A note for what is in store for L&L (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 12:51:28)

Dearest forum members and the community of Legends and Lore,

I have been a member of this community in one capacity or another for over 3 years. I have seen it evolve and change, go through highs and lows and see people come and go. I have seen greatness come from the minds of those who write and share their creations.

It is with this in mind that I am writing to you. Over the next couple of weeks, changes will be made to L&L - a revamping of structure and philosophy. The changes are being made with everyone in mind. Legends and Lore will look much different than it does now. This structural change will make finding a story to your liking easier, will make moderation easier and hopefully increase the enjoyment and participation in our boards.

The changes were not made as a spur of the moment venture, but one that was thought about and planned over an extensive amount of time. Much thought went into this, and I am posting this in advance so that you do not wake up one morning or come home after school or work and suddenly find L&L to be an alien landscape. Those of you that have work in Creative Writing will not lose anything you have posted, so please do not panic. Those of you that have work in ENG101 will have a bit more tweaking to do with your threads. But we will work together to get this done as smoothly as possible.

Legends and Lore is a hub of creativity and I have appreciated all those who has joined us and become a part of the community. In an effort to extend our community, these changes are necessary and welcome by myself and my staff. I am thankful for the commitments of so many to make this a place of welcome, growing and sharing. It is my hope that the changes will foster a greater growth and community here in L&L.

I invite you to discuss and express your thoughts in this thread. I encourage you to talk.

Your faithful Head L&L Moderator

Eukara Vox

Postmaster General -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 13:00:30)

Wow. I'm excited to see what you and the L&L AK's have in store for us!

superjars -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 15:27:27)

So, is this thread for discussion when the changes occur or now? If when the changes occur, I will wait until I have seen the new thing. If now, I'm not sure what we're supposed to discuss...

Circe -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 18:51:57)

This is where you should bring up any concerns you have about the impending changes so that Eukara and her team can assure you that they have your best interests at heart and that they'd never do anything to damage or harm the community that they love so much.

Oh wait, I just took care of that.

I guess you talk about kittens? No, that's spam...

Teasing aside, this is the place for you to bring up any worries or fears you have about her announcement - if they exist. Eukara wanted to give you a chance to express any misgivings because her first priority is to keep her community together.

superjars -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 18:53:46)

Ah, then, I'm good (and I already grilled her on IRC, so it's cool). Looking forward to the new formats!

Postmaster General -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 21:35:42)

I, too, have privately shared ideas for the future improvements. But I would like to see a more active Academy. It seems like many writers-to-be both in the Academy and in the Approval Thread, fall inactive in these forums because of lack of feedback.

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 21:59:01)

I will tell you that people will be able to take a more active part in requesting and receiving whatever feedback they may seek in the changes coming up.

I do realise that people got lost in the shuffle. The way the new system is set up, anyone who wants feedback, no matter the level, will be able to request it and receive it.

But... we also had people who received feedback and didn't act on it for a very very long time, or at all. It is a two way street. Hopefully, with the this change in particular, feedback and critique will be smoother and greater to the recipient.

Crimzon5 -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/4/2010 23:25:38)

I see a lot of promise on this one, and seeing the staff's ability, I know they can push through this.

Some effects of this change have been mentioned, though I am really curious as to /how/ it will happen

horusmaster9 -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/7/2010 4:55:51)

Please don't tell me we're going to have to re-apply... again. <.<

I think that a refurbished English 101 would be awesome. Maybe I'll head back there after my finals have had their chance to kill me. :D
Will the new system be similar to the "workshop" threads that used to run? The last workshop I looked at looked like it was in ruins due to inactivity on part of the contributors... and people come and go all the time, so that's understandable. But still, that one workshop I took a look at was the only one I could find. And I remember back when there were three active workshops or summat like that.
So yeah, new ENG101 pl0x. :)

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/7/2010 11:15:05)

When the workshop was active, it was very effective. That was taken into consideration when these changes began. I am hoping that what we have designed, which is much like the workshop, will be satisfactory for everyone. I think it will be something that you will find useful and easy to use.

Asking for critique will be easier.

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/8/2010 6:23:22)

If I recall you must be an AP or AA to be a critic, and you must be approved by MS. Needless to say, but since the new changes will include this somewhat 'new' workshop, well we need to apply to the position to be able to critique someone's work or will it be free to anyone (you don't have to be an AA/AP) who choses to critique?

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/8/2010 14:04:05)

There will be guidelines for those who request indepth commentary. Mostly along the lines of what exactly they are looking for. If someone only wants commentary on their story progression and plotholes, then they indicate it, likewise, if they want a full, comprehensive critique, they indicate that.

When it comes to providing such commentary, it will be a free to play kind of thing. If you think you can comply with what the writer is asking for, then you are welcome to indicate that to the writer. You may not be the only one to do it, and the writer will keep the request open until they are perfectly satisfied with the end result. But, no two people will fulfill that request at the same time. This is to ensure that the writer has time to address that which is presented to him or her before being bombarded by a new round of commentary.

Many of the changes that are being implemented are aimed at providing a bigger, all around community of writers that can help, hangout and do things together easier. We want everyone to not only post their work but feel confident and comfortable doing many other things like commenting and critiquing.

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/12/2010 13:10:53)

ROAR! Recar has risen from his textbooks to bear witness to these new changes.

Normally, under anyone elses control, I would've thought that this may be another -- let's not dance around with words -- bad change. Like the one which changed the old system to this. However, I have full faith in Eukara: so much so that when I do finish my GCSE's and can commit myself to writing once more, I will make it my mission to stay active on this board, and help the community out in anyway I can.

So Euk, don't let me down.

*runs off to his Chemistry textbook*

Xirminator -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/14/2010 7:19:33)

Like Recar, I will also try to make myself more active on this board and not just a memory of long distant times, if even that.

I'll help with giving criticism and such, and do my best to actually finish it :p

Postmaster General -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/15/2010 15:35:27)

The more I think about this revamp, the more excited I get. I can't wait to see all the improvements in store for these boards.

I can't wait to see activity spike here in the L&L. Good luck to all who will take part in the face lift, I know I will be here!

.::oDrew -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/18/2010 0:51:20)

My concern would be one of ensuring that everyone gets a fair chance at both giving and receiving input. What's to prevent a particularly active, enthusiastic member from pouncing on every opportunity, while members with a more "quality time over quantity of time" ethos are forced to warm the bench? Perhaps such considerations have already been made, but if not, I feel that there should certainly be limits on how many responsabilities one member can take on at a time and/or within a designated span of time.

Another idea that I think could work well in this new format would be something of a mentor program. That is, instead of an experienced writer providing a less experienced writer with a single dose of criticism and advice, the mentor would form a more invested relationship with their mentee - noticing patterns and tendencies, acknowledging improvements, and so on - helping them improve over time.

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/18/2010 1:30:17)

The "pouncing" issue is addressed in the new rules that will govern the part of our forums for Critique request. Trust me, that was one of the first things I thought about.

As to mentoring... that will be up to the person who desires the help. They can go to someone to ask for continued help and mentoring, but there will not be a formal group dedicated to that.

.::oDrew -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/18/2010 10:23:13)

Sounds good. I wasn't envisioning a formal "Mentors" group, anyway.

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/19/2010 19:42:00)

I have a request. If anyone has an AE fanfic either in ENG101 or in CW, can you please tag your title with the game it is based in?

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/19/2010 20:34:40)

Does this work:
DF-fanfic: <Story title>


@below: Alrighty, looks good, I changed mine. =)

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/19/2010 22:37:43)


(DF) <title>
(MQ) <title>
(AQ) <title>
(AQW) <title>
(WF) <title>
(ED) <title>

Postmaster General -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/20/2010 14:26:21)

I will be adding the tag to my MQ Mystery now.

I'm excited, the change is on the horizon now. I'll assume this means there will either be a fanfic section now or a rule requiring all fanfic to be designated as such?

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/20/2010 16:11:01)

You presume correctly. There will be a fanfiction section that will require game tags so people know what AE world you are writing in.

Postmaster General -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/20/2010 19:46:29)

Very interesting!

A quick question: If a user has not tagged their fanfic accordingly, will it end up lost in the regular narrative section, or is it your plan to skim through in search of these fanfics in cognito?

I think the new section will certainly inspire more AE-based literature. That is one thing that greatly surprised me when I first entered the L&L community, the surprising lack of AE-based stories and poetry.

Eukara Vox -> RE: A note for what is in store for L&L (5/20/2010 19:51:37)

Well, we will painstakingly search the listing after all is said and done, but I would prefer not too....

No worries, things will get done.

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