The Dragonoid Saga - Walkthrough (Full Version)

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Avantir -> The Dragonoid Saga - Walkthrough (3/27/2010 17:53:52)


Previously: [link=]Planet Necryptos: A Walkthrough[/link]

The Dragonoid Saga begins the second "arc" of the main storyline in [link=]MechQuest[/link]. To understand what is happening, you just need to have beaten the [link=]Crystal Asteroid[/link], completed Westion and done [link=]Zargon[/link]. You [b]MUST[/b] have done the following to start this saga:
-Defeated the Kingadent
-Completed Planet 51
-Completed [link=]Planet Lagos[/link]*

If you need help doing any of those things, here are some references:
-[link=]Quick Fixes to Frequent Quest Issues[/link]
-[link=]Mission to the Moon Quest Procedures[/link]
-[link=]Planet Westion - Complete Guide and Walkthrough[/link]
-[link=]Planet 51 - A Walkthrough[/link]
-[link=]Planet Gark and Lagos Walkthrough[/link]

*Only needed to do Pre-Planet War and onward.


At the News Screen in [link=]Soluna City[/link] is a button that says "Story". By clicking on this, you can look at the different parts of [link=]MechQuest[/link]'s story and find out what you have to do next in that section. This will help you make sure you have completed everything necessary to start and continue the Dragonoid Saga.

If you are looking to find a certain section quickly, press Ctrl-F to bring up a menu, then search the code next to the item you are looking for in the index.

-[link=]Korin's Joke[/link] -- [b][KJ][/b]
-Prologue -- [b][Plg][/b]
-[link=]Soluna Outpost[/link] -- [b][SoO][/b]
-[link=]Mer'a Rescue Attempt[/link] -- [b][MRA][/b]
-[link=]Mer'a[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Weapons[/link] -- [b][MW][/b]
-Pre-Planet War -- [b][PPW][/b]
-[link=]Lagos Invaded! - Shadowscythe Attack![/link] -- [b][LInv][/b]
-Salvage Shops -- [b][SlvS][/b]
-[link=]Planet Yokai[/link] -- [b][PlY][/b]
-Storyline Missions -- [b][YStM][/b]
-Yokai Prologue -- [b][YP][/b]
-[link=]Ninja[/link] ([link=]Nova[/link] ) [link=]Weapon Shop[/link] -- [b][YNWS][/b]
-[link=]Training[/link] -- [b][YTr][/b]
-[link=�]Yokai[/link] ([link=�]NG[/link] ) [link=�]Training Shop[/link] -- [b][YTS][/b]
-Random Encounter -- [b][YRE][/b]
-[link=]Dojo Missions[/link] -- [b][YDM][/b]
-[link=]Snake Assault![/link] -- [b][YSAslt][/b]
-[link=]Snake Master![/link] -- [b][YSnM][/b]
-[link=]Snake Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shop[/link] -- [b][YSnMRS][/b]
-[link=]Crane Assault![/link] -- [b][YCAslt][/b]
-[link=]Crane Master![/link] -- [b][YCM][/b]
-[link=]Crane Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shop[/link] -- [b][YCMRS][/b]
-[link=]Monkey Assault![/link] -- [b][YMoAslt][/b]
-[link=]Monkey Master![/link] -- [b][YMoM][/b]
-[link=]Monkey Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shop[/link] -- [b][YMoMRS][/b]
-[link=]Mantis Assault![/link] -- [b][YMaAslt][/b]
-[link=]Mantis Master![/link] -- [b][YMaM][/b]
-[link=]Mantis Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shop[/link] -- [b][YMaMRS][/b]
-[link=]Tiger Shrine![/link] -- [b][YTM][/b]
-[link=]Tiger Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shop[/link] -- [b][YTMRS][/b]
-[link=]Planet Yokai War[/link] -- [b][YW][/b]
-[link=]Yokai[/link] ([link=�]NG[/link] ) [link=]War Shops[/link] -- [b][YWS][/b]
-[link=�]Supreme Master Shrine![/link] -- [b][YSuM][/b]
-[link=]Supreme Master[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Reward Shops[/link] -- [b][YSuMRS][/b]
-Other Missions -- [b][YOM][/b]
-[link=]Bug Infestation[/link] -- [b][YBI][/b]
-[link=]Sake[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Weapons Shops[/link] -- [b][YSWS][/b]
-[link=]Help![/link] -- [b][YH][/b]
-[link=]Help[/link] ([link=]NG[/link] ) [link=]Shops[/link] -- [b][YHeS][/b]
-[link=]Hazuko's Dojo[/link] -- [b][YHD][/b]
-[link=]Hazuko Rewards Shop[/link] -- [b][YHRS][/b]
-Features -- [b][YF][/b]
-Hair Shop -- [b][YHaS][/b]
-[link=]Gameshow Planet[/link] -- [b][GPl][/b]
-Gameshow Storyline Missions -- [b][GStM][/b]
-Gameshow Prologue -- [b][GP][/b]
-[link=]Trivial Trivia[/link] -- [b][GTT][/b]
-[link=]Wheel of Points[/link] -- [b][GWoP][/b]
-[link=]Obstacle Course[/link] -- [b][GOC][/b]
-[link=]Backstage Maze[/link] -- [b][GBM][/b]
-[link=]GLaDERP Fight[/link] -- [b][GGF][/b]
-[link=]Gameshow Weapons[/link] -- [b][GW][/b]
-[link=]Gameshow Security Mecha[/link] -- [b][GSM][/b]
-[link=]Planet Zargon Part II[/link] -- [b][PlZ][/b]
-Zargon Storyline Missions -- [b][ZStM][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Wormhole Intro[/link] -- [b][ZWI][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Arrives[/link] -- [b][ZA][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Wormhole Intro Mods[/link] -- [b][ZWIM][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Wormhole Weapon's Shop[/link] -- [b][ZWWS][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Wormhole Key Card Shop[/link] -- [b][ZWKCS][/b]
-[link=]Boltavolt's Lair[/link] -- [b][ZBL][/b]
-[link=]Zargon Wormhole Boltavolt's Lair Secret Shop[/link] -- [b][ZWBLSS][/b]
-[link=]Find Starstorm![/link] -- [b][ZFS][/b]
-[link=URL]Find Boltavolt[/link] -- [b][ZFB][/b]
-[link=]Boltron Mecha[/link] -- [b][ZBM][/b]
-[link=]Surge Weapons[/link] -- [b][ZSW][/b]
-Frequently Asked Questions -- [b][FAQ][/b]
-Credits -- [b][Crd][/b]

[b][KJ][/b] -- First of all, Korin (The staff member) made a little joke regarding the Dragonoid, inspired by [link=]wolfencreek[/link]. [link=]Link[/link]

[b][Plg][/b] -- [u][size=4][b]Prologue[/b][/u][/size]

[b][SoO][/b] -- Moving on. First mission up is called [link=]Soluna Outpost[/link].

[link=][u][size=2][b]Soluna Outpost[/b][/size][/u][/link]

NPCs: [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] and [link=]Char[/link].

So to get to this mission, head up to [link=]Dean Warlic's Office[/link] in G.E.A.R.S. University. You should see a button just above one that says "Other Missions". Do NOT click other missions to play this mission. Click that button on top and you will watch a distress call from a Soluna Outpost in space. [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] will tell you that they have rescued some beings from a ship called the Mer'a. He will be interrupted by a being called [link=]Char[/link]. She is their leader. Listen to what they say, then you can head out to the Outpost. You will meet [link=]Sys-Zero[/link], and you can talk to him. Then, click "Mission!" to start the mission. You will see the Mer'a and a ShS craft in the distance. They will come closer and at certain intervals you will fight ShS mecha enemies, three total. Don't worry, they're easy fights and you heal after each one.

[b][MRA][/b] -- Now we have the [link=]Mer'a Rescue Attempt[/link]. You will automatically start this mission once you have completed the previous mission. 

[link=][u][size=2][b]Mer'a Rescue Attempt[/b][/size][/u][/link]

NPCs: [link=]Char[/link], [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] and [link=]Sys-Zero[/link].

This time you will be fighting with energy blades, but again, don't worry. All the enemies only do a few damage. You will start in a hallway, and [link=]Char[/link] will tell you to get to the Mess Hall. To get there, go right two times, then up once. You should be at a "T" in the hallway. Go right and then up as soon as you can. You should see a red button. Walk up to it and a message should appear telling you a door has been opened somewhere. Go down, and left twice, then up. You will have to fight an [link=]ShS Pilot[/link], and then you will see an open door, the one you just opened. Go through this door, then go right until you fight another [link=]ShS Pilot[/link]. Keep going up from here, and you will fight another [link=]ShS Pilot[/link] Going up again will take you to a third [link=]ShS Pilot[/link] and again then to the Mess Hall. You get to watch all the others of [link=]Char[/link]'s species get dragged off and [link=]Char[/link] and [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] debate about whether or not you should go after them. You don't. Now, you get to watch a nice long cutscene as the elevator gets broken, you find out about the Dragonoid and [link=]Char[/link]'s species, [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] talks about his new weapon, how he doesn't feel well and you get to watch it get stolen by a purple haired thief.

[b][MW][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Mer'a Weapons[/u][/b][/link]
You can find these weapons back at [link=]Dean Warlic's Office[/link].
-[link=]Mer'a Tube Gun[/link] - FS (Levels 24, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) They inflict two DoTs, one of which is very weak. That DoT has a chance to do more damage equivalent to the other DoT.
-[link=]Mer'a Ice Laser[/link] - FS (Levels 24, 34 and 40 -Mystraven Style) It has the same effect as the NSC version, but is slightly stronger.

[link=][b][u]Mer'a NG Weapons[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Mer'a Crystal Laser[/link] - FS (Levels 24, 34 and 40 -Mystraven Style) It has the same effect as the SC version, but is slightly stronger.

[b][PPW][/b] -- [size=4][u][b]Pre-Planet War[/b][/u][/size]

[b][LInv][/b] -- Next we have the Planet [link=]Lagos Invasion[/link].

[size=2][link=][u][b]Lagos Invaded! - Shadowscythe Attack![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Xaria[/link], [link=]Braddock Steele[/link], [link=]Prince Robert[/link], [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]J6[/link] and [link=]Char[/link].

This war seems to have happened in the meantime while [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] was contacting [link=]J6[/link]. You can access it by going to [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] and clicking Talk, then keep clicking in the same spot while [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] explains the situation, then you should enter into the war. At the beginning you will see [link=]Xaria[/link] (Leader of House Wolfblade). During the [link=]GEARS Games III[/link], she was abducted and corrupted by the Shadowscythe ([link=]Corrupted Xaria[/link] - [link=]Image[/link] ). She is heading this assault and she ordered more [link=]Decimator[/link]s and [link=]ShS Jawseph[/link]s to battle in the war, so watch out.

Missions: (You do not have to complete them-except the boss and the New Message)

This is your typical battle. One enemy, one wave.

This time you can lead Shadowscythe into a trap. Four enemies, seven waves.

To get this mission, talk to [link=]Prince Robert[/link] at the war. Now you can retrieve an Arthurian ship, just walk onto the springboard to begin. Three enemies, seven waves.

New Message
Finally, the storyline progresses again. To view this, click the button on the top of the screen that says "New Message".  Now, find out who that purple haired thief is!

[link=]Grand Theft Starship[/link]
Now, this mission is with the first two (From [link=]Braddock Steele[/link]). This time you steal a Shadowscythe Starship. Walk onto the rocket to begin. You fight seven fights and get fifteen waves. Then get the option to crash or keep the ship. Choose your favourite.

[link=]Star Captain Grand Theft Starship[/link]
This is the same as the first [link=]Grand theft Starship[/link], but is SC only and has only four fights. Still fifteen waves.

[b][size=2][link=][u]War Boss![/u][/link][/size][/b]
The boss is a [link=]Corrupted Arthurian Lion Mecha[/link]. Nothing overly powerful. It has a HP DoT, EP DoT, HP/EP leech, small bonus nerf and two small defense nerfs. An offensive strategy will work well, but you may want to carry a bonus buffing weapon as well, if the nerf keeps getting in your way. Stunning is not recommended because it has a 70% chance to resist. Also, do [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] use a Shadowscythe mecha, because it will result in the [link=]Corrupted Arthurian Lion[/link] getting +75% damage and +20% accuracy boost. To quickly find necessary items, look here: [link=]Index of Mecha Bases[/link] and [link=]Mecha Equipment[/link].

[b][SlvS][/b] -- [u]Salvage Shops[/u]
The shoulders are very good when used on Shadowscythe, and seem to be Wolfblade/Mystraven styled. The mecha is the same as the boss. Note that not all specials are guaranteed to activate.

[link=][b][u]Salvage NG Shoulders[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Shadow Crystal Laser[/link] - BS (Levels 12, 19, 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Effects only work on Shadowscythe opponents. Increased damage. BtH buff, enemy BtH nerf, DoT, Defense buff, Critical chance buff and chance for a fifth hit.
-[link=]Shadow Pulse Laser[/link] - BS (Levels 12, 19, 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mostly Mystraven/Wolfblade style, minority Runehawk style) Effects only work on Shadowscythe opponents. Increased damage. Critical chance buff, Bonus to Hit buff, EP DoT and another Critical chance buff.

[link=][b][u]Salvage Shoulders[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Shadow Proton Shooter[/link] - BS (Levels 11, 16, 23, 28, 34 and 40 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Effects only work on Shadowscythe opponents. Increased damage. BtH buff, Boost buff and DoT (X2), enemy BtH nerf and enemy Defense nerf.
-[link=]Shadow Laser[/link] - BS (Levels 11, 18, 24, 31, 36 and 39 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Effects only work on Shadowscythe opponents. Increased damage. BtH and Defense nerf, DoT, enemy Boost nerf and Boost buff.

[link=][b][u]Salvage Mecha[/u][/b][/link] /[link=][b][u]NG Salvage Mecha[/u][/b][/link]
These are the same as the boss, except they have +35% Boost and BtH. If you liked his specials, you'll like this.
-Shadowed Arthurian Lion (Levels 21, 26, 31, 36 and 40 - All houses) Same as the boss.
-Shadowed Arthurian Lion (Levels 16, 22, 26, 31, 36 and 40 - All houses) Same as NSC version but stronger.
-Shadowed Arthurian Lion (Levels 16, 22, 26, 31, 36 and 40 - All houses) Same as SC version but stronger.

[b][PlY][/b] -- [b][size=4][link=][u]Planet Yokai[/u][/link][/size][/b]

Next we have a new planet! The first one since [link=]Necryptos[/link]. But... does it seem a little... primitive... to you?

[b]Enemies (Non-Boss):[/b]
-Soldier: Energy Blade enemy. Basic battle.

-Monkey Soldier: Energy Blade enemy. Basic battle.

-[link=]Yokai Monk[/link]: Mecha enemy. Deals large amounts of damage and can stop your EP regen for 3 turns. There is a small chance for him o deal a strong EP DoT. A defensive build is recommended. Stunning, DoTs and High HP or EP will all work well too.

-[link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link]:
  -Type 1: Mecha enemy (Stick FA and Spike ball gun BA). They can majorly reduce your bonus and drop your damage. If you're having trouble with them, try some bonus buffing weapon. Stuns aren't a good idea because it has a high chance to resist.
  -Type 2: Mecha enemy (Multi barrel gun FA and Spike ball gun BA ). They can drop your bonus slightly (-25) and deal large amounts of damage. Again, don't bother with stunning. Multi hit weapons and a defensive build should work fine.
  -Type 3: Mecha enemy (Multi barrel gun FA and Stick BA). These can drop your defense by a small amount and deal large amounts of damage. Using any type of defensive build (Other than a stunner) will work very well.
  -Type 4: Mecha enemy (Stick FA and Stick BA). These can drop your defense slightly and can deal massive damage. They can also severely drop your bonus and reduce your damage. I have no comment, except to eject if you meet one. They are near impossible to kill if they use their front arm, because it seems to gain power in this version.

Having a lot of difficulty? Here are three builds with strategy to beat the [link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link]s. They can be used by any level player, as long as you can get the required items.

[u][b]Lvl. 1[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Newbatron V1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] Default
[b]Back Arm:[/b] None
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Body:[/b] None
[b]Head:[/b] None
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] FA, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 10[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Nubertron[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Proton Rifle[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Lava Blaster[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Plasma Pulsar[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] Default
[b]Body:[/b] None
[b]Head:[/b] Default
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] FA, BA, H, FS, FA, BS, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 27[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Steampunk Model A-1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Glowing Mace[/link] [b]OR[/b] [link=]Cutlass[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] Default
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Miracyrina's Shoulder N27[/link] [b]OR[/b] [link=]Barbarous Spalla[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Plasma Gun V26[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] Default
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] B, H, FS, BS, FA, BA, Repeat

[b][YStM][/b] -- [size=3][b][u]Storyline Missions[/u][/b][/size]

[b][YP][/b] -- [size=2][b][u]Yokai Prologue[/u][/b][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Mont[/link], [link=]Char[/link], [link=]Jemini[/link], [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link], [link=]Miko[/link].

To start [link=]Planet Yokai[/link], talk to [link=]Char[/link], and click "Mont" and witness [link=]Mont[/link] talking about the completed wormhole scanner. Make sure you equip an energy blade now, you'll need one. Then click "Missions". You will find the [link=]Lagos War[/link] has been relocated here, so that's where you go to replay. For now, click "Wormhole". You will come to a list of planets. Select "Yokai". Now watch as [link=]Jemini[/link] arrives and throws a Dragon Heart Shard on the ground. Ten years later (Yes, ten. The wormhole wasn't that accurate) you arrive and (Squash a mantis) are forced to battle a soldier. [link=]Miko[/link] will arrive and start accusing you of beating up the guy, then it's ascertained that you're on the same side, so [link=]Miko[/link] criticizes your fighting style.

To continue, go right from the screen you appear on until you see [link=]Char[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] and [link=]Miko[/link] (You can run your mouse over various objects to see pop-up messages). You can talk to [link=]Char[/link] and [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] about the current situation, then go to [link=]Miko[/link]. She hates your fighting style. You can equip a ninja mask, ninja costume and energy blade from [link=]Miko[/link] (As well as a "Practice" option from her-One single energy blade battle). The mask and costume will increase your rolls by a total of 15. The blade does nothing. Additionally, the costume gives you more skills for energy blade battles, including two basic attacks and a "Magic" skill, that does two hits for a high energy cost. After you're done speaking with her, she has some new shops for you. 

[b][YNWS][/b] -- [link=][u][b]Ninja Nova Weapons Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Dragon[/link] - FA (Levels 21, 26, 31 and 38 - Mystraven style) Increased damage. Chance for HP DoT, Defense NoT and BtH NoT. Increased chance for a Critical on one hit.
-Chochinobake - FS (Levels 22, 27, 32 and 37 - All houses) Increased damage. Chance for HP DoT. Chance for EP DoT. Chance for a BtH NoT.
-[link=]Juugeki[/link] - FA (Levels 24, 29, 34 and 39 - Mystraven style) Increased BtH. Enemy BtH nerf.
-Juugeki-Saisa - BA (Levels 24, 29, 34 and 39 - Mystraven style) Increased BtH. Enemy BtH nerf. Heals you on successful hit.
-Oni - H (Levels 20, 26, 32 and 38 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage. Chance for BtH BoT, Defense BoT and Boost BoT.
-Tengu Wing - BS (Levels 22, 26, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) Increased damage. Chance for Accuracy BoT on you and NoT on enemy. Chance for an extra hit with HP DoT.
-Tiger Paw - FA (Levels 23, 29, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage. Increased chance for a Critical hit and chance for a permanent BtH NoT on enemy of -3 per turn.

- [link=][u][b]Ninja Credit Weapons Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Maki-Suro[/link] - BA (Levels 24, 30, 36 and 39 - Mystraven style) Enemy Defense NoT.
-Scroll - FS (Levels 21, 27, 33 and 38 - Wolfblade style) Increased damage on one hit and increased Critical chance on second.
-[link=]Harionago[/link] - H (Levels 21, 28, 34 and 40 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Boost buff, HP DoT and increased Critical chance.
-[link=]Soul Nuke[/link] - FS (Levels 21, 27, 33 and 39 - Mystraven style) Increased damage. Chance for Accuracy BoT on you and NoT on enemy.
-[link=]Wanyudo[/link] - BS (Levels 21, 27, 32 and 37 - Majority Wolfblade style, minority Runehawk stye) Same as SC version but less damage.
-[link=]Juugeki[/link] - FA (Levels 22, 28, 34 and 38 - Mystraven style) Enemy BtH nerf.
-[link=]Yo-yu-mi[/link] - BA (Levels 24, 30, 36 and 39 - Wolfblade style) Increased Critical chance.
-[link=]Straw Hat[/link] - H (Levels 21, 26, 31, 36 and 41 - All houses) Chance for increased damage, decrease opponent's Defense, increasing damage EP DoT and guarantees a Defense BoT.
-Kanabo - BS (Levels 20, 26, 32 and 38 - Mystraven style) Increased Critical chance, chance to decrease enemy Defense and chance for enemy Boost nerf.
-[link=]Wanyudo[/link] - BS (Levels 21, 27, 34 and 39 - Majority Wolfblade style, minority Runehawk style) Increased damage. Chance for even more damage. Chance for an EP DoT.
-[link=]Tengu Wing[/link] - BS (Levels 22, 28, 33 and 39 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker BoTs and damage. No chance for extra hit.
-Tiger Roar - H (Levels 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) Increased damage. Chance for BtH buff and permanent enemy Boost NoT at -5% per turn.

Now continue to the next mission (Note that you can replay the Yokai Prologue from [link=]Miko[/link]).

[b][YTr][/b] -- [size=2][link=][u][b]Training[/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Tenjin[/link], [link=]Miko[/link].

Talk to [link=]Tenjin[/link] who you'll see on the screen right from [link=]Miko[/link] (Just before the city), and click on "Training". You will battle an enemy, then roll. To get to rank one, you need 0. It increases by five from there, capping at ninety five. Remember to equip the costume and mask from Miko to buff your rolls. The enemies are Evil Sam Ryes and Yokai Monks (See above for enemy details). In between using those weapons, use hard hitting weapons. The [link=]Vul'Khar[/link] front shoulder series in [link=]Khaeldron[/link] will work well for this (Or see [link=]Index of Mecha Bases[/link] and [link=]Mecha Equipment[/link]). At rank fifteen, you will unlock a NG weapon shop, and once you're at rank twenty, you will unlock a second credits weapon shop.

[b][YTS][/b] -- [link=�][b][u]Yokai NG Training Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-Evil Sam Rye - H (Levels 22, 26, 32 and 37 - Mystraven style) BtH BoT.
-San-set-ku-u - BA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Enemy BtH nerf.
-Makinaga - FA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Enemy BtH nerf and Boost nerf.

- [link=�][b][u]Yokai Credit Training Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link] - H (Levels 22, 26, 32 and 37 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but weaker.
-[link=]San-set-ku-u[/link] - BA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but weaker.
-[link=]Makinaga[/link] - FA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but weaker.
-[link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link] - H (Levels 22, 26, 32 and 37 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]San-set-ku-u[/link] - BA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Makinga[/link] - FA (Levels 23, 26, 32, 37, 40 and 43 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker.

[b][YRE][/b] -- [size=2][u][b]Random Encounter[/u][/b][/size]

NPCs: Angry Resident.

Go two screens right from [link=]Miko[/link] and you will find yourself in the city. From here every time you go to a new screen you will have a chance for a Random Encounter. (See above for enemy details). You can now walk all the way right. On every screen, you will see another Angry Resident. If you talk to them, you can then tell them to Shut Up and battle, or you can Walk Away and get called coward. This is not required to complete [link=]Planet Yokai[/link], it merely adds difficulty to travel.

[b][YDM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Dojo Missions[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link].

After you finish training, you can unequip the ninja costume and ninja mask, as there are no rolls ahead. Talk to [link=]Miko[/link] and click "[link=]Dojo[/link] ". You will be in your mecha, walking through the city with residents running beside you and gang members dropping their weapons, diving to the ground or running. Every screen there is a chance to fight a Yokai enemy (See above). At the end, you will be taken inside the [link=]Dojo[/link]. You have control of the [link=]Dojo[/link], now you just need to keep control. [link=]Miko[/link] has been moved from her previous spot to inside the [link=]Dojo[/link] now. Click "Missions", "Dojo Missions" and then "Next" and "Battle On!" to start your next mission. You will either replay the starting mission to get to the [link=]Dojo[/link] or battle a random Yokai enemy. Once you do that, you will be back at [link=]Miko[/link]. You will notice that in the bottom left hand corner of the screen it should now say "[link=]Dojo[/link] Control: 5% ". Continue until it says 100. Now, every time you arrive on [link=]Planet Yokai[/link] there will be a button in the top right hand corner that will send you directly to the [link=]Dojo[/link], so you don't have to fight Random Encounters. Proceed to the next mission.

[b][YSnAslt][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Snake Assault![/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link].

Now go back to Missions, but this time click "Shrines" and then "Snake Shrine". Now play the [link=]Assault![/link] mission ten times. Each time you will fight a random Yokai enemy, in an attempt to get into the Temple of Masters.

[b][YSnM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Snake Master![/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and [link=]Snake Master[/link].

This is the first boss on [link=]Planet Yokai[/link]. He is not too hard, but you should still be careful. He can inflict a DoT, lower your bonus by a small amount for two turns and cause a double EP DoT . Additionally, every turn the HP DoT's damage will increase by 10%. So, you may want to have a mecha with high EP regen, or the ability to heal EP. If you don't have either, or don't want to bother with that, just get high damage weapons to end the fight quickly. He cannot be stunned, so don't try.

[b][YSnMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Master Snake NG Reward Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Snake Master[/link] - FA (Levels 22, 27, 35 and 40 - Majority Wolfblade/Mystraven, minority Runehawk) Increased damage and chance for Critical strikes. Chance for HP DoT, EP DoT and enemy Boost NoT.

-[link=][b][u]Master Snake Reward Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Snake Master[/link] - FA (Levels 21, 26, 34 and 40 - Majority Wolfblade/Mystraven, minority Runehawk) Increased chance for Critical strikes. Chance for HP DoT and EP DoT.
-[link=]Snake Master[/link] - FA (Levels 24, 26, 34 and 40 - Majority Wolfblade/Mystraven, minority Runehawk) Increased damage and chance for Critical strikes. Chance for HP DoT and EP DoT.

[b][YCAslt][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Crane Assault![/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link].

At Shrines, select Crane Shrine. You will have to replay the [link=]Assault![/link] mission ten times under the Crane Shrine heading to unlock the boss.

[b][YCM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Crane Master![/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and [link=]Crane Master[/link].

Before you fight, you will find out that there is a Supreme Master as well. If you have seen Kung-Fu Panda, at this point you will realize that the masters are based off the Furious Five. Anyways, the  [link=]Crane Master[/link] is a lot harder than the [link=]Snake Master[/link]. He can deal massive damage and reduce your bonus, defense and boost slightly. Additionally, he always puts an HP and EP Dot on you first turn that increase in damage. DoTs work excellently in this battle, try putting them on him near the beginning and then dealing large amounts of damage. If the fight carries on, you should carry a healing and EP regaining weapon(s). That probably won't be necessary though. The trick is to end the fight as quickly as possible. Don't try stunning, as he is completely resistant to that, unless you use a weapon that bypasses immobility or reduces it first. Even if you do reduce his immobility, I still don't recommend stunning, because his resistance would still be very high.

[b][YCMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Master Crane NG Reward Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Crane Master[/link] - H (Levels 23, 28, 33, 38 and 42 - Wolfblade style) Severely increased damage.

-[link=][b][u]Master Crane Reward Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Crane Master[/link] - H (Levels 20, 25, 32, 38 and 42- Wolfblade style) Same as SC version, but slightly less damage.
-[link=]Crane Master[/link] - H (Levels 23, 29, 34, 38 and 42 - Wolfblade style) Same as NG version, but slightly less damage.

[b][YMoAslt][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Monkey Assault![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and Monkey Student.

This [link=]Assault![/link] mission is different than the others. In it, you will fight a few Yokai enemies with less than half HP. You will get a small heal between each one. The number of fights can vary, as of yet there is no specific number range. They have a very small amount of EP, so if you are Runehawk you should try knocking down that in one to two turns, then taking them out. If you are Wolfblade, try and one turn KO them, two turns if that's not possible. For Mystraven, layer them with DoTs and wait for them to do the work while healing yourself. After that, you will fight a Monkey Student (See above). You may fight more battles, or complete the mission. You must beat it five times to continue.

[b][YMoM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Monkey Master![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and [link=]Monkey Master[/link].

This boss is very powerful. He has a default 25 defense, which increases over time, and deals massive damage, which also increases over time.. If you carry good defensive weapons and some accurate ones too, the fight shouldn't be a problem. Try not to let the battle carry on for two long, or the he will get too powerful for anyone to beat. The Monkey has 100 immobility, so the same conditions apply to him as the [link=]Crane Master[/link]. Try nerfing his defense on the first turn, and following up with powerful strikes. Since defense is his greatest strength, take that away and he should be a piece of cake.

[b][YMoMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Monkey Master NG Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Banana Bonanza[/link] - BS (Levels 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) Reduces enemy's Boost by 100 for 1 turn (They do 0 damage next turn).

[link=][b][u]Monkey Master Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Banana Bonanza[/link] - BS (Levels 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version but deals slightly less damage,
-[link=]Banana Bonanza[/link] - BS (Levels 23, 29, 34 and 40 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version but deals slightly less damage.

[b][YMaAslt][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Mantis Assault![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link].

You may find this the hardest, or the easiest one yet. You have to play a minigame similar to the one on [link=]Planet Zargon[/link] where you go after [link=]Quickflash[/link]. Shoot down some weapons thrown at you and then shoot a [link=]Yokai Monk[/link] in the chest. There are four levels. If you get struck, you lose HP. At the end you will fight a regular [link=]Yokai Monk[/link] battle.

[b][YMaM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Mantis Master![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link], [link=]Mantis Student/Master[/link] and Mantis Master.

It turns out you've already killed the Mantis... But you still have to fight his best student. It's just a Yokai Monk dressed up as a mantis, so he should be easy. Watch out for his special technique though. It has a small chance to activate but deals massive damage. Basic strategy will work here (Or even no strategy). If you fail, don't alter your strategy (Unless it prolongs the battle, like EP Drainer style) just try, try again.

[b][YMaMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Mantis Master NG Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Ghost of Mantis[/link] - FS (Levels 20, 28, 33 and 39 - Mystraven style) Chance for enemy BtH nerf, Boost nerf and Defense nerf. Can also inflict an HP DoT.

[link=][b][u]Mantis Master Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Ghost of Mantis[/link] - FS (Levels 20, 28, 33 and 39 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version, but weaker Boost nerf. Also deals less damage.
-[link=]Ghost of Mantis[/link] - FS (Levels 21, 27, 34 and 39 - Mystraven style) Same as NG version, but weaker Boost nerf. Also deals less damage.

[b][YTM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Tiger Shrine![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and [link=�]To Nee[/link].

This time, there is no Assault! mission. It's just combined with this mission. There are five gongs, which you must hit in the correct order. The order is the same in which you fought the masters, so go two screens up and one right to the Snake Gong. Battle a [link=]Yokai Monk[/link] and hit the gong. Once you hit the Gong, your mecha will get repaired. Now go one screen left, one down and one right. Here you have an [link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link] type 1. Destroy it, and you can hit the Crane Gong. Go two screens left, fight another [link=]Evil Sam Rye[/link] type 1, and hit the Monkey Gong. Go one screen right, one up and one left to the Mantis Gong behind an enemy. Finally, we have the Tiger Gong. Go one screen right and one up. Defeat the enemy and hit that Gong. It's finally time to fight the Tiger Master. After the Shrine appears, enter and talk to the Tiger Master (To Nee). She is very strong. She can deal large amounts of damage and reflect your damage onto you (5% of your damage on the first turn, and increases by that amount every turn from then on). Again, she has 100 immobility. Also, don't be fooled by her roar attack. It decreases your damage by 5% per turn for the whole battle. Thus, in 20 turns after this attack, you will do no damage. In 21 turns, you will heal her. She can also nerf your bonus by 5% a turn for the whole battle, quickly making it impossible for you to land a hit. Thus, it's best to end the battle quickly. Use a defensive move the first turn, and then offensive moves while the defense is in place. Once you have victory, you have then mastered all five fighting styles! Congratulations! There is a sudden surge of energy in your mecha...

[b][YTMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Tiger Master NG Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Tiger Claw[/link] - BA (Levels 22, 27, 32 and 37 - Wolfblade style) Increased damage. Every hit increases this weapon's damage for the whole battle by 5%.

[link=][b][u]Tiger Master Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Tiger Claw[/link] - BA (Levels 20, 26, 33 and 37 - Wolfblade style) Same as SC version but slightly less damage.
-[link=]Tiger Claw[/link] - BA (Levels 22, 27, 32 and 37 - Wolfblade style) Same as NG version but slightly less damage.

[b][YW][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Planet Yokai War[/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link].

Back at Missions, click "Final Shrine" and then "War!". The gang members are banding together in an attempt to prevent you from getting any closer to the Supreme Master! All you can do is fight in the war.


Type 1: A normal battle against a random Yokai enemy.
Type 2: [link=]Miko[/link] sends you to light five signal fires to call reinforcements. On the first screen and every other screen after that you have a chance to fight a Yokai enemy. You get fully repaired after each battle. Minimum one battle, maximum five. To light the signal fires merely walk up to them.

[b][YWS][/b] -- [link=�][b][u]Yokai NG War Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Acu[/link] - H (Levels 24, 30, 35 and 40 - Mystraven style) Increased damage, chance for HP DoT, chance for Boost buff, chance for enemy BtH nerf and chance for enemy Defense nerf.

[link=][b][u]Yokai War Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Gong[/link] - H (Levels 23, 29, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, chance for Boost buff and chance for enemy BtH nerf.
-[link=]Sugegasa[/link] - H (Levels 20, 27, 33 and 40 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Increased damage, HP DoT, chance for a Boost buff and chance for enemy BtH nerf.

[b][YSuM][/b] -- [size=2][link=�][b][u]Supreme Master![/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miko[/link] and the Supreme Master.

It's the final face off between you and the Supreme Master, and there are [i]still[/i] energy spikes in your mecha! But just before the battle... You become the [b][i][u]Dragon Warrior![/u][/i][/b] This will put you in [link=]The Chosen One[/link] that scales. It has six attacks:
-Head: [link=]Shout[/link] - BtH nerf (-10).
-Body: [link=]Dragon Attack[/link] - BtH buff (+15 X 3 = +45).
-Front Shoulder: [link=]Slap Kick[/link] - BtH nerf (-5 per hit - Stacks with Shout).
-Back Shoulder: [link=]Crescent Kick[/link] - Defense nerf (-25 X 2 = -50).
-Front Arm: [link=]Fists of Fury[/link] - Increasing damage for every hit.
-Back Arm: [link=]Chi Phantom Punch[/link] - Boost nerf (-10 X 3 = -30)
-Special: Increased critical chance (Passive).
I recommend starting with the body, to counteract the Supreme Master's BtH nerf. Other than that, he has a one turn stun, can reduce your damage and deal massive amounts of damage. Following the body, hope he doesn't stun you and use the other attacks to finish him. Once you defeat him, you will get one of the missing pieces of [link=]Dean Warlic[/link]'s weapon! The Dragon Heart Shard, otherwise known as the Metal Element! [link=]Planet Yokai[/link] is now free and safe.

[b][YSuMRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Supreme Master NG Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Beard Fist[/link] - H (Levels 21, 27, 34 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, Boost buff and BtH buff.
-[link=]Finger Zapper[/link] - BA (Levels 21, 28, 33 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, increased chance for a Critical hit, enemy Defense nerf and chance for a one turn irresistible stun.
-[link=]Rocket Boot[/link] - FS (Levels 24, 30, 36 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, increased chance for a Critical hit and enemy BtH nerf.

[link=][b][u]Supreme Master Reward Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Beard Fist[/link] - H (Levels 24, 30, 36 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as SC version but weaker buffs and less damage.
-[link=]Finger Zapper[/link] - BA (Levels 22, 29, 34 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mysraven style) Same as SC version but weaker defense nerf and less damage.
-[link=]Rocket Boot[/link] - FS (Levels 23, 30, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as SC version but weaker bonus nerf and less damage.
-[link=]Beard Fist[/link] - H (Levels 25, 30, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as NG version but weaker buffs and less damage.
-[link=]Finger Zapper[/link] - BA (Levels 20, 28, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mysraven style) Same as NG version but weaker defense nerf and less damage.
-[link=]Rocket Boot[/link] - FS (Levels 20, 26, 33 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as NG version but weaker bonus nerf and less damage.

[b][YRM][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Miko's NG Mecha Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-Dragon Spirit Form* - Mecha (Levels 20, 25, 32, 37 and 41 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Increased chance for critical on all hits, BtH buff, BtH nerfs, Defense nerf, Boost nerf and increased damage on one weapon.
-Supreme Master* - Mecha (Levels 22, 28, 34, 40 and 45 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Increased damage on all hits, BtH buff, Boost buff, BtH nerf, increased critic chance on one hit, chance for a 1 turn stun, Defense buff and Boost nerf.

[link=][b][u]Miko's Mecha Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-Dragon Spirit Form* - Mecha (Levels 20, 26, 32, 38 and 42 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Same as SC version but less damage and weaker specials.
-Supreme Master* - Mecha (Levels 22, 28, 34, 40 and 43 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Same as SC version but less damage and weaker specials.*1
-Dragon Spirit Form* - Mecha (Levels 21, 27, 33, 39 and 43 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Same as NG version but less damage and weaker specials.
-Supreme Master* - Mecha (Levels 22, 28, 34, 40 and 44 - Majority Wolfblade/Minority Mystraven style) Same as NG version but less damage and weaker specials.*1

*Mechas cannot be customized with other weapons (A.K.A. - Unequipable).
*1You cannot choose the attack done.

[b][YOM][/b] -- [size=3][b][u]Other Missions[/u][/b][/size]

[b][YBI][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Bug Infestation[/b][/u][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Sake[/link].

Now that you have freed the town, you can start going into people's stores and looking at their wares. Typically, it won't be [i]that[/i] easy. In the first, [link=]Sake's Shop[/link] [link=]Tenjin[/link]'s brother, is having trouble with bugs. Monster ones and normal ones. Talk to [link=]Sake[/link] and you should see something that says "Exterminate: 101%". Your objective is to get this down to 0%. You can reduce this number by playing his quest. There are two versions: In one you will fight a single battle against a giant bug (Or scorpion) with large HP and no specials. In the other you will play a minigame, where you can place a bomb outside of one of five holes, and hope that an ant will emerge from that hole. You have three tries. If you fail, it doesn't matter. Whether you win or lose you will fight a giant bug or scorpion anyways. Once you win the mission, the number will decrease by a random number, ranging from a few percents to more than five. Do not expect this to be quick an easy, you could be doing this for awhile. Once you have exterminated all the bugs, you will gain access to his shops.

[b][YSWS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Sake NG Weapons Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Katana[/link] - FS (Levels 25, 30, 35 and 40 - Majority Wolfblade/Mystraven style, minority Runehawk style) Increased damage, chance for HP DoT, chance for EP DoT, chance for enemy Boost nerf and increased chance for a critic.

[link=][b][u]Sake Weapons Shop[/b][/u][/link]
-[link=]Dragon Cannon[/link] - BS (Levels 20, 26, 31 and 36 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Chance for increased damage and chance for enemy BtH nerf.
-[link=]Kunai[/link] - FA (Levels 22, 28, 34 and 39 - Mystraven/Wolfblade style) Increased chance for a crit and BtH buff.
-[link=]NOTruto[/link] - H (Levels 20, 27, 33 and 39 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, increased critic chance, chance for Defense buff, chance for BtH buff.
-[link=]Okami[/link] - FS (Levels 22, 29, 35 and 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, chance for further increased damage, enemy Defense nerf and HP DoT.

[b][YH][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Help![/u][/b][/link][/size] [b][i][SC][/i][/b]

NPCs: [link=]Yue[/link].

After you've done the [link=]Bug Infestation[/link] mission, you can proceed to the girl waving at you, named [link=]Yue[/link], located one screen to the right. She is a Yokai medic, and needs help in getting her patients treated as soon as possible. She needs you to find the ingredients needed to treat her patients. Firstly, a box to gather all the items needed. You'll first have to find Char at the rebel camp, and talk to her. She will guide you on getting the box. Next, find the items needed. As you move along the quest, the NPCs will guide you on where to go next after you've completed the requirements given by them. 
[spoiler]Herb - Gark (Talk to the Bartender).
Sand - Westion (Talk to Clyde).
River Rock - Necryptos (Talk to Shawn Velsing).
Feather - Westion (Enter Inn in Khaeldron and talk to Til'kara to return to the Bug War 2, then talk to Til'kara again).
Ember - Westion (Talk to Badhorse Buckaroo in the Bug War 2).
Dirty Sock - Zargon (Obtained together with Invisible Plant).
Ghost - Mysterious Johnson.
Invisible Plant - Master Myrzar (Mirror), Soluna Art Museum (Walk towards far right) and Zargon (Talk to Selina).[/spoiler]
After collecting all the items needed, you'll finally talk to [link=]Yue[/link], and her shops will be available to you as rewards.

[b][YHS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Help NG Shop[/u][/b][/link]
Invisible Poultice - Mod (Levels 30, 35, 40 - All Houses) Boosts EP, HP and Dark.
Collection Box - Mod (Levels 30, 35, 40 - All Houses) Boosts EP, HP and Fire.

[link=][b][u]Help SC Shop[/u][/b][/link]
[link=]Gark Herb[/link] - Mod (Level 30 - Runehawk/Wolfblade style) Boosts Efficiency and Power.
[link=]Green Seaweed[/link] - Mod (Level 30 - Mystraven style) Boosts Reflex and Perception.
[link=]Gleaming Ember[/link] - Mod (Level 35 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Boosts Power and Fire.
[link=]Handful of Sand[/link] - Mod (Level 35 - Mystraven style) Boosts Accuracy and Reflex.
[link=]River Rock[/link] - Mod (Level 35 - Mystraven style) Boosts Reflex and Perception.
[link=]Feather[/link] - Mod (Level 40 - Majority Mystraven, Minority Wolfblade/Runehawk) Boosts Accuracy and Luck.
[link=]Glowing Ember[/link] - Mod (Level 40 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Boosts Power and Fire.
[link=]Purple Seaweed[/link] - Mod (Level 40 - Mystraven style) Boosts Perception and Reflex.

[b][YHD][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Hazuko's Dojo[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Hazuko[/link].

One screen right of [link=]Yue[/link] and in the center door is [link=]Hazuko's Dojo[/link]. Talk to [link=]Hazuko[/link] and click "Challenge". There will be five challenges available. The first is for level 20s and higher, the second for level 25s and higher, the third for level 30s and higher, etc. In the challenges you will fight Hazuko himself. He has some defense, so every hit has a chance to miss, and he also does high damage.

[b][YHRS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Hazuko Rewards Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Hazuko's Machete[/link] - FA (Level 20 - Mystraven style) Permanent Defense nerf every time this is used.
-[link=]Hazuko's Staff[/link] - FA (Level 30 - Mystraven style) Permanent _______ nerf every time this is used.
-[link=]Hazuko's Katana[/link] - FA (Level 40 - Mystraven style) Permanent Boost nerf every time this is used.
-[link=]Hazuko's LX Machete[/link] - FA (Level 20 - Mystraven style) Same as NSC version but higher damage and larger nerf.
-[link=]Hazuko's LX Staff[/link] - FA (Level 30 - Mystraven style) Same as NSC version but higher damage and larger nerf.
-[link=]Hazuko's LX Katana[/link] - FA (Level 40 - Mystraven style) Same as NSC version but higher damage and larger nerf.
-[link=]Hazuko's DLX Sai[/link] - FA (Level 20 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version but higher damage and large nerf.
-[link=]Hazuko's DLX Hook Blade[/link] - FA (Level 30 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version but higher damage and large nerf.
-[link=]Hazuko's DLX Katana[/link] - FA (Level 40 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version but higher damage and large nerf.

[b][YF][/b] -- [size=3][b][u]Features[/u][/b][/size]

[b][YHaS][/b] -- [size=2][b][u]Hair Shop[/u][/b][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Miso[/link].

Allows you to customize your hair style with nine styles for each gender. It costs 200 credits to change your hair style.

[b][GPl][/b] -- Planet Derizion, more commonly known as the
[b][size=4][link=][u]Gameshow Planet[/u][/link][/size][/b]

Yokai is done now, so we're moving onto another planet! Go back to the "Wormholes" from [link=]Char[/link] and click the second on the list, the [link=]Gameshow Planet[/link].

[b]Enemies (Non-Boss):[/b]
-[link=]GLaDERP Security A[/link]: Mecha enemy. Inflicts a DoT, nerfs your defense and buffs it's defense, small chance of a stun and buffs it's damage. Use High damage weapons to kill it as quick as possible.
-[link=]GLaDERP Security B[/link]: Mecha enemy. Inflicts DoTs, nerfs your defense, small chance of a stun, small heal, buffs it's damage and nerfs your damage. Use High damage weapons to kill it as quick as possible.

Having a lot of difficulty? Here is 1 typical build with strategy to beat the coming enemies. They can be used by any level player, as long as you can get the required items.

[u][b]Lvl. 1[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Newbatron V1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] Default
[b]Back Arm:[/b] None
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Body:[/b] None
[b]Head:[/b] None
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] FA, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 26[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Steampunk A-1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Snake Master N-26[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-22[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Rocket Boot N-23[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Banana Bonanza N-23[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] [link=]Beard Fist N-24[/link]
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, HD, FA, BA, BS, FS, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 29[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Corrupted Drakel Power Armor L29[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Dimitri's Bats[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-22[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Vladic Pulse[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Vladic Pulse[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] Default
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, FS, H, FA, BS, BA, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 40[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Count Mechula XXXIX[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Snake Master N-40[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-40[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Rocket Boot N-40[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Banana Bonanza N-40[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] [link=]Beard Fist N-40[/link] (Default might be better is case you get to battle a Jawseph)
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, HD, FA, BA, FS, BS, Repeat

[b][GStM][/b] -- [size=3][b][u]Storyline Missions[/u][/b][/size]

[b][GP][/b] -- [size=2][b][u]Gameshow Prologue[/u][/b][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Char[/link], [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] and [link=]GLaDERP[/link].

Going through another wormhole, you come out on a deserted planet that has been laid to waste. A giant starship is just leaving. Heading back, you encounter the thing again in [link=]Soluna City[/link]! You are sent onto it to participate in it's Gameshow! You will automatically put on the [link=]Data Runner[/link] uniform on this planet.

There are three games: [link=]Trivial Trivia[/link], [link=]Wheel of Points[/link] and Obstacle Course. Trivia is easy, wheel is medium and the obstacle course is hard. You must complete 9 rounds. You must complete one round 1, one round 2, one round 3, etc. They can all be on different games too.

[b][GTT][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Trivial Trivia[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]GLaDERP[/link].

Here you will be asked questions and given 4 possible answers. Click the correct one. You must correctly answer eight of ten questions to win. Answers can be found in the encyclopedia entry.

[b][GWoP][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Wheel of Points[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]GLaDERP[/link].

Your objective here is to guess the word. Click on a letter and spin the wheel to get points. You win when you get the word right. You can find the answers in the encyclopedia entry.

[b][GOC][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Obstacle Course[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]GLaDERP[/link].

In this game, you will use the arrow keys to dodge objects. Hold shift to run. You must get to the end of the stage in a certain amount of time to continue. Win three stages to beat the round of the Gameshow.

After beating all nine rounds, play the final round. You will be in a walkaround map. When you see the little exclamation mark, walk over to it. It seems to be a little touchscreen device. Read the journal to learn about [link=]GLaDERP[/link] and the last planet you were on that was destroyed, then look at the rest of the apps. When you're done, turn it off and continue. When you see a green curtain, walk up to it to look behind it. There you will see [link=]Korin[/link], and he will drop a few hints. Then move on. There are no battles, and when you beat the mission, you will automatically start the next one. If you die in either of the next two missions or log out, you won't have to repeat the previous ones.

[b][GBM][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Backstage Maze[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: None.

You have to make your way through backstage now, in an attempt to reach and defeat [link=]GlaDERP[/link]. A map can be found here: [link=]Map of Backstage[/link]. It details the start, exit, location of enemies and treasure chests and healing pads that can be found along the way. The only heal along the way is four screens right and one screen up. This mission is difficult, and you might have to use [link=]Newbatron V1[/link] for it.

[b][GGF][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]GLaDERP Fight[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]GLaDERP[/link].

The planet's bossfight! (Already?) This mission is automatically started when you complete the [link=]Backstage Maze[/link]. Now to fight [link=]GLaDERP[/link]. He will tell you how he got corrupted ([link=]Jemini[/link]), then it's time to fight. He can increase his BtH,nerf your Boost, heal himself, inflict HP and EP DoTs and do a massive damage attack. This fight isn't too hard. Just use high damage. You can also stun him, since he isn't resistant to that. Afterward, a piece of [link=]Warlic[/link]'s weapon that was in [link=]GLaDERP[/link] corrupting him falls out! You beat [link=]GLaDERP[/link] and got the next piece!

[b][GW][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Gameshow Weapons[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Derizion Plasma Wave[/link] - BA (Levels 23, 29, 35, 41 and 45 - Mystraven style) BtH nerf and DoT. Weakens enemy armor.
-[link=]Security Turret[/link] - FS/BS (Levels 23, 29, 35, 41 and 45 - Runehawk style) Decreases enemy EP. More potent against enemies with weakened armor.
-[link=]Data Cell[/link] - H (Levels 23, 29, 35, 41 and 45 - Wolfblade style) Increased damage, chance for Boosts buff and/or Boost nerf on enemy. Also performs the Data Shift on the [link=]Mechatron[/link].
-[link=]Derizion Plasma Bolt[/link] - BA (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Mystraven style) Nerfs enemy's Boost and Defense.
-[link=]Security Turret[/link] - FS/BS (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Runehawk style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Disc Driver[/link] - H (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Mystraven style) Increased damage, Defense nerf, guaranteed stun or heal.
-[link=]Derizion Plasma Bolt[/link] - BA (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Mystraven style) Same as SC version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Security Turret[/link] - FS/BS (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Runehawk style) Same as SC version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Gridlocker[/link] - H (Levels 23, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Mystraven style) Increased damage and chance for HP DoT.

[b][GSM][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Gameshow Security Mecha[/u][/b][/link]
-GLaDERP Security B - Mecha (Levels 10, 23, 29, 35, 41 and 45 - Majority Mystraven style, minority Wolfblade/Runehawk style) Same as enemy version, but with increased damage and chance for Reverse EP Regen.
-GLaDERP Security A - Mecha (Levels 15, 27, 33, 37 and 45 - Majority Mystraven style, minority Wolfblade/Runehawk style) Same as enemy version, but can nerf your enemy's Defense, give an additional nerf to your enemy's Boost, another increase to your Boost and gives a Star Captains a chance to reverse the enemy's EP regen.

[b][PlZ][/b] -- [b][size=4][link=][u]Planet Zargon Part II[/u][/link][/size][/b]

Moving on, [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] is calling you to his office. Click the button in [link=]Soluna City[/link] to begin.

[b]Enemies (Non-Boss):[/b]
-Random ShS: Mecha enemy. Basic strategy can be used.
-[link=]Rebuilt Geekatron[/link]: Mecha enemy. Can do a guaranteed critical, deal a double EP DoT, decrease BtH or decrease damage. I recommend using a high defensive build, with a few powerful attacks. Don't try to drag the battle out.

Having a lot of difficulty? Here is 1 typical build with strategy to beat the coming enemies. They can be used by any level player, as long as you can get the required items.

[u][b]Lvl. 1[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Newbatron V1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] Default
[b]Back Arm:[/b] None
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] None
[b]Body:[/b] None
[b]Head:[/b] None
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] FA, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 26[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Steampunk A-1[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Snake Master N-26[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-22[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Rocket Boot N-23[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Banana Bonanza N-23[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] [link=]Beard Fist N-24[/link] (Default or [link=]Crane Master N-25[/link] might be better is case you get to battle a Jawseph)
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, HD, FA, BA, FS, BS, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 29[/b][/u] (Not for Jawseph!)
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Corrupted Drakel Power Armor L29[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Dimitri's Bats[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-22[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Vladic Pulse[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Vladic Pulse[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] Default
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, FS, H, FA, BS, BA, Repeat

[u][b]Lvl. 40[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Count Mechula XXXIX[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Snake Master N-40[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-40[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Rocket Boot N-40[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Banana Bonanza N-40[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] [link=]Beard Fist N-40[/link] (Default might be better is case you get to battle a Jawseph)
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, HD, FA, BA, FS, BS, Repeat

[u][b]Jawseph Build (Lvl. 28)[/b][/u]
[b]Chassis:[/b] [link=]Count Mechula XXV[/link]
[b]Front Arm:[/b] [link=]Dimitri's Bats[/link]
[b]Back Arm:[/b] [link=]Finger Zapper N-22[/link]
[b]Front Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Miracyrina's Shoulder N27[/link]
[b]Back Shoulder:[/b] [link=]Banana Bonanza N-23[/link]
[b]Body:[/b] Default
[b]Head:[/b] Default
[b]Activations/Explanation:[/b] BD, HD, FA, BA, FS, BS, Repeat

[b][ZStM][/b] -- [size=3][b][u]Storyline Missions[/u][/b][/size]

[b][ZWI][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Zargon Wormhole Intro[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] and [link=]Selina[/link].

So. [link=]Dean Warlic[/link] summoned you, but managed to forget. Anyways, a garbled transmission from Zargon has come in. There's been a major disaster there. Apparently the ShadowScythe were involved. After reading about it all, you're sent to Zargon to help rescue people. You will have to battle one mecha for this quest.

[b][ZA][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Zargon Arrives[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Arachnid[/link], [link=]Dean Warlic[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link], [link=]Char[/link], [link=]Starstorm[/link] and [link=]Dr. Benner[/link].

The new wormhole... Leads to Zargon, a few days in the past. There's a full-scale invasion by the ShadowScythe there. You can't interfere too much without creating a paradox though. In this mission, you will randomly encounter enemies while in warp. At 90% journey completion, you will battle a [link=]Rebuilt Geekatron[/link]. It can drop your damage and accuracy significantly, as well as having guaranteed critical attack and being able to drain your EP. You want to be ready for this battle. It has 60 Immobility, so don't bother with stunning. Afterward, you get to Zargon and chat with [link=]Arachnid[/link], [link=]Dr. Benner[/link] and [link=]Starstorm[/link], and learn the full situation. Turns out that [link=]Boltavolt[/link] has allied with the ShadowScythe. [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] agrees to help where possible.

[b][ZWIM][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Zargon Wormhole Intro Mods[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Nova Protector[/link] - Mod (Level 30) Boosts Luck, Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Supernova Protector[/link] - Mod (Level 40) Boosts Luck, Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Brave Escort[/link] - Mod (Level 25) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Chivalrous Escort[/link] - Mod (Level 30) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Courageous Escort[/link] - Mod (Level 35) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Valourous Escort[/link] - Mod (Level 40) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Heroic Escort[/link] - Mod (Level 45) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 27) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Brave Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 30) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Tough Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 33) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Tenacious Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 36) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Unshakable Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 39) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Staunch Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 42) Boosts Power and Reflex.
-[link=]Stalwart Bodyguard[/link] - Mod (Level 45) Boosts Power and Reflex.

[b][ZWWS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Zargon Wormhole Weapon's Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Univora[/link] - H (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 39 and 43 - Wolfblade style) High chance for a critical, Boost BoT and BtH BoT.
-[link=]Uniblaster[/link] - FS/BS (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 38, 44 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, Boost and BtH NoT.
-[link=]Univora[/link] - H (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 39 and 43 - Wolfblade style) Same as NG version, but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Uniblaster[/link] - FS/BS (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 38, 44 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as NG version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Univora[/link] - H (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 39 and 44 - Wolfblade style) Same as SC version but slightly weaker.
-[link=]Uniblaster[/link] - FS/BS (Level 22, 27, 31, 35, 38, 43 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Same as SC version but slightly weaker.

[b][ZWKCS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Zargon Wormhole Key Card Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Mysterious Key Card[/link] - Mod (Level 1) Allows access to [link=]Zargon Wormhole Boltavolt's Lair Secret Shop[/link].

[b][ZBL][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Boltavolt's Lair[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Dr. Benner[/link], [link=]Mecha Bat[/link], [link=]Sys-Zero[/link] and [link=]Jemini[/link].

So, the [link=]Mecha Bat[/link] has discovered [link=]Boltavolt[/link]'s base, deep in the Abandoned Warehouse District. You'll start the mission with another battle with a [link=]Rebuilt Geekatron[/link], then move on to the infiltration part. You'll be battling on foot, and the enemies will be tough, so bring your best energy blade. [link=]Here is a map[/link]. At the end you battle an extremely difficult enemy (Use [link=]Ultraviolet[/link] or better, and spam Strong Attack until it dies. Just keep trying! It could take you 50 tries. Seriously.), then you can question [link=]Jemini[/link] (And laugh at her. It's quite pleasing to see her in this predicament, don't you think?), then learn that [link=]Boltavolt[/link] is after [link=]Starstorm[/link]! Anyways, all the enemies have a chance to drop a [link=]Mysterious Key Card[/link], which you can use to access the [link=]Zargon Wormhole Boltavolt's Lair Secret Shop[/link]. If you don't want to farm for one, you can buy one 100 NGs in [link=]this[/link] shop from [link=]Sys-Zero[/link].

[b][ZWBLSS][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Zargon Wormhole Boltavolt's Lair Secret Shop[/u][/b][/link]
-[link=]Volt Spike[/link] - Energy Blade (Level 20 - Wolfblade style) Boosts Power.
-[link=]Bolt Spike[/link] - Energy Blade (Level 20 - Wolfblade style) Boosts Power.
-[link=]Volt Strike[/link] - FA (Levels 19, 24, 29, 34, 39 and 44 - Wolfblade/Mystraven style) Increased damage, chance for DoTs on unequipable enemies, disables weapons on equipable enemies, Star Captains get an extra weapon disabled and a guaranteed stun.

[b][ZFS][/b] -- [size=2][link=][b][u]Find Starstorm![/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Dr. Benner[/link] and [link=]Sys-Zero[/link].

You must find [link=]Starstorm[/link] before [link=]Boltavolt[/link] finds her! This quest is timed and has four battles, with a healing pad on the second screen. The first three battles are random ShS enemies, and the fourth is a [link=]Rebuilt Geekatron[/link]. Don't worry about the time limit, you've got plenty of time. At the end, you will see an... Explosion of some sort? This can't be good.

[b][ZFB][/b] -- [size=2][link=URL][b][u]Find Boltavolt[/u][/b][/link][/size]

NPCs: [link=]Starstorm[/link], [link=]Dr. Boltavolt[/link], [link=]Selina[/link] and [link=URL]Terabolt[/link].

So all looks fine... For now. You will start by battling two [link=]Rebuilt Geekatron[/link]s (You get healed between them). After that, witness a traditional comic (Click anywhere to continue) of [link=]Starstorm[/link] beating up ShS and [link=]Dr. Boltavolt[/link] getting something ready...[spoiler]Then zaps [link=]Starstorm[/link] and steals her powers.[/spoiler] After which you have to battle [link=]Teravolt[/link]. He cannot be stunned, gains power every turn and has a chance to disable any of your weapons on any attack. Can also inflict a BtH NoT, a never ending HP/EP DoT and a Boost NoT. He can also stun you for up to 2 turns. Extreme mode has some additional effects, including increased Boost and Critical chance, purging all active effects and healing HP and EP. A powerful healing build or a high damage build should do him in. After that, you have to reason with [link=]Dr. Boltavolt[/link]. Saying the wrong thing will get you killed. This is the correct order:[spoiler]-Boltavolt, stop this!
-Because you're going to explode and destroy this planet!
-The power transfer is unstable! You're going to start to overload soon!
-Because I have good scanners and... stuff.
-Are you sure? What about the Shadowscythe?
-Then what about the people of Zargon?
-Are you...?
-Are you really sure you're fine?
-That doesn't matter! You know your powers are overloading!
-And what happens if you can't control it? Then what happens?
-It's destroy Mechtropolis and everyone in it. The planet too.
-Look there's still time, we can...
At which point [link=URL]Terabolt[/link] goes and blows up the ShS fleet. Well done! Except... You created a Paradox Wave (Not a Grandfather Paradox) that weakened that fabric of existence. You can only open one more wormhole.[/spoiler]

[b][ZBM][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Boltron Mecha[/u][/b][/link]
-Boltron - Mecha (Levels 24, 31, 36, 42 and 45 - Majority Mystraven style, minority Wolfblade/Runehawk style) Same as enemy version, but can also buff your BtH, perform an irresistible stun, purge a negative effect on you and increase your damage.

[b][ZSW][/b] -- [link=][b][u]Surge Weapons[/u][/b][/link]
-Arrester - FA (Levels 24, 31, 36, 42 and 45 - Mystraven style) Lightly nerfs the enemy's Boost.
-Snubber - BA (Levels 24, 31, 36, 42 and 45 - Mystraven style) Lightly nerfs the enemy's BtH.
-Treaker - FA (Levels 24, 31, 36, 42 and 45 - Mystraven/Runehawk style) Decreases enemy's Boost, applies a BtH BoT to you, chance to damage enemy's EP and chance to heal your EP.
-Venter - BA (Levels 24, 31, 36, 42 and 45 - Mystraven/Runehawk style) Decreases enemy's BtH, chance to inflict and HP DoT, EP DoT, HP Heal and/or EP Heal.

[b][FAQ][/b] -- [u][size=2]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/u]

[quote]Q: I can't access the first mission! What's going on?[/quote]
A: Make sure you are ranked Grand Champion on Planet 51, and have defeated the Kingadent. To defeat him, beat all of Dean Warlic's Missions and Missions on the Moon. Note that you have to do the Bloodhounds Mission ten times to unlock the next one.

[quote]Q: I can't access the Lagos War! What do I do?[/quote]
For the Lagos War, the additional requirement of completing all Planet Lagos and Gark missions is added, so make sure you have done them.

[quote]Q: I wasn't here for the Lagos War! Can I still access it, or has it been removed?[/quote]
Don't worry, it hasn't be removed. Talk to Dean Warlic to access it.

[quote]Q: I can't get to Planet Yokai! What's wrong?[/quote]
For the complete checklist, go [link=]here[/link]. You can also look at the Story section on the News Screen in [link=]Soluna City[/link]. Staff seem certain there are no bugs regarding this.

[quote]Q: Where is the Secret Shop/What is the drop rate of the Key Card/Where can I get a Key Card in Boltavolt's Lair?[/quote]
The directions to the Secret Shop is this: Up, right, up, right, up. The drop rate of the Key Card is unknown but is estimated at around 5%. You can get the Key Card from a shop that has a chance of opening up after a battle in Boltavolt's Lair or from a shop from Sys-Zero, where you can buy it for 100 NGs.

[b][Crd][/b] -- [u]Credits[/u]

-[link=]Denolth[/link] for reformatting of the requirements, extra space/no space errors, informing me of a new encyclopedia entry, pointing out typos, pointing out that the Mysterious Key Card linked to the Brave Escort mod, approving this guide and telling me to remove me saying "gnomes" since it isn't confirmed.
-[link=]Sheriff Duncan[/link] for getting me to make an index, search function, NPC section, FAQ section and for the Hazuko reward weapons names.
-[link=]AoW[/link] for informing me of the new rolls on the training mission, telling me the trainer's name, pointing out a mistake, having me put in an image of Xaria corrupted, having me replace "metal piece" with "Dragon Heart Shard", suggesting that I bold "must", getting me to put in the new energy blade system, making me be more specific on the Crane Master's immobility, getting me to put in information on quick travel to the Dojo, giving a build to defeat a yokai enemy and *suggesting* I reorganize the requirements.
-[link=]UltimaKomoto[/link] for corrections on the war boss and the war mechas, typo corrections, making encyclopedia entries, unknowingly informing me of the sugegasa specials and for giving the link to a Yokai training shop.
-[link=]forumlogin[/link] for explaining the Mer'a weapon effects to me, making me link to a different MQ weapons/mecha index area (through extreme difficulty caused by me), informing me of the default mecha's success against a yokai enemy, suggesting a FAQ, confirming the name Derizion, informing me of the heal along the way in the Backstage Maze and correcting typos.
-[link=]Drakyloid[/link] for a build to defeat a yokai enemy.
-[link=]jgamer[/link] for helping me notice that there is an SC and NSC version of the wanyudo.
-[link=]Soul weaver12345[/link] for informing me that there are two ways to battle in the Yokai War, not just the regular single battle.
-[link=]seventy two[/link] for unknowingly informing me of the acu specials.
-[link=]Vivi[/link] for linking me to Blues' DNs.
-[link=]Peachii[/link] for providing me with the majority of the SC mission entry on Planet Yokai, informing me of the new Obstacle Course entry and for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]runer[/link] for providing me with the Yokai mecha specials.
-[link=]josh_et[/link] for providing me with the majority of the Yokai SC misson item locations.
-[link=]Selutu[/link] for informing me of the HP DoT on the Sugegasa, giving me the link to the Sugegasa, giving me builds for Derizion and Zargon, telling me that the GLaDERP Security A is not a boss and telling me about the EP DoT on the Yokai Monk.
-[link=]Thiefboy109[/link] for the map of Backstage in the Gameshow planet, map of Boltavolt's Lair, telling me that the mechas on Derizion are different and for informing me that the Plasma Wave and Bolt are different.
-[link=]NaturallyMaria[/link] for contributing to mecha builds for Derizion and Zargon.
-[link=]zccheng97[/link] for contributing to mecha builds for Derizion and Zargon.
-[link=]Ello[/link] for making encyclopedia entries and for informing me that some mecha encyclopedia entries had been made.
-[link=]blues[/link] for posting weapon effects on the DNs.
-[link=]Korin[/link] for making the youtube Dragonoid joke.
-[link=]wolfencreek[/link] for inspiring Korin.
-[link=]Vampire Fexy[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Apparition[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Twilight Sky 023[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Diark[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Icy[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]PD[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]ArchMagus Orodalf[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]#13[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]golden1231[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]tablite[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Dermado[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]tflo[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Syrena[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-[link=]Elnaith[/link] for making encyclopedia entries.
-The rest of the MechQuest team that I have not mentioned, for making this game and the Dragonoid Saga itself.

Without these people, this guide could never have been made. Thank you.[/center]

Note: Hazuko weapon encyclopedia entries are missing the specials, so they aren't shown or one weapon in the guide. - Reported in Incomplete Post List.
Note 2: As more of the Dragonoid Saga releases, you will start to see it here. Please give me three days after a release to update before you point it out to me.
Any information would be helpful.

forumlogin -> RE: The Dragonoid Saga - Walkthrough (7/26/2011 14:47:14)

You might want to include:

Go four screens right from the starting point (Third screen has a foe), two screens up (first screen up should have a heal), two screens right, two screens up (run into a foe on the second screen), one right, fours screens up (run into a foe on the second screen), one right (run into a foe here) and go up til' you reach the end of the maze. Make sure you backtrack to heal, you have to restart the maze if you die.

Quoted from Thiefboy, IIRC. In any case, I used this instead of the map when I made my run because I couldn't get the map. XD

Nope, Ted Zlammy.

Avantir -> RE: The Dragonoid Saga - Walkthrough (7/26/2011 21:23:56)

I'm not sure how the written description would help. The map shows it pretty clearly. I will add the location of the heal though. I missed that before.

Dev -> RE: The Dragonoid Saga - Walkthrough (10/14/2011 19:21:07)

Avantir no longer has time to update this. If you wish to take it over, please post here. Thanks!


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