Circe -> Shearhide (11/15/2009 15:54:55)
Shearhide Level: 15 XP: 78 156 Gold: 26 52 Element: Darkness COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 31 Ranged: 31 Magic: 8 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 45 Dexterity: 30 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 0 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 100% Water: 80% Wind: 120% Ice: 100% Earth: 80% Energy: 120% Light: 150% Darkness: 50% DESCRIPTION One of the new, more intelligent dragons who followed Draschemus, Shearhide gave up his magical abilities in exchange for massive physical power that would allow him to exist in outer space! EFFECT He gains 13 SP per turn. If he has at least 57 SP, he will spend that amount to use his "Energy Release" skill (3-hit Energy Ranged). [image][/image] Thanks to Mysterious Strangeface. Effect from ArchMagus Orodalf