Find Ken Benobi! (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Find Ken Benobi! (11/20/2009 0:02:08)


Find Ken Benobi!
Quest Location: Guardian Tower
Quests Given From: Temura Ge'Thrak


Temura: Fellow Warp Guardian, the Admiral asked me to recommend someone for a mission of the highest importance, and I told him that YOU were fit for this! You must go to the tiny desert world of Hennaooine--
Temura: --and once there you must find the Last Star Knight, old Ken Benobi. He knows of a power that can help in our battle against the network. Go now!!

  • Find Ken Benobi!
  • Back

    Your space shuttle travels to Hennaooine.

    <<You>>: So this is Hennaooine.... Dry as a bone!
    <<You>>: According to Temura, the Last Star Knight, Ken Benobi, was last seen in this general area. But everything looks like, well, everything else!
    <<You>>: And the most recent maps are from 10 years ago-- but they're useless now! The wind here has moved all of the dunes and eroded the mountains so much that nothing is recognizable.
    <<You>>: I'm going to have to do this the old-fashioned way!

                |   |
                | 10|
     ___ ___ ___|___|___
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    | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 | 8 |
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    | S | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 |


  • North (to screen 1)
  • East (to screen 2)

    Screen 1:

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: That was one of the Tytoa-- a Network species! So the Network is here already. Hopefully they aren't looking for Ken, too!

  • East (to 3)
  • South (to Start)

    Screen 2:

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: Footprints!! Weird footprints, but footprints either way... I haven't seen anything walking on this hot sand except myself. Whatever it is looks about my size...

  • West (to Start)
  • North (to 3)
  • East (to 4)

    Screen 3:

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: That was a Fusian, one of the Network species. If the Network is here on Hennaooine, then Ken may be in danger!

  • West (to 1)
  • South (to 2)
  • East (to 5)

    Screen 4:

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: The footprints just go on and on... And they don't appear to be shoeprints, either. Who or whatever is walking out here must not be bothered by the sand here-- which is hot enough to cook on!

  • West (to 2)
  • North (to 5)
  • East (to 6)

    Screen 5:

    5 hooded figures are walking on the sand.

    <<You>>: There are the footprint culprits! They might be natives of this planet.
    <<You>>: Hello there!!!
    <<You>>: I am Xiryn for the Lore Space Ship, Alteon! I am here on a peaceful mission to find a man named Ken Benobi.
    <<You>>: Is there any way you can help me?
    ???: Welcome to Hennaooine, visitor. I am sorry, but this Ken Benobi you speak of is a stranger to us. Good luck on the rest of your search!
    <<You>>: Thank you, anyway. I was attacked by some members of the Network out here, be careful on your walk!
    ???: We are aware of the threat. Thank you, also.

  • West (to 3)
  • South (to 4)

    Screen 6:

    <<You>>: The prints go up into those hills for now. It looks almost impossible to climb! The only way to get there for me is to backtrack. Or I can keep going-- I still need to find Ken Benobi!

  • West (to 4)
  • East (to 7)

    Screen 7:

    <<You>>: Wow! It looks like a small village of mud huts. If Ken is anywhere, he's probably there!

  • West (to 6)
  • North (to 8)

    Screen 8:

    <<You>>: Hello!! Is anyone here?!?
    <<You>>: .....................
    <<You>>: This place is totally DESERTED...
    <<You>>: AAAAAAHHHH!!!
    <<You>>: Wait-- who's that!?!!

    Man walks into frame.

    <<You>>: Hello! Why did you just yell like that??
    ???: Your pun... was just that painful.
    <<You>>: Oh, sorry... I didn't think anyone was around to hear it.
    ???: A wise person once said: If a bad pun happens in an empty wasteland, the empty wasteland is the victim.
    <<You>>: Is that like the "If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound" question?
    ???: No, but that is a good one...
    <<You>>: So, uh, I am <<player name>> from the Lore Space Ship, Alteon and I'm looking for a Ken Benobi.
    ???: Ken Benobi? I haven't heard that name in a long, long time, in a galaxy quite nearby...
    <<You>>: Great! So you're Ken Benobi, the Last Star Knight!
    ???: Me?! Hehe... No way-- I'm Opie-Juan, third-to-last Star Knight.
    <<You>>: Hm..wait. How can you be third-to-last? That would make Ken Benobi, well, NOT the last. If there is more than one Star Knight left--
    Opie-Juan: I understand your confusion. See, everyone THOUGHT Ken was the LAST, but--
    Opie-Juan: --my roommate's cousin's SISTER and I went into hiding when the Nechrons started wiping the Star Knights out, one by one--
    <<You>>: So is there a lot of backstory to this? I'm sensing that there is...
    Opie-Juan: There is some. I'll start at the beginning-- later. Right now we have to hurry and catch up to the Gathorans before the Network does!
    <<You>>: The Ga-who's??
    Opie-Juan: These little guys in cloaks came by asking for help, and some Network goons came by and scared the whole village away!
    Opie-Juan: The Gathorans ran away with some spare parts but I didn't have time to help them!
    <<You>>: I know just who you're talking about! Come on!

  • Battle with Opie-Juan's help!
  • Battle without Opie-Juan's help!

  • West (to 9)

    Screen 9:

    <<You>>: There they are! Luckily the wind hasn't covered up the footprints yet!
    Opie-Juan: Don't look now, <<player name>>, but we have some company! Okay, never mind, you can look...

    1 BATTLE
    Tytoa (as above)
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: I have a bad feeling about this-- the Network might be closing in on the Gathorans!

  • North (to 10)

    Screen 10:

    Some strange objects lie on the ground.

    Opie-Juan: Gathorans! It's me again, Opie-Juan! I'm here with a friend who has come to help us stop the Network!
    <<You>>: What's that on the ground?
    Opie-Juan: I don't know-- it kind of looks like-- like--
    <<You>>: --like some of the spare parts you gave to the Gathorans?
    Opie-Juan: Well, no -- It looks like --

    Hooded figure comes in and throws off cloak revealing a robotic creature.

    Opie-Juan: -- parts of Gathorans!!
    Gathoran: You! You called yourself a friend, but now you hunt us just like the Network!
    <<You>>: No-- wait! We're not hurting you!
    Gathoran: We came here to find the Last Star Knight and instead we find an imposter-- and you follow us and attack! All of my fellows have been destroyed, but I will fight back!!

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    Opie-Juan: Poor little guy.
    <<You>>: I was sent here because we heard that the Last Star Knight Ken Benobi had some kind of power we could use against the Network... Is that why the Gathorans visited you, too?
    Opie-Juan: Yes, they came here for the same reason, <<player name>>.
    <<You>>: So what is it, Opie-Juan? What is this mythic power that every race in the universe is after, that only Star Knights seem to have?
    Opie-Juan: Mythic power? Well I had no idea it had become MYTHIC! That's pretty amazing. Well, to answer your question--
    Opie-Juan: --that special power isn't something that belongs just to the Star Knights, an order of galactic defenders that stretches back to the times of the Network's origins--
    Opie-Juan: --No, it is a power that belongs in ALL of us-- in every living thing! It trickles out of us, and oozes over us... it is THE ELECTROMAGNETIC-GRAVITIONAL FORCE!
    Opie-Juan: Also known as -- the UNIFIED FORCE.
    <<You>>: Why not just shorten it and call it THE FOR--
    Opie-Juan: Don't say it!
    <<You>>: But I--
    Opie-Juan: No-- not one more word! The Intergalactic Copyright Agency will hunt us down if you so much as say what you were just about to say! Some of us DO shorten it-- to "Uniforce."
    Opie-Juan: So *ahem*, as I was about to say -- the Unified Force is all around us. But What makes us Star Knights different is our ability to control just a small fraction of some of it. Let me show you:

    Opie-Juan uses the Uniforce to fix the Gathoran.

    Opie-Juan: And THAT'S how we do it on Hennaooine!
    <<You>>: You-- you brought the Gathoran back to life!
    Gathoran: Not in the sense you are referring to. We Gathorans are not life in the traditional sense. We are mechanical beings.
    Opie-Juan: We practicioners of the Unified Force found each other and formed the Star Knights. Most of us were able to work wonders with mechanical and electrical things...
    Opie-Juan: --but there was another side -- a SHADOWSIDE -- to the Uniforce.
    Gathoran: We do not have time to continue communicating -- Now that I know what the Uniforce is, I must request immediate evacuation from this world. The Network will stop at nothing to--

    Gathoran is knocked aside by a giant robot bursting out of the sand.

    Opie-Juan: How about it, <<player name>>? Time for some robo-kabobs?

  • Battle with Opie-Juan's help!
  • Battle without Opie-Juan's help!

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: The Network is going to be all over us any second now!
    Opie-Juan: Do you have a ship??
    Gathoran: Take me, too!
    <<You>>: Okay, let's move! It looks like they're sending a whole fleet of Fusians after us!!

    Shoot Fusians while escaping the planet!

    Rewards: Benobi Shop

  • Star Knight Apprentice
  • Star Knight Journeyman
  • Star Knight Z
  • Star Knight
  • Advanced Star Knight
  • Star Knight Master

  • Star Knight Hood

    You have done well, Warp Guardian! You managed to rescue both Star Knight Opie-Juan and a renegade Gathoran robot from the clutches of the Network, and at the same time discovered what the mythical power of the Star Knights is: The ability to physically control the Unified Force of nature, the Uniforce!

    Opie-Juan has volunteered to stay here on the Warp Guardian Tower and help us learn the ways of the Uniforce, and our new Gathoran friend, named Screwloose, will teach us about robotic Network forms.

  • Play again!
  • Warp Guardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Thanks to Lkeas.

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