moneybags -> Nechron Dicero (11/15/2009 15:56:07)
Nechron Dicero Level: 3 XP: 25 50 Gold: 5 10 Element: Darkness Combat Defence Melee: 15 Ranged: 15 Magic: 10 Attributes: Strength: 5 Dexterity: 5 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 Elemental Modifier Fire: 110% Water: 90% Wind: 110% Ice: 60% Earth: 90% Energy: 90% Light: 130% Darkness: 50% Description: The Dicero race is nearly extinct--but many of those who were wiped out by the Network have been brought into the ranks of the Nechrons by Dark Madder's necromancy! [image][/image] Thanks to Chaos Slayer and TreadLight.