moneybags -> Cloke (11/15/2009 15:18:09)
Cloke Level: 10 XP: 21 29 58 Gold: 13 26 Element: Energy COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 20 Ranged: 20 Magic: 20 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 15 Dexterity: 15 Intellect: 15 Endurance:5 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 80% Water: 120% Wind: 100% Ice: 130% Earth: 100% Energy: 60% Light: 100% Darkness: 100% DESCRIPTION From a distance, a Cloke looks human... but when you are close enough you can see this alien's eyes extending on stalks. The Cloke are fighting on the side of the Devourer, but most of them do not want to. [image][/image] Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Correction thanks to DragonYugi and ArchMagus Orodalf. Reformated thanks to AVA.