RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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brianspenceni -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (8/15/2010 11:15:44)

And still, I don't see the logic (however the difficulty level of raising your profile/reputation on different worlds) in having as large or motivated an army, whenever the natives are generally apathetic to you, compared to when they love you.

That argument is still just semantics, but there is no logic to the 8 rep being most (or even equally) effective. After all, what is the point of reputation?

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (8/15/2010 15:59:56)

>I haven't checked "Wins" carefully, but the problem that occurs for XP seems to occur for Wins as well.

Wins/Gold/XP are linked together, so it's not a mere coincidence that a higher win average leads to correspondingly higher gold and XP averages.

>I wonder, has anyone tried rep 6 (the average) as perhaps the max returns are seen at the middle/average rep (i.e. 1 and 11 rep have equal returns, 8 and 3 have equal returns great than the extremes of 1 and 11, with 7 and 5 rep surpassing 8 and 3, and 6 being the pinnacle) - which seems logical, if 11 isn't best.

The minimum requirement to send armies is 100 energy, which eliminates Rep 6, along with Rep 5 or 7 half armies.
So that leaves Rep 5 or 7 full armies as the closest to the middle ground.

It turns out that Rep 5 or 7 full armies might be slightly better than Rep 8 half armies (both use 110 energy/40 food):

100 tries each at lvl 94, rank 10 MWP:

Rep 8 half: 6.10 kills / 381 gold / 1111 XP
Rep 7 full: 6.57 kills / 417 gold / 1218 XP

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (8/16/2010 8:28:11)

@Kaelin. Although the Event armies may be massive. I view them as being spread out over a lot of ground.
This is how our characters can fight them one at a time?
Otherwise the massive number of opponents would simply swamp our characters.

This being true? it follows that our small MWP armies are making guerilla attacks on the flanks and rear of the enemy armies.
If anyone is sending large armies through their MWP, then maybe they are engaging the enemy front lines?

In the end my view is just an attempt to make sense of the whole situation. [:D]

It would be equally possible that when our characters go to War they all join the Battleon Army and form ranks as a Norse/Dane/Viking might (maybe the Anglo Saxon Army of the 10th century would be a better example)?? The Characters then fight side by side, but individually, man against beast and so it only appears that we fight alone?

Of course this still means that high or low Reputation is not really effective? Maybe there is more to Reputation in the Kingdom system, if it is ever released as more than just the MWP?

Kaelin -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/9/2010 12:14:14)

7 Full is probably not any worse than 8 Half. In fact, it may be better, but I don't have enough evidence to really back that up yet. Still, the clicking is faster to do with 7 Full, so if it isn't any worse, it's probably a safe (and faster) call.

The more players level the Guard Tower, the less resource production they get. They can level to 3 for no cost, so training a tower to at least that level is a good idea, and training to level 7 involves very little penalty. The penalties do get larger as the Guard Tower level gets better, and a player has to balance how aggressive they are about checking up on their estate and how many house guards they can afford. After level 12, the resource penalties do become rather substantial and are probably not worth the cost.

brianspenceni -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/9/2010 13:41:10)

Yeah, what Kaelin said. My primary's tower is at level 7 and the other 4 are level 12. If you really splurge on guards, you could probably get rid of the tower altogether - my primary ( has loads of guards, and I've been testing him at level 7 for about three weeks now and with only 1 attack against my estate I suspect my tower can go.

I posted a thread or so again the link to a guide on the best guards, though (137ben pointed out) it might soon be outdated. Here it is again

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/9/2010 23:03:37)

ok we got another quest a short one at that so do you think we have a in game war next week? my secondary charater has a darkovia mansion I'm just wondering why I haven't seen a vampire or a lycan invade any of the buildlings

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/10/2010 8:56:51)

Your House Invasion monsters are based upon the RA for your level. So Vampires and werewolves do invade sometimes.
I really cannot understand why Dragoncats or Imceer would be in Darkovia, but they are. LoL

We are probably getting the third part of the Seekrat Quest next week.
We will have a difficult challenge to face.
This could mean that we have the BURP invasion/infestation that happens every two/three?? years.
Or it could just be another short quest. With a war based around Talk like a Pirate Day?

Either way we can test the Rep 7 Full Army results.... Although last time I tried (during the Pirate/Ninja War) I am fairly sure Rep 8 Half Armies give a better result. The formulas have changed slightly since then so maybe the results will have.

As a side anecdote. I have found in recent wars that Darkness creatures weak to light attacks appear to be killed better by the ~Kairula Rep 8 army.
Creatures weak to other elements appear to be killed better by the ~Trescol Rep 8 army.
So maybe there is an element modifier within the battle equation???
This would also have to be checked by a proper statistical analysis.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/27/2010 22:34:58)

ok folks who have estates with guard houses and/or mega world portals, Listen up this up coming war isn't going to be like anything else we've see in AQ so I think we need a plan on how and when to allocate our resources to best help the war effort and we need a good one.

krazy demon child -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/27/2010 23:00:25)

We'll basically use the same plan we've always used. We'll personally fight in the war as much as we can then send in our armies on the first day, then we'll just save up our resources and send in our armies intermittently.

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 0:07:02)

It's going to matter little when we use our resources (other then the obvious after we cap or are done for the day). It's not going to matter when they are used as it won't have any affect outside the norm. Things will happen that are outside our control and will happen at a time that we aren't privy to. We also don't know yet how the war is exactly setup so even if a strategy had use we couldn't plan for it anyways.

nosey123 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 0:32:23)

No matter how you send it, you'll still end up with the same kills. :p

Though i wonder how it will be recorded. 1 record or multiple ones like the absolix war. :o

krazy demon child -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 0:45:10)

If you send it after capping you can actually contribute more kills to the war effort than you would had you sent it before, however this only applies to the over zealous war fanatics out there though.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 4:28:10)

It does sound like we are going to have several Targets to hit.
So maybe we should not be sending every resource to the War in the first hours of the War on Thursday?

I usually take a look at the War with my main Character to see what is required.
Then I check the Forum to see what other people are thinking about and whether I agree with what they say.
(It is at this point that we should try and follow any general strategy that a majority of people would like to follow. If there is going to be any Forum strategy?)

Then in the first Wave of a war I usually try and send upto 10 MWP army attacks, using about 1000 Power and 500 Food resources from each character during the first hour.
Then I trade Wood and Stone into Power and Food. Which usually means I am gaining resources again at the end of that first hour.

Then during the second hour each character may do a second Wave of attacks. This means that my Store Buildings then have enough space to gather new resources for the next 24 hours. I can then slow down and do a few Personal battles with my main character.

Only if I have a specific target for one character or if I know I can't play much on the Friday will I use the rest of my resources as fast as possible during Thursday.

Then during the rest of the weekend I can gradually use up the rest of my resources at my own pace. I usually find myself saving resources on the last day, for one final wave of attacks to finish the war and open the Reward shop while I can still play.

Balu -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 5:09:38)

On the first day of a war I normally cap xp and gold and then send guards to attack using all the resources I have in one go. But SIGMUND has a point. If this war will be "special", Lore known what can happen when you try to divide by zero in AQ and you get an error, and if the counter will start acting up or something, I`ll probably use a bit of strategy and see what happens first and then spend the 5.8k of each resource I will have available.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 10:08:58)

krazy demon child, afterlifex, nosey123: read the design notes Falerin expicitly said this isn't like any war before. Unless I seriously misread the design notes, this is going to be more akin to a bunch of mini wars back to back. So yes something other than spend all resources on day one is needed.

The major problem is only a minority of players with estates use/read the forums. A lot of people will still be using the dump everything at once stratagy that will not work well for this war. Which makes those of us who do know using a phased release even more important. Unfortunatley I have to DM this weekend. *sigh* Oh well life if what happens when you are busy making other plans.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 10:21:26)

Notes from Falerin�

I'm looking forward to these cutscenes and phased rewards. [:D]
....and hoping for something really special to happen to the Estate system or maybe to the game engine???

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 10:33:25)

Unless the mini-wars have different lengths, is it really going to make a difference when you use the MWP?
And even if they did, how can you plan for them ahead of time without knowing what the lengths are beforehand?

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 11:29:49)

etching: we can make a difference by not using every thing at once, by not letting our resources completely fill up and by waiting and watching the war meter. For this particular war I believe this plan of action to be the best. I may be proven wrong, after all no OP plan ever survives the initial engagement, read Murphey's Laws of war.

I would specifically like to reference

If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.

The enemy diversion you're ignoring is their main attack

No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
There is no such thing as a perfect plan.

If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone.

Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs. (I think this one is especially appropriate)

The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions:
when they're ready.
when you're not.

neo_manni -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (9/28/2010 23:21:08)

yea I did that once, it was really helpful to save resources for the next war or next stage to the war. like if we only use enough resources, which can be recovered in a week we can balance how many wins we get in that stage of the war and then when next week comes we can use those resources before they cap.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/2/2010 6:46:16)

Having rechecked the efficiency of various Reputations and Army sizes the most efficient is still Rep 8 half armies which use 200 resources.
The Rep 7 full armies use 300 resources and generate an average 7.2 kills .

Trescol seems to generate most kills in this current war with an average 7.75 per 200 resources.
Kailrula is generating 7.4 per 200 resources.

Having said this. I was not prepared to allow a true statistical average to establish itself.

There is a fluctuation in efficiency, so watch out for periods of a lower kill rates and try switching planets to keep your average kill rate higher.

ie. kills 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 9, 6, 7, 4, 3, switch planets 8,7,8,7,7,3,4,5 switch planets.

Now I did sometimes stick with one planet and had results like this 8,7,6,9,8,8,7,5,4,4,3,5,3,5,4,5,10,7,6,5,4,3,5,4,3,5,10,9,9,8,7,7,7,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,3,3,3,4,6,......
If you see what I mean then fine.

Your numbers may not maatch mine but hey that is what random generation is all about.[:D]

etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/2/2010 7:02:14)

>Having rechecked the efficiency of various Reputations and Army sizes the most efficient is still Rep 8 half armies which use 200 resources.
The Rep 7 full armies use 300 resources and generate an average 7.2 kills .

Huh what? Both Rep 7 full armies and Rep 8 half armies use the same resources: 110 energy/40 food

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/2/2010 8:38:02)

My rep 7 full army is using 220 and 80

That appears to have been a glitch,
possibly at my terminal....[8D]

The rep 7 Full army is now using 110 and 40
however the average is still less than the Rep 8 half armies.[8|]

Latest figures from the second part of the war
Rep 8 1/2 army Average kills 6.8
Rep 7 Full army Average kills 6.5

So they are getting closer.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/31/2010 8:44:26)

Get your Candy Golem and Moglinster Guards from Mogloween now.... before they go rare again.[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

With all the recent additiional House Guards has anybody thought about using our houses as a challenge area?

I'm talking about maybe setting up a small challenge to see who can visit my house and some of the other well defended houses....
Does anyone else think this might be possible?

No you can't just visit my house from my character page.... You will need screen shots or a video of my guards dying as proof that you made it through them all. [:D]

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/31/2010 9:00:06)


An old idea of mine was, that once per day you would be able to visit any character's house and try to see if you could beat their guards, you would of course need their ID number.
Another possibility could also be that it would be drawing a random ID number from the estate top list, I am not sure how difficult this would be to code, but I am almost sure Captain Rhubarb would be able to make it happen. :D

My Pain -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (10/31/2010 9:35:20)

In my opinion, the PVP ideas for Housing were the best ones but they have pretty much been rejected.

" PVP Type stuff that just isn't likely to get implemented into AQ, since the focus of AQ has never been PVP:
Forming alliances with other players ... waging war against other players ... fighting mini wars with/against other players ...
Protecting or harming shipments and convoys of other people's homes
Stealing small amounts of resources or gold from other players at random by sending guards or fighting another persons guards.
Yeah, let's stop debating on whether stealing resources is good or bad, since we're not going to add that feature.
We could add other stuff, like the fun prank ideas. "

As long as it were an optional choice to be a part of targeting other people and becoming a target yourself, it would be fantastic. Alas, it will probably never happen.

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