Zhoom 6000 (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Zhoom 6000 (2/8/2010 10:12:07)

Zhoom 6000
Quest Location: WarpGuardian Tower
Quest Given From: WarpGuardian Missions


In the WarpGuardian Tower

Temura: "Since your discovery that Dark Madder and Z29K were behind the spy inside the Alteon's computers, our WarpGuardian Tower technicians have been VERY busy--"
Temura: "-- intercepting communications between the Nechron world of purgos and the Defiler world of Omnus. So far there is good news AND bad news:"
Temura: "The good news is that we found a relay station at the exact midpoint between Purgos and Omnius. The bad news is that the last communication we intercepted was about CLOAKING the relay station!"
Temura: "You need to take one of General Leet's warp-capable Zhoom 6000 fighters and get to that station as fast as possible and destroy it before they cloak it! If they succeed, we won't have this chance again..."
  • Zhoom 6000

    In the Hangar

    «You»: "Hello, General Leet, Sir!"
    General Leet: "Oh how my day has been brightened, «You». What do you want to waste my time with now?"
    «You»: "Uh, well sorry to bother you about this matter of fleet security..."
    General Leet: "Security!? Bother?! Ahem, of course not -- please proceed!"
    «You»: "We found a relay station at the exact midpoint between Purgos and Omnus. The last communication we intercepted was about cloaking the relay station!"
    «You»: "I came to ask if I could to take one of your warp-capable Zhoom 6000 fighters so I could get to that station as fast as possible and destroy it before they cloak it!"
    General Leet: "The Zhoom 6000's are still in testing -- but since you're a WarpGuardian I think you can handle it. Good lick on your mission!"
    «You»: "Thank you, Sire! I won't let the fleet down!"

    The player's fighter is launched. In the fighter cockpit, after a look at the screen/dashboard

    «You»: "WarpGuardian Tower, this is «You». Long-range sensors indicate that the Network communication relay seems to be unguarded.
    Temura: "Right now that doesn't mean anything... The relay could be guarded by cloaked enemy ships. But that doesn't change the choice you have to make:"
    Temura: "Attempt a direct assault on the relay station or recon the vincinity first to see if you can trigger a Network trap on your own terms."
    «You»: "Understood! I'l get this job done one way or another, I'll promise you that!"
  • Recon the area around the relay station!
  • Direct assault on the relay station!

      Recon the area around the relay station!

      Fighter moving across a background of stars

      «You»: "Switching over to short-range light sensors..."
      «You»: "If there are any cloacked Network ships nearby, I might be able to detect anomalies against the background."

      3 ships are now visible

      «You»: "I emphasize the "might" part of that..."

      Continue with the dialogue

      Direct assault on the relay station!

      «You»: "Charging warpseed generator now! 3......."
      «You»: "2......."
      «You»: "1......."

      In cockpit as fighter is in warp

      «You»: "All systems running smoothly"
      «You»: "Coming out of warpspeed--NOW"

      Fighter is moving towards the relay

      «You»: "I see the communications relay station now"
      «You»: It appears to be inactive, and is not sending or recieving messages at the moment.

      In fighter cockpit

      «You»: "Captain Ge'Thrakm I have a funny feeling about this."
      Temura: "I agree... It SHOULD be performing its function. You'd better attack now, before--"

      In space, three ships are visible

      «You»: "--- before THIS happens???"

      Continue with the dialogue

  • Let the Defilers board-- and then attack them!
  • Take evasive action and fight the Defiler ships!

      Take evasive action and fight the Defiler ships!


      The Zhoom 6000 is too awesome of a fighter to not use!
      It's time to show these Defilers who the better pilot is!

      Use your mouse to dodge the defiler ships and click to shoot at them with your Zhoom 6000 plasma gun!
      Defiler ships are made of a combination of the galaxy's strongest materials, so your weapons may not be enough to take them all out!
    • GO!

      There are many waves of smaller ships, then a "boss" ship.

      Pick up "P" powerups to increase the number of shots you fire at a time


      Final Stage Score:

    • Ready!


      You defeated the Defiler trap!

      Now you must destroy the Network relay station!

      Continue with the dialogue

    Back in fighter cockpit

    «You»: "«You» to WarpGuardian Tower -- local Network force neutralized! It was a joint squadron of Nechron and Defilers."
    Temura: "Good job, WarpGuardian! Now take out that relay station!"

    Fighter approaches the relay station
  • FIRE!

    Several shots are fired, destroying the relay

    «You»: Mission Accomplished!

    Fighter warps out, and returns to the Alteon


    8A51C Model A
    8A51C Model CZ
    8A51C Model B
    8A51C Model FZ
    8A51C Model D
    8A51C Model E
    8A51C Model G


    Nice work! With the Network relay station destroyed, the link between Omnus and Purgos is temporarily severed!

    This will be a perfect time to plan an all-out assault on two Network strongholds simultaneously: The Nechron base on the world of Delta 7 and the Defiler outpost on the Gevorian moon. They won't be able to rely on sharing information or sending each other reinforcements. Prepare yourself for one of your most important battles yet, WarpGuardian!
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    The first takes you back to the start of the General Leet conversation.

    Thanks to Alavaria and Feanor

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