Chocobunny (Full Version)

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Koree -> Chocobunny (5/1/2010 2:17:44)


Also see Guardian Chocobunny.

Level: 0
Power Level: 10
Price: N/A
Sellback: 250
Location: Given to level 0-24 characters after using AE Upgrade Card
Element: Earth

Melee: 29
Ranged: 32
Magic: 29

Fire: 115%
Water: 110%
Wind: 105%
Ice: 100%
Earth: 115%
Energy: 105%
Light: 110%
Darkness: 100%

ILvl = max(min(PlayerLevel-10, 10), -10)
EffLevel = ROUND(MAX(0.0008*ILvl^2 + 0.84*ILvl + 10.375, ILvl + 3))
MPLevel = FLOOR(ILvl +(EffLevel - ILvl)*3/4)

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: ROUND(1.125*0.95*(0.0267*(EffLevel)^2 - 0.3885*(EffLevel) + 95)/0.9)/3 % Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +MAX(ROUND(0.125*EffLevel-0.5, 0), 0) Each
    Level 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
    BRS   112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115
    BTH   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2

Cheeps! (armor skill)
Hits: 4
Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise As Weapon»
Element: Light
Base: (ROUND(0.95*(4.0+0.5*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Random: (ROUND(0.95*(13.0+1.25*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Stats: (ROUND(0.95*(100.0+4.4*EffLevel))/4) % each*
BTH: FLOOR(0.25*Efflevel) each
Cost: ROUND(1.1*0.75*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2.0))) SP
This counts as a Spell.
    Level   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
    Base    5   5   6   6   6   7   7   8   8   9   9   10  10  11  11  12  12  13  13  14  15
    Random  15  16  17  18  18  20  21  22  23  25  25  26  27  29  30  31  31  33  34  35  37
    Stat%   103 108 112 116 116 120 124 128 133 137 137 141 145 149 154 158 158 162 166 170 174
    BTH     0   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   5  
    SP      30  31  33  35  35  37  39  41  43  45  45  47  50  52  54  56  56  58  60  62  65

*Stat bonus for Ranged is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus for Magic is 2*(INT/8). Regardless of Attack type, it gets the ordinary bonus +LUK/2 for Lucky Strikes.

This magical chocolate bunny outfit doesn't do well against fire attacks, but its sweet aroma lulls monsters into a less-alert state during battles, increasing your ability to hit them!


Image from My Pain. Numbers from Aelthai. Clarification from In Media Res.

Koree -> RE: Chocobunny (5/1/2010 2:18:03)


Also see Guardian Chocobunny.

Level: 25
Power Level: 32
Price: N/A
Sellback: 1,250
Location: Given to level 25-49 characters after using AE Upgrade Card
Element: Earth

Melee: 32
Ranged: 34
Magic: 32

Fire: 105%
Water: 95%
Wind: 95%
Ice: 82%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 95%
Light: 95%
Darkness: 90%

ILvl = max(min(PlayerLevel-10, 35), 15)
EffLevel = ROUND(MAX(0.0008*ILvl^2 + 0.84*ILvl + 10.375, ILvl + 3))
MPLevel = FLOOR(ILvl +(EffLevel - ILvl)*3/4)

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: ROUND(1.125*0.95*(0.0267*(EffLevel)^2 - 0.3885*(EffLevel) + 95)/0.9)/3 % Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +MAX(ROUND(0.125*EffLevel-0.5, 0), 0) plus Stats each
    Level 25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
    BRS   119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130 132 133 135 136 138 139 141 143 145 147
    BTH   2   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   5

Cheeps! (armor skill)
Hits: 4
Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise As Weapon»
Element: Light
Base: (ROUND(0.95*(4.0+0.5*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Random: (ROUND(0.95*(13.0+1.25*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Stats: (ROUND(0.95*(100.0+4.4*EffLevel))/4) % each*
BTH: FLOOR(0.25*Efflevel) each
Cost: ROUND(1.1*0.75*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2.0))) SP
This counts as a Spell.
    Level   25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
    Base    17  18  19  19  20  20  21  22  22  23  24  25  25  26  26  27  28  29  30  30  31
    Random  42  44  45  46  48  48  49  51  52  54  55  57  58  60  60  61  63  64  66  67  69
    Stat%   191 195 200 204 208 208 212 216 220 225 229 233 237 241 241 245 250 254 258 262 266
    BTH     6   6   6   7   7   7   7   8   8   8   8   9   9   9   9   10  10  10  10  11  11
    SP      76  78  81  83  85  85  88  91  93  95  98  100 103 103 105 108 110 113 115 118 121

*Stat bonus for Ranged is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus for Magic is 2*(INT/8). Regardless of Attack type, it gets the ordinary bonus +LUK/2 for Lucky Strikes.

This magical chocolate bunny outfit doesn't do well against fire attacks, but its sweet aroma lulls monsters into a less-alert state during battles, increasing your ability to hit them!


Image from My Pain. Numbers from Aelthai. Clarification from In Media Res.

Koree -> RE: Chocobunny (5/1/2010 2:18:18)


Also see Guardian Chocobunny.

Level: 50
Power Level: 54
Price: N/A
Sellback: 11,500
Location: Given to level 50-74 characters after using AE Upgrade Card
Element: Earth

Melee: 35
Ranged: 38
Magic: 35

Fire: 100%
Water: 90%
Wind: 90%
Ice: 72%
Earth: 95%
Energy: 90%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 75%

ILvl: max(min(PlayerLevel-10, 60), 40)
EffLevel:ROUND(MAX(0.0008*ILvl^2 + 0.84*ILvl + 10.375, ILvl + 3))
MPLevel: FLOOR(ILvl +(EffLevel - ILvl)*3/4)

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: ROUND(1.125*0.95*(0.0267*(EffLevel)^2 - 0.3885*(EffLevel) + 95)/0.9)/3 % Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +MAX(ROUND(0.125*EffLevel-0.5, 0), 0) plus Stats each
    Level 50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70
    BRS   157 159 161 164 166 168 171 173 176 179 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 205 209 212
    BTH   5   5   5   5   6   6   6   6   6   6   6   6   7   7   7   7   7   7   7   7   7

Cheeps! (armor skill)
Hits: 4
Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise As Weapon»
Element: Light
Base: (ROUND(0.95*(4.0+0.5*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Random: (ROUND(0.95*(13.0+1.25*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Stats: (ROUND(0.95*(100.0+4.4*EffLevel))/4) % each*
BTH: FLOOR(0.25*Efflevel) each
Cost: ROUND(1.1*0.75*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2.0))) SP
This counts as a Spell.
    Level   50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70
    Base    35  36  37  38  38  39  40  41  42  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  52  53  54
    Random  75  77  79  80  82  84  85  87  89  89  90  92  94  95  97  99  101 102 104 106 108
    Stat%   283 287 291 296 300 304 308 312 317 317 321 325 329 333 347 342 346 350 354 358 363
    BTH     12  12  13  13  13  13  14  14  14  14  15  15  15  15  16  16  16  16  17  17  17
    SP      132 134 137 140 143 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 190

*Stat bonus for Ranged is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus for Magic is 2*(INT/8). Regardless of Attack type, it gets the ordinary bonus +LUK/2 for Lucky Strikes.

This magical chocolate bunny outfit doesn't do well against fire attacks, but its sweet aroma lulls monsters into a less-alert state during battles, increasing your ability to hit them!


Image from My Pain. Numbers from Aelthai. Clarification from In Media Res.

Koree -> RE: Chocobunny (5/1/2010 2:18:41)


Also see Guardian Chocobunny.

Level: 75
Power Level: 78
Price: N/A
Sellback: 46,750
Location: Given to level 75-99 characters after using AE Upgrade Card
Element: Earth

Melee: 39
Ranged: 43
Magic: 39

Fire: 96%
Water:85 %
Wind: 80%
Ice: 65%
Earth: 95%
Energy: 85%
Light: 90%
Darkness: 72%

ILvl: max(min(PlayerLevel-10, 85), 65)
EffLevel: ROUND(MAX(0.0008*ILvl^2 + 0.84*ILvl + 10.375, ILvl + 3))
MPLevel: FLOOR(ILvl +(EffLevel - ILvl)*3/4)

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: ROUND(1.125*0.95*(0.0267*(EffLevel)^2 - 0.3885*(EffLevel) + 95)/0.9)/3 % Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +MAX(ROUND(0.125*EffLevel-0.5, 0), 0) plus Stats each
    Level 75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95
    BRS   229 233 237 241 245 248 252 257 261 265 270 274 279 283 288 293 298 303 308 313 318
    BTH   8   8   8   8   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   10  10  10  10  10  10  10  10  11 

Cheeps! (armor skill)
Hits: 4
Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise As Weapon»
Element: Light
Base: (ROUND(0.95*(4.0+0.5*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Random: (ROUND(0.95*(13.0+1.25*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Stats: (ROUND(0.95*(100.0+4.4*EffLevel))/4) % each*
BTH: FLOOR(0.25*Efflevel) each
Cost: ROUND(1.1*0.75*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2.0))) SP
This counts as a Spell.
    Level   75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95
    Base    58  59  60  61  63  64  65  66  67  69  70  71  72  73  75  76  77  78  80  81  82
    Random  115 117 119 121 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154
    Stat%   379 383 388 392 396 400 404 409 413 417 421 425 429 434 438 442 446 450 454 459 463
    BTH     18  19  19  19  19  20  20  20  20  21  21  21  21  22  22  22  22  23  23  23  23
    SP      202 205 209 212 215 218 222 225 228 232 235 238 242 245 249 252 255 259 262 266 269

*Stat bonus for Ranged is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus for Magic is 2*(INT/8). Regardless of Attack type, it gets the ordinary bonus +LUK/2 for Lucky Strikes.

This magical chocolate bunny outfit doesn't do well against fire attacks, but its sweet aroma lulls monsters into a less-alert state during battles, increasing your ability to hit them!


Image from My Pain. Numbers from Aelthai. Clarification from In Media Res.

Koree -> RE: Chocobunny (5/1/2010 2:18:58)


Also see Guardian Chocobunny.

Level: 100
Power Level: 103
Price: N/A
Sellback: 145,000
Location: Given to level 100+ characters after using AE Upgrade Card
Element: Earth

Melee: 43
Ranged: 47
Magic: 43

Fire: 90%
Water: 80%
Wind: 75%
Ice: 60%
Earth: 90%
Energy: 83%
Light: 87%
Darkness: 70%

ILvl: max(min(PlayerLevel-10, 110), 90)
EffLevel: ROUND(MAX(0.0008*ILvl^2 + 0.84*ILvl + 10.375, ILvl + 3))
MPLevel: FLOOR(ILvl +(EffLevel - ILvl)*3/4)

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: ROUND(1.125*0.95*(0.0267*(EffLevel)^2 - 0.3885*(EffLevel) + 95)/0.9)/3 % Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +MAX(ROUND(0.125*EffLevel-0.5, 0), 0) plus Stats each
    Level 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
    BRS   344 350 355 361 366 372 378 384 390 396 402 408 414 420 426 433 439 446 452 459 466
    BTH   11  11  11  12  12  12  12  12  12  12  12  13  13  13  13  13  13  13  13  14  14

Cheeps! (armor skill)
Hits: 4
Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; otherwise As Weapon»
Element: Light
Base: (ROUND(0.95*(4.0+0.5*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Random: (ROUND(0.95*(13.0+1.25*EffLevel+0.0050*(EffLevel^2.0))))/4 each
Stats: (ROUND(0.95*(100.0+4.4*EffLevel))/4) % each*
BTH: FLOOR(0.25*Efflevel) each
Cost: ROUND(1.1*0.75*(38.1+2.3375*MPLvl+0.01125*(MPLvl^2.0))) SP
This counts as a Spell.
    Level   100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
    Base    89  90  92  93  95  96  97  99  100 102 103 105 106 108 109 111 112 114 115 117 118
    Random  164 166 168 170 172 174 176 179 181 183 185 187 189 192 194 196 198 200 203 205 207
    Stat%   484 488 492 496 500 505 509 513 517 521 526 530 534 538 542 546 551 555 559 563 567
    BTH     25  25  25  25  26  26  26  26  27  27  27  27  28  28  28  28  29  29  29  29  30
    SP      287 291 295 298 302 306 310 313 317 321 325 329 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 360 364

*Stat bonus for Ranged is 2*(DEX/40 + STR/10). Stat bonus for Magic is 2*(INT/8). Regardless of Attack type, it gets the ordinary bonus +LUK/2 for Lucky Strikes.

This magical chocolate bunny outfit doesn't do well against fire attacks, but its sweet aroma lulls monsters into a less-alert state during battles, increasing your ability to hit them!


Image from My Pain. Numbers from Aelthai. Clarification from In Media Res.

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