Elder Mummydas (Full Version)

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Baron -> Elder Mummydas (4/26/2010 3:17:53)

Elder Mummydas
Also see Mummydas Z, Fresh Mummydas, Mummydas, Ancient Mummydas, Antediluvian Guardian Mummydas

Level: 80
Power Level: 80
CHA Level: 80
Price: 25,000 7407
Sellback: 12,500 3703
Location: Kabak's... Back!

Element: Light
Damage: 15-44
Stat: 339%
BTH: 20
Training Difficulty: 114

Rate at 0 CHA: 10%
Rate at 114 CHA: 67%
Rate at 180 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Element: Light
Type: Ranged
Damage: 54% Damage
BTH: +0 plus stats
Rate: «See Below»
Effect: If the hit connects, it attempts to inflict fear upon the enemy at a +20 save bonus (easy save). If the enemy fails the roll, there will be a 10% chance that it will not attack, this lasts 4 turns. Certain type monsters are immune to this*:
    Level: 80 vs. MonsterLevel
    Major: 180 vs. MonsterEND
    Minor: 40 vs. MonsterLUK
*The Mummydas' dry breath fills your foe with fear!
**Your foe resists the Mummydas' fear.
***Non-living beings do not feal fear.

Hits: 3
Element: Light
Type: Melee
Damage: 23% Base, Random, and Stats; 23% Base, Random, and Stats; 46% Base, Random, and Stats
BTH: +7
Rate: «See Below»

If the enemy is already afraid (by an equal or stronger Fear) or is in Monster Category "undead", then the Mummydas does Attack#2. Otherwise, it does Attack #1.

This gold-infused mummy can cause a deep fear with its breath! Basic CHA 114; Recommended CHA 180


Stats thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to Raven Mac Drake. Name, description and attack rates thanks to Scakk. Messages thanks to ubear. Typo correction thanks to SysRq.

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