Eukara Vox -> Issue 49 - Frostval and the Rogue (Eukara Vox) (12/18/2009 14:32:25)
Frostval and the Rogue revealed by Eukara Vox I dare not let my sister know this. I frequently find myself stealing moments, looking through this journal of sorts she keeps. Such is life when an intriguing personality enters your life. I... I present this to you, not to spill her very intimate feelings to the world, but so that you may understand this Rogue named Nara Vox. I don’t know why my sister chose this path. Maybe one day her journal will tell me. Frostval is coming up. All the happy faces and bright cheery songs are nauseating. I swear, this holiday was made to torture people like me. It's bad enough that me and my kind are hardly respected during the "normal" times, but this holiday... it amplifies everything. Every day, I have to watch from the shadows as mages get fawned all over. They walk around as if they own everything. Psh, they think they are so smart and lord it over everyone. I see them wander around town, hands tucked in those arrogantly layered robes, nodding to the people they walk by. Why can't anyone see through the facade*? They aren't these gracious, benevolent* wonders of creation that protect and serve. Well, I guess that all depends on the serving part, as they seem to only be serving themselves.** So smug... Yeah, as a mage, you never have to get your hands dirty. Mages stand away from the wars, the battles, the attacks. They stand at a distance, cast their spells, chant their incantations without ever having to worry about seeing the fear in a comrade's eyes as they lay dying in your arms, or feel the blood of your enemy on your skin. And yet... At this time of year, they will get the beautifully wrapped gift boxes for their services. People will applaud at their displays and marvel at the speed in which they, at a distance, dispose of the troublemakers that haunt the holidays. Their power (please note: overly powerful abilities) will be praised, songs will be written for them and all will gather around to watch their gifts being opened. I can already hear the "ooohs" and "ahhhhs." If you ask me, they are too powerful and admired for their own good.*** Everyone wants to be a mage, everyone wants to love and be loved by a mage. And while mages are wooing the people, a different breed of fighters are working the masses. Another which forces the shadow upon the rogue further. Warriors of all kinds - paladins, berserkers (They are insane…I will never forget The Sandsea.****), knights, dragonlords and dragonslayers - saunter through town; their brute strength and force take over the scene when hand-to-hand battle occurs. Which, of course, they voluntarily exhibit for everyone gathering under the snowy sky. No one watches the one who fights with cunning* and intelligence, for that is boring. The masses want to watch the mighty swing of the claymore or the crunch of axe on bone. They want to stand in awe as the sun glints off of steel as the great broadsword arcs over the body of the enemy. And the warrior, he or she will enjoy hearing the common man draw in deep breaths with ever widening eyes, wishing that they too, could be as mighty as the warrior. The townspeople gather around the fireplace of Yulgar's or Serenity's Inn, eager to consume yet another tale of valour from the mouth of a warrior. Young children dance giddily near, hoping to be given the chance to touch a warrior's mighty weapon. And watch as the Frostval decorations go up, the people sing songs of how warriors of old kept the tradition safe and alive, how their mighty sword allowed the holiday to live on and flourish. Then listen to them as regale* the deeds of the current heroes. But will you hear a Rogue praised? No, no one loves the Rogue.***** We are thieves- dishonorable, heartless takers of all that is good. No one ever remembers that yes, in the days of long ago, Rogues were less than they are today. But not any longer! We fight for everyone as hard as any mage or warrior. We put our lives on the line so that people can eat their meals in peace and families cozy-up by the fire without fear. We get so little respect from other fighters. Mages think that we are a joke. They whisper amongst themselves that we are unintelligent, fakers of knowledge and skill. They cannot imagine that such humble individuals would possess the know-how to defend the populace. The sneer any time one of us crosses their path, whispering among themselves as they look in our direction. Warriors humor us, thinking that we cannot possibly be as great or as strong as they. Their condescending* attitudes infuriate the most humble and calm Rogues. Stab me through the heart with my own dagger, oh mighty warrior, as that is what you have already done with that look. Forget that you have not the intelligence to think your way out of a situation that requires more than the heavy swing of your great weapon. I will sit in my home this Frostval, and when the time comes, answer the call of the community as they lay under a siege of whatever monster decides to ruin the festivities this year. I will fight my heart out, hoping that their holiday will be peaceful and joyous. Every corner, alley and hill will be cleared using my daggers. But in the end, the showy mage and the blundering warrior will get the songs, the attention and the lavish accolades*. I will return home, exhausted and alone. If I am lucky, there may be a gift on my doorstep. But there will be no one there to watch me open it. No one at all. ______________________________ *Yes, as amazing at it might seem, many Rogues are actually quite educated and use big or fancy words. **I guess from her point of view, that is why mages are always seen serving kings. ***This bitter resentment, I have found, is prevalent among Rogues. Quite sad actually. ****This is a very sore subject with Nara. I have yet to find out what truly went on there. *****I want to take this opportunity now to clear something up, before the reader begins to hate my sister thoroughly. I do know that the Rogue is appreciated by people and that they are considered a hero. Obviously, Nara has had some really bad experiences.