Legacy of Xilar (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Legacy of Xilar (4/1/2010 8:53:08)

Location: Yulgar's Inn > The Devourer Saga > Legacy of Xilar
Location: Travel Map > Sail East > Sail East > The Devourer Saga > Legacy of Xilar
Prerequisite: Level 52

Legacy of Xilar

Falerin, The Huntress, The Eternal and
Galrick await the arrival of Diviara near
the Brilhado Gate...

  • Go!

  • The Eternal:Isn't this a somewhat risky place in which to gather information?
    Falerin: Perhaps. But is also the most likely place for us to find information.
    The Huntress: Omega is surely not going to appear in such an obvious location.
    Galrick: Any place where you are is a good place to appear.
    The Huntress: ............
    Galrick: Did I just say that out loud?
    The Huntress: Is he hitting on me again?
    Falerin: Galrick seems to have become quite enamored with you.
    The Huntress: A scraggly-bearded, buff blacksmith and a pint-sized Terran warrior are BOTH harboring a too-keen interest in me. What are the odds of that?
    Falerin: Diviara! What have you learned?
    Diviara: Perhaps when you live as close to death as he does, you become a bit self-destructive, Celestra.
    Galrick: Aw, come on Div-- She wouldn't cleave me in two because I LIKE her! Would she?
    The Huntress: Listen kid, you are cute but we do not have time for games--
    The Eternal: We do not have time for this kind of conversation either. Please pursue your suitors at another time, Celestra.
    The Huntress: Father-!
    Diviara: Falerin, as to what I have learned. Some consider me a traitor and others are quite sure I acted exactly as intended and ordered.
    Falerin: Does that mean you were able to learn about Omega?
    Diviara: He will not appear here but he may already be on Lore. They say Omega shall continue the Legacy of Xilar.
    Falerin: That is grave news. Any clue as to what it means?
    Diviara: I could not afford to get close to those of high enough rank to find out.
    Falerin: This bodes ill, very ill indeed....

  • You get sent back to the Town of Battleon.

    Entry thanks to devbhargava and ZzlzhtT.

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