Issue 50 - Love Poetry Contest Winners (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 50 - Love Poetry Contest Winners (2/1/2010 14:59:46)

Love Poetry Contest Winners!

by fabula

Open-eyed I lie and wonder
these visions I dream about
take count on the things that are:
you here with me though you must be far

I feel you writhe right next to me
skin bathed in the certainty
of you feeling me writhe, too
miles away as I lie with you

Mere instances change one's life,
hanging on the whim of fortune like the night we met
or chosen as the day I'll run through the crowd
like a crazed horse to meet her tiger

Awake, I count the pouring seconds between
you, waving
me, stepping
right into your open arms

The whole world cocooned in your embrace
washing over like the softest Sunday wind in Paradise
as you kiss my hair, as I breathe you in
until you rush through my veins like I rush through yours

And the whole City will be salted full with people
yet none have access to us, all excluded:
even on Madison Avenue
there will only be you and me

I see the hem of the sky folding over us
electric lights blinking according to delicate staccatos
their melody adorning the sync of two heartbeats
with all the anxiety, all the waiting blown away

All this I have counted, all this I rely to be
certain, like you and me.

My Goddess
by Arthur the Brave One

In her eyes
I see the stars,
Which I shall reap like apples
And give to her:
My goddess.

In her smile
I see a brisk spring morning;
Beauty undisturbed,
That is she:
My goddess.

In her embrace
I feel invincible;
Not even God can touch me
When I'm with her:
My goddess.

And whenever I just sit next to her
Hand in hand, our hearts as one,
I am truly happy,
With her:
My goddess.

Courage to Collide
by Atkinsun

Heartache applied by the digital tide
Somewhere outside the Atlantic divide
A wish to confide for the sting to subside
Yet still I have tried to connect and collide

For behind the locked door seldom opened before
Lay the heart that I swore would decay to its core
That now crawls to implore, to bathe in the allure
Of my Muse who means more than the wide world of Lore

And I feeling the strain that love’s placed on my brain
Have returned here in vain to this twilight refrain
To the place we had lain with one soul to sustain
And my prayer to remain as your singular swain

Because you are a dream set adrift in the stream
Of a static, unseemly, fanatic regime
And exalted supreme by the thoughts that I deem
You rise up; shift the theme to a sparkling extreme

So I’ll live life astray with a longing dismay
Until I can repay what’s been granted my way
I am lovesick and may keep my words close at bay
But to you I shall say them on Valentine’s Day

A Love Poem?!
(If you want a better title, change it to "Why Crimz doesn't have a Girl Friend")
by Crimzon5

Chin raised up, eyes glued to the world around me
I wonder how I can show them my love for you
I’ll let everything under the sun know and see
What my love for you can make me attempt to do

I’d write your name on the shore till the waves cease to make it fade
Which shouldn’t take long because of Global Warming
As heat passes through a hole in the Ozone that man made
But then, you probably would not like it because I’d be sweating

So then, I’d spell your name on the sky with a cloud
But dark smoke from factories would conceal it
I guess I’ll blow them up, making a sound so loud
And together, we'll watch the fireworks the explosions emit

But I can’t do that; I don’t know where to get things that go BOOM!
Not to mention I’ll make a lot of people lose their occupations
Without any more ideas, I might as well go back to my room
Giving up on the plan to form your name with constellations

So I guess I’ll have to write your name on paper…
But wait! That would make the trees die even before winter

A Sonnet for You
by alexmacf

Candy and soda, nothing is as sweet
As the feeling I get when I see you.
I barely hold back whenever we meet
And it hurts when I must bid you adieu.
Your eyes shine like diamonds in the sun,
And I melt at the sight of your bright smile,
Your lovely laughter makes me come undone,
And I always want to go that extra mile.
Do you notice that I look at you so?
Do you see what is behind my blue eyes
Or know how my heart is filled with woe?
Just an FYI, a word to the wise:
I think I am falling in love with you;
Now please just tell me if you love me, too.

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