The Beginner's Guide To Warpforce! (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> The Beginner's Guide To Warpforce! (7/6/2010 18:39:38)

Note: This is a Mini Basic Guide for those who want to dip right into the game. For more detailed information, please see DragonYugi's Beginner's Guide To Awesomeness. [;)]

Hello! I am new to the weird and wonderful world (or universe) of Warpforce. Now, this universe both astounds and confuses me, and some new people may feel likewise. So, with (Hopefully) The help of the good WF Elite Fourmite, I have decided to try and create:


Basicly, this is a guide to help the new players of WF through their first few steps into this new world. I will try to divide the guide into different catagries:


Creating a Character

Okay, now the first thing that happens when you make a new account, or log in with an existing AQ one, is you must make your character. Choose your name first, then you must choose your class. There are two different classes here: Striker and Gunner. Strikers are people who use melee weapons to hit people, whereas Gunners are people who use Guns to attack. (If there are any other differences, tell me). then you choose between being an Elf (which is kind of like a human, but with long ears), a Drakel (which looks like a walking bipedial dragon) and a human (PLEASE tell me you know what one of those are[:D]). The difference is merely looks. (As far as I know. If not, please correct me). Then you choose what you look like, as well as if you wil be Male or Female, and that is your character built! You are now ready for adventure!

The First Ouest

Now, when you first play, you will come across a frenidly moglin known as Zorbak, Who claims to be the greatist Necromantic Moglin in the world. Considering there are only TWO necromantic mogins in the world, he may well be right. Or it might be Kabroz. Anyway, it matters little. So, being so nice, he decides to find a new freind for you: Gristlespine. He does not like you. At all. Zorbak will go over the basic battle system, being unnaturaly helpfull in that regard. And you are on your first fight!

To be honest, he's not that hard. All you really have to do is click the attack button, and he is practicly GARENTEED to go down first. Unless you are actualy trying to lose for some reason. I mean, it is meant to be an exercise to get you used to the control system. You will also level up to LVL1 when you win! Cool Huh?

After beating Gristlespine and having a small chat with Zorbak, there will be a small cutscene explaining how this bloke called The Devourer was stopped fron eating Lore by the united forces of it's citizens. While he himself was not evil, being merely a force to balence the universe in a way, his servents, The Network, were. So when he discovered that, he cast the evildoers from his presence. However, they are still out there, among the stars, doing evil stuff.

So now, you will be met by someone called The Huntress. After a bit of talk, some kind of weird monster thing who wants some money for working for The Network, called a Virin, will attack her. Naturaly, being a hero, you say "Over my dead Body!" and attack.

This guy is basicly another Gristlespine, but harder. With the Huntress by your side in battle, this should still be easy however. Just keep attacking untill it falls. You may wish to expriment with what you can do, such as looking at the Battlesuit Skills, which will be VERY handy soon.

After kicking it in the... Whatever it had instead of a rear, The Huntress decides to induct you into... THE WARPFORCE! These guys have used Drakel Magiscience and Alein tech to make a fleet of Spaceships dedicated to stopping The Network Once and for all! You will then be taken to the Space City of V'eld Valkan. However, your stay will be breif, as you are to travel on the LSS Alteon As Soon As Possible. And then a shop will open. Buy what you want, for now begins you epic quest in the Warpforce!


Weapons by Element, Level and Type This is useful if you are looking for any stats and stuff on a cetain ite.

Stat Traning This is a useful guide as it allows you to come up with a good Stat Build for you.

Warpforce Farming Spots For those who do not know, Farming is a way of getting lots of gold, XP and other items. This discusses the best ways of doing so.


HP is Health. If this goes to zero, you die.

MP is magic. this is ued for skills and powers.

SP is a critical part of skills, mainly used for using allies in battle, thoughit has some other effects, like allowing you to flee.

Most, if not all weapons currently in Warpforce have a secondary special attack.

Non-Warp Guardians hold 4 health potions (red) and 4 Mana (Energy) potions (blue).

Misc Items come in handy but take SP each turn to use

NPC Allies will disappear if you dont have enough SP to sustain them that turn (not from the game, from the battle)

Some helmets and hats can be removed if you do not like them.

Using the "options" tab below the SP will open a option's interface, in that interface you can choose if you want your pet (if you have one (doesnt affect Guests)) to attack or not (ex: if your enemy has -100 on your pets element, instead of shooing them away just set it to no attack)

If a cutscene appears to be going very slow, lower the quality (you can always change it after the cutscene)

In the place that says Combat Defence is the % chance of you missing a hit on the monster/creature/abomination/ect..., you can increase you hit chance by raising stats

Although for now the different races has no differences, it has been implied that they are going to make them different from one another

Lore - The planet where it all began
Zirrix - Homeworld of the Virin
Nexo - World of the Exo
Satiren - Where Trinni lives
Protus - Home of the Proteans
Kairula - Home of the Shalen and Junas

Thanks to:
Moneybags for FAQing this thread.
End Of Life for giving out some basic pointers.

FAQ'd ~$b

Please don't use oversized font in certain cases! Thanks! ~AVA

moneybags -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (2/27/2010 13:24:16)

Firstly, spelling is Miscellaneous. And I assume that section is to cover what Gauntlets, Misc items, battlesuits, etc., that a player is supposed to have, correct?

Secondly, you might want to add a "Stats" section, as training stats is a vital proccess if one wants to thrive in battles.

As a starting step, you can take a look at this thread here- it'll show the best weapons per level (although it may not be fully updated, I'll try to do it today :)). There's also the same kind of thread stickied on every Pedia board, which you could find helpful.

Stats training can be found from Strangeface's guide. If you've still got questions, feel free to ask in the Q&A Thread; you may learn a lot from there, which can help you in this guide. Farming, which beginners might find useful, has its own guide here.

And a suggestion, for the links above, you might want to have a section called something like "Useful Links" at the bottom, which can direct the readers to the threads.

Good luck! :)

megakyle777 -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (2/27/2010 13:37:17)

Thank you for the help moneybags!

Any other ways people can help out is appeciated! Remember, this guide is to help the new WF player in any and all respects!


Posted a Beginning section. If people can find any way to add to that, it would be good.

Also. I need advice for the Alteon section. What to buy for good effectivness, general tips, any stuff like that.

~Please don't double-post! Use the [image][/image] button instead! Thanks! AVA

Manga Maniac -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (4/16/2010 14:59:23)

Megakyle, are you still working on this?

megakyle777 -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (4/16/2010 15:19:48)

I'm not sure. I don't seem to be getting a lot of help for this.

Just so everyone knows, the intention of this guide is to help turn a new player into a powerful killing machine. For example, some good advice on good lvl 1-10 equipment, some good builds, help people understand the storyline, things like that.

If I don't get some help soon though, I may cancel this.

End of Life -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (4/17/2010 20:10:37)

I'll edit this as I gather information...

*IMPORTANT - Warpforce is built on almost (i think if not identical) engine to adventure quest... so if you play adventure quest its almost the same except gauntlets.

A guide that i take absolutely no credit for.�

First you might want to specify SP is a critical part of skills (not spells/tech), and allies in battle

Also all weapons in warpforce (for now) have a secondary special attack.

Non-Warp Guardians hold 4 health potions (red) and 4 Mana (Energy) potions (blue).

Misc Items come in handy but take SP each turn to use

NPC Allies will disappear if you dont have enough SP to sustain them that turn (not from the game, from the battle)

Some helmets and hats can be removed... which is kinda cool.

using the "options" tab below the SP will open a option's interface, in that interface you can choose if you want your pet (if you have one (doesnt affect Guests)) to attack or not (ex: if your enemy has -100 on your pets element, instead of shooing them away just set it to no attack)

If a cutscene appears to be going very slow, lower the quality (you can always change it after the cutscene) ; Also one of the cutscenes give out a weapon (without any fights) *hint hint* (by the way you still have to pay for them, their not free)

In the place that says Combat Defence is the % chance of you missing a hit on the monster/creature/abomination/ect..., you can increase you hit chance by raising stats

Although for now the different races has no differences, it has been implied (i believe after reading the forums) that they are going to make them different from one another

Once i'm high enough level, i'll (or someone else thats higher level than me) post all the planets released and what you can do/ do on those planets (I will not be relieving the missions you do on the planets for that is a spoiler)

-Known Planets (for now)-
Lore - The planet where it all began
Zirrix - Homeworld of the Virin
Nexo - World of the Exo
Satiren - Where Trinni lives
Protus - Home of the Proteans
Kairula - Home of the Shalen and Junas

megakyle777 -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (4/28/2010 3:39:51)


Grim_Hero -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (7/22/2010 16:25:18)

Here are my suggestions :
Tip 1: give 2 different paragraphs 4 each and every section or Topic example: This is the warpforce gauntlet guide!
Warptracker version
(insert info here )
Warpgardian version
(insert info here)
Tip 2: Give extensive info on general info that a warpgardian or warptracker can use this need not be in 2 different paragraphs.
Tip3: I haven't seen 2 much help or info on this so I will add this: Password help 4 beginners and account security and creation also account protection i.e ways to keep account safe.
Tip4:Choose what general info works best 4 u the warpforce game beginner i.e what stats u want what wepons u like and if ur a warpgardian how u will show off and make ur character really stand out and be unique.
Tip5:Most importantly believe in urself! work hard at what u want to accomplish. getting help on the forums is awsome and do it often but remember we all arnt here to play the game for u that being said I mean no disrespect sometimes after it all said and done just play.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (8/7/2010 14:13:53)

Updated. Basicly, with Dragonyugi's more advanced Beginner's Guide To Awesomeness, this will now serve as a a "Dive In" Guide to explain the controls and basics.[;)] However, please still feel free to point out anything I may have missed or you feel is important and basic

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (8/10/2010 10:20:06)

You also might want to add these links: Encyclopedia, Info Submission, Map, 50 HP/MP Potions, New Release, Previous Release if possible including those details/descriptions. :)

HellishMage8 -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (5/2/2011 5:09:41)

How do you restock health potions?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: The Beginners's Guide To Warpforce! (5/2/2011 6:21:57)

As linked in AVA's post: Potions Guide

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