moneybags -> Nechron Protean (11/15/2009 16:05:49)
Nechron Protean Level: 4 XP: 32 64 Gold: 7 14 Element: Darkness COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 20 Ranged: 10 Magic: 10 ATTRIBUTES Strength: 5 Dexterity: 5 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 0 Luck: 0 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 90% Water: 110% Wind: 110% Ice: 110% Earth: 90% Energy: 60% Light: 130% Darkness: 50% DESCRIPTION Half of the Protean race-- a species of humanoids melded with an organometallic symbiote-- was subjugated or destroyed by the Network. Some of its dead were brought back into service of the Nechrons! [image][/image] Thanks to moneybags, afsoc4life and TreadLight.