moneybags -> Gnil (11/15/2009 15:49:46)
Gnil Level: 5 XP: 20 40 Gold: 14 28 Element: Light Combat Defence Melee: 27 Ranged: 27 Magic: 27 Attributes: Strength: 10 Dexterity: 15 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 Elemental Modifier Fire: 100% Water: 100% Wind: 25% Ice: 100% Earth: 150% Energy: 100% Light: 25% Darkness: 150% Description: This Gnil is one of the few free Gnil on Kairula... and she thinks you are an enemy. [image][/image] Thanks to Emperial_Xth.