Issue 49 - Mage, Fighter, Thief Part VII (Eldron) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 49 - Mage, Fighter, Thief Part VII (Eldron) (12/18/2009 14:32:12)

Mage, Fighter, Thief Part VII
by Eldron

12 A New Friend

After Ramalad returned, we packed up our things and headed out. He seamed distant and it was most un-nerving. At times I would catch him staring at me as a wolf would a stray chicken. We walked several days and turned north.

"Master," I questioned, "do we not return home?"

"No," said Ramalad. "We head north to Dragon's Blood."

"Another conflict?" I asked, not ready for another.

"No, there is someone there I want you to meet," said Ramalad.

"And who is that?" I asked curiously.

"An old friend," replied Ramalad. "He runs a magic school there."

"A magic school!" I exclaimed. "Are you passing me off then?"

"Don't worry," said Ramalad. "I'm afraid we will be together a long time. Melcor is a great mage. It is often good for a young mage to experience different perspectives and talents."

Several days latter we arrived in Dragon's Blood. We went straight to the school, which was a strange, crescent-shaped building. Upon entering it, I found more than its shape strange. The inside of the building appeared to be far too large for its outside. We were greeted by an old man behind a counter which served as a magic shop.

"Good day gents," said the man. "What can I do for you today?"

"I am looking for your master," replied Ramalad.

"Are you?" asked the man pompously. "And WHOM shall I say is calling?"

"Ramalad!" exclaimed Ramalad.

"Indeed..." said the man paling visibly. "Forgive me, I did not recognize you, sir. I will inform my master of your presence."

The old man left. A short time later an elderly gent, dressed in a strange outfit of trousers and an odd cloak of some kind, appeared.

"Ramalad!" said Melcor with a wide smile. "How are you my friend?"

"I am well," replied Ramalad. "I see you are off to the twentieth century, or do you return?"

"I am off," answered Melcor. "But, I always have time for my friends. What brings you to my modest school?"

"There are many ways to describe your doings," laughed Ramalad, "modest, however, is not one!" The two laughed. I was beginning to feel like an odd copper amongst a sack of gold pieces.

"And who is this?" asked Melcor, seeing me for the first time.

"This," answered Ramalad, "is Eldron."

"Ah," said Melcor, "the chosen one. He is all the talk at the menagerie."

Ramalad gave Melcor a look, which he apparently understood, for he nodded. "What can I do for you then?" asked Melcor.

"Would you be willing to take on my young apprentice for a spell?" asked Ramalad. "I believe the change of perspective will do him well."

"Why of course," answered Melcor. "I shall be gone for a few days, but he is welcome to make himself at home. Those who are here will make him comfortable and show him around. He may partake in the lessons as he sees fit."

"Thank you, old friend," said Ramalad. "I shall be back after a time to collect him."

"No rush", assured Melcor. "Take your time, this should be very interesting."

After Ramalad, left Melcor introduced me to a young, human student. "David", said Melcor, "I have a roommate for you. This is Eldron, he will be visiting for a few weeks. Please make him comfortable and see that he fits into the routines."

"I will do my best master," said David.

"Good then," said Melcor. "I am off to the twentieth century. I shall be back on Friday."

With that he left. David showed me to the room we were to share and took me on a guided tour of the school. "Have you been studying here long?" I asked.

"About ten years," replied David, "since I was eight."

I stopped and starred at him.

"Is there something wrong?" asked David.

"No, of course not," I replied. "Forgive me, I have not had that much human contact. I was just struck by the differences in our life cycles. At eighteen, we are mere babes."

"I understand," said David. "I have not had much elven contact, either."

We spent the remainder of the afternoon comparing our experiences and teachers. I could see we would become fast friends. Perhaps Ramalad was right, a new perspective quite often gives one some fresh strengths to draw on.

13 Idle Hands

The next few days were very interesting. David and I were fast becoming good friends. He displayed a remarkable understanding and appreciation of life for a human. He at times remarked that I myself seemed almost human at times, I think that was meant as a compliment.

The first day we spent poking around the school and town. David introduced me to his fellow students. They were a mixed bunch - a handful of humans and a couple of elves. Everyone was, for the most part, helpful and friendly except a certain High Elf who had forgotten his station. He displayed a certain air of superiority to all his fellow students.

It occurred to me that he needed to be taken down a peg or two, and I was just the elf to do it. When I suggested it to David, his face lit up with the most evil grin that frightened even me. Since we had a few days until Melcor returned, we decided to use the available time to accomplish our task. We spent the next day and a half scanning the tomes in the various libraries at the school.

Our plan was most diabolical. We arranged for a message from a certain female, whom our victim was sweet on, to be delivered to him. The message requested a late night meeting. We also arranged for him to "find out" that we arranged the first message. The bait was set.

We were at the meeting place an hour early and selected a secluded spot in the back gardens. These particular gardens were surrounded by a stone wall with a fountain and a bench at the center. Upon the entry arch we had cast Leomund's Trap. This essentially would serve to verify for our victim that a trap was indeed set. In actuality, it was only the indication of a trap and not the real trap.

In one of the labs we found an enchanted mirror. Supposedly, it turns a spell back on the caster. This, we placed near the fountain,and cast a Magic Mouth on it. Our plan was when our victim entered the area, it would begin to whisper as if we were hidden there conspiring. We needed one more element to pull this off. But, how do we get our victim to cast an appropriate spell?

David came up with the solution. We enlisted the help of a young freshman who had taken to following David around in awe. At the appointed time, our high friend came looking for us. What he found was our young friend pouring over a scroll.

"Have you seen David or Eldron?" asked the elf.

"I think they're in the garden," said our young friend on cue.

"Surprise, surprise," said the elf. "Time to teach the teachers a lesson."

"Look at this," said the young human, indicating the scroll.

"What is it?" asked the elf.

"Something called Irritation," said the freshman. "It causes uncontrolled itching and a rash."

"Really!" The elf smiled. "Just what I need. Can I borrow it?"

"Sure, I guess," said the young freshman.

The elf took the scroll laughing. He approached the garden and detected the "trap" as planned. After he "disabled" it, the elf entered the garden. The mirror triggered, it began to whisper.

"The last laugh is mine!" he yelled as he cast his spell.

Unfortunately, Melcor chose that particular time and place to gate his return.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Issue 49 - Mage, Fighter, Thief Part VII (Eldron) (12/20/2009 1:51:20)


It's been way too long since I got to read an Eldron Article!

I would like to wish you, and your pet owl, a very happy frostval Eldron.

Your articles are always a delight to read.

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