Spell Damage (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> Spell Damage (1/28/2010 20:39:21)

As was announced in the Fixit quest on January 21, 2010, Spells are currently doing unusual things. You may see them doing more damage than is possible.

This is because we had the choice - make them more powerful while they were being fixed or less powerful until the end; we decided to be nice to players and allow the extra power temporarily. Hopefully, the spell change will be fixed in the near future and spells will go back to behaving as expected.

mtflyer05 -> RE: Spell Damage (6/19/2011 21:59:36)

I'm not sure if this is relevant to this topic, but it is related to spells. The Eye Of Naab Shield doesn't recognize mana used in spells in its "time turnback".

Smartik1 -> RE: Spell Damage (6/20/2011 7:46:39)


hmm this is strange, the database says it should restore mana from spells, but the mage guide says its not supposed to


im curious as well

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