face of danger on your search for my precious warp crystals! Your discovery that the Shattered Worlds are just CRAWLING with Nechrons is both interesting and gortinipish. We always thought the Network would be out looking for all the warp crystals they could find, and now we know. In a way, it's a good thing-- it means they rely on the same kinds of power we do. And, well, if that's a weakness, then at least the Network has the SAME weakness!

    Prrrreeecioussss crystals.....
  • Play again!
  • Warp Guardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Thanks to whackybeanz.
    Random Encounter List

    Level 5-9
    Nechron Dicero (3)
    Nechron Exo (6)
    Nechron Protean (4)
    Nechron Scoutship (1)

    Level 10-29
    Nechron Dicero (17)
    Nechron Exo (21)
    Nechron Protean (19)
    Nechron Scoutship (11)

    Level 30-49
    Nechron Dicero (37)
    Nechron Exo (43)
    Nechron Protean (41)
    Nechron Scoutship (29)

    Level 50-74
    Nechron Dicero (57)
    Nechron Exo (63)
    Nechron Protean (61)
    Nechron Scoutship (49)

    Level 75-99
    Nechron Dicero (77)
    Nechron Exo (83)
    Nechron Protean (81)
    Nechron Scoutship (69)

    Level 100+
    Nechron Dicero (97)
    Nechron Exo (103)
    Nechron Protean (101)
    Nechron Scoutship (89)

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