Scakk -> Frostval Giant's Shield (12/31/2009 16:02:46)
[image][/image] Frostval Giant's Shield Level: 30 Price: 1,250 107 Sellback: 625 53 Location: Frostval 2009 Part II Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +8 Ranged: +3 Magic: +3 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: -8% Water: 0% Wind: 0% Ice: -8% Earth: -8% Energy: 0% Light: 0% Darkness: 0% DESCRIPTION This shield was once used by a Frostval Giant to protect his greatest weaknesses - and enhance his greatest strengths! [image][/image] Numbers thanks to Aelthai. Description thanks to PieLover31416 and mustafa123321. Entry write-up and image thanks to SmashBrawlerX2.