WarpGuardian Blade (Full Version)

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Omni -> WarpGuardian Blade (12/12/2009 18:12:43)


WarpGuardian Blade

10% Special Rate

When you equip it, it re-calculates its damage and stats, based on WLvl which is [YourLevel-5], minimum 0.
# Base: (2 + 0.25*WLvl + 0.0025*WLvl^2) / (1 + 0.03*WLvl) , rounded normally
# Rand: (6.5 + 0.625*WLvl + 0.0025*WLvl^2) / (1 + 0.03*WLvl) , rounded normally
# BTH: WLvl / 8 , rounded normally.

# 1% Chance - Powerword Die

If the monster can reflect PowerWord Die, then you die. Death: Oops...

If the monster is immune to PowerWord Die, Death: That one is beyond even my power... but I will do what I can.

Hits: 5
Type: Magic
Element: Void
****Base: [(33 + YourLevel - MonsterLevel) of the monster's current HP, minimum 1%, maximum 100%]*0.2 damage or YourLevel*0.4 damage, whichever is greater
****Random: 0 damage
BTH: +300
Note: This is not treated as a weapon Special. It is treated as an "other".

Hits: 5
Type: Magic
Element: Death
****Base: [monster's current HP] damage
****Random: 0 damage
BTH: +300
Effect: If the monster is a pack that gets reinforcements (like Night of 100 Ninjas), then the number of reinforcements is set to 0. (Basically, it kills all 100 ninjas.)
Note: This is not treated as a weapon Special. It is treated as an "other".

# 49% Chance: WarpGuardian Dragon

10% chance of summoning Junior instead.
Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: «the monster's Base Element»
****Base: [(33 + YourLevel - MonsterLevel) of the monster's base HP, minimum 1%, maximum 100%]*0.67 damage or YourLevel*2*0.67 damage, whichever is greater
****Random: 0 damage
BTH: +300
Note: This is not treated as a weapon Special. It is treated as an "other".

If the monster's Element Modifier to the attack is 75% or greater, then you summon the WarpGuardian Dragon Senior.
90% chance: WarpGuardian Dragon
Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Void
****Base: [(33 + YourLevel - MonsterLevel) of the monster's base HP, minimum 1%, maximum 100%] damage or YourLevel*2 damage, whichever is greater
****Random: 0 damage
BTH: +300
Note: This is not treated as a weapon Special. It is treated as an "other".

Mana Vampire - one hit Magic Harm damage, which damages your opponent's MP. It deals BR/2 Base and Random damage (and SLS/2 Lucky Strike Damage, if it is ever enabled), at +SBTH. Afterwards, you heal MP equal to the damage dealt.

Health Vampire - one hit Magic Harm damage. It deals BR/2 Base and Random damage (and SLS/2 Lucky Strike Damage, if it is ever enabled), at +SBTH. Afterwards, you heal HP equal to the damage dealt.

Light Blast - three hits Magic Earth damage. Each hit deals BR*0.[17/57] Base and Random damge (and SLS*[17/57]*[1 + 0.044*WLvl] Lucky Strike damage, if it is ever enabled) at +SBTH +10 BTH.

Spiral Carve - three hits Ranged Earth damage. Each hit deals BR*3.4/9 Base and Random damage (and SLS*[3.4/9]*[1 + 0.044*WLvl] Lucky Strike damage, if it is ever enabled) at +SBTH -10 BTH.

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