=AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (Full Version)

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DWeird -> =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 5:06:07)


Yeah, questions. You ask, I answer. Unless you misspell my name, or use all caps, or don't use caps at all, or have sucky sentence structure, or plentiful spelling errors, or...

Well, you get the picture. ^.^

Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 5:14:22)

Hiya DW!

Rock and Roll!
Stone and Stupor.

Can I poke you?
Sure you can, but do you have to?

*eats the offending finger*


Did you know that Dadric has no brain?
>.> Uhh, no. Does Dadric?

I stole it, and know I know all the ub3r modding things to know!
Well, good. You know what happens to people who know too much? *grin*

*Does a jig*
>.> You do that a lot, don't you.

I'm a better Dragon Slayer than you, what do you have to say to that?
Meh, I never liked being a dragon slayer. The armor's too hot and sweaty, and little lizards keep tipping me over, and I fall, and fail to get up because it's all so gosh darn heavy! [:(]

I'm done. I'll be back with some serious questions later ^^
These weren't serious? O.O

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 5:43:06)

Since you are a lamb, I should keep away from you I guess, because wolves eat sheep to boot.
Le huh?

Do you like my name?
It's an interesting combination, despite the fact that both 'Crystal' and 'Lion' are of the most overused words in a nick.
I don't think anybody thought of using 'lion' as their last name though.

Are you Chinese?
Nope, Lithuanian.

What's it like being weird?
It's odd and strange and quaint and freakish and surreal and far-out and bizzare and quirky and peculiar and screwy and kinky and... Lie nothing on earth. ^.^

Suikoman444 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 5:49:44)

Hi DWeird!

Ever played Suikoden?
Nope. Rarely play computer games nowadays. >.>

What is your favorite color?
Green, black, grey, and anything in between.

If you could be any animal what would you be?
>.> Is this a trick question or something?.. Godzilla, of course! ^__________^

gotoboh2 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 6:55:03)

Hi DW.

I like eating sheep do you?
>.> I like eating ewe.

Why are you doing this to me?
...I did something to you besides eating ewe?

Whats it like being a sheep?
It's a lot like being a sheep, I think.

Good bye.

Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 7:50:29)

Heya RP Lamb called DWeird!
Hya! Now get to work. I'm sure I've assigned something for you to do. It seems I always have something assigned for you to do, doesn't it? ._.;

How are you?
Confuzzled about the meaning of life, and hairdryers.

Do you like...

Not much more than any other living non-human thing, but that's already quite a lot, so... I guess that yeah, I do.

It's fun throwing liberals at him and seeing how he goes *GASP!*.

Don't really know her enough to have a proper opinion. I'm inclined to have mixed feelings about her, though - just because everyone else loves her so much. XD Gotta keep original, you know. ^.^

Harry Potter?
>.> Not... particularly. I won't instantenously combust when you mention his name around me (otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now!), but that's about it.

Yeah, kinda. You're a helpful monkey. :P *hug*

Do you play Magic the Gathering?
Nope. Had thoughts about starting, but I have enough addiction problems as it is.

Or maybe Dungeons and Dragons?
Nope. Had a DnD-esque game on chat once, though.

If you get the chanche to play a comp game, what genre?
CRPG. Possibly RTS or TBS. Never ARPG, unless it's Diablo. >.> 'cause it's a classic.

And do you like music? If so, what genre?
My favorite song is "Silence" by Sleeping City.

And do you like films? If so, what genre?
I rarely watch them - I like comedies with at least a little hint of intellect in them most (which would explain why I don't watch films that much... Seeing people get kicked in the groins - not funny).

And do you like books? If so, what genre?
I like books, yeah. ^.^ I read just about anything.

Do you like dices?
'Dice' is already plural, if that's the word you wanted to use. >.> And, uhh... No, don't think I do.

And Pizza?

What about Mobile Telephones?
Not mentioning how annoying OTHER PEOPLE are with their phones, my mobile allows people contact me anywhere, at any time of the day... So yeah, to put it shortly: HATE, PURE AND UNREFINED!

Or.. Light, do you like light?
Light's good as long as it's source isn't half a centimeter away from my eye.

Enough rambling.. Adios.

demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 7:59:08)

G'day DWeird!

Miss me the last two weeks?
...you were gone? :P

Have I missed anything major?
Other than the first hippo to become an american president, martians inventing a better moustrap, and Afina becoming mod... Nope, don't think you have.

Most importantly: Has Zylo shown up yet?!
<.< ...(s)he was gone?

People never tell me they're not there. >.<


koopz -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 8:54:01)

hiya DW

whats your fav Npc
Uhh... >.> Uldor?

What ur Fav Monster
Godzilla! ^-^

What Ur Fav pet

Do u no Any large File uploader

Reaper_of_Souls -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 9:14:28)

Moo!!.....................MOOOOOO!! (sorry couldn't help it)
...moo? o.O

Hi, how are ya?
Good enough.

Are you a Guy or a Girl? (I'm new)
That depends. I believe I'm feeling masculine today, if that's what you're asking.

....Do you like New Zeland?(sp?)
New Zealand. Yeah. ^.^ I'll definitelly be visiting it some day.

What dose the D stand for?.... or is it just to be Weird?
The 'D' is a phonetical 'the'. This nick was created before I picked up the hate for phoneticalised text. >.>

Do you like Goats?
...yes. ._.

Sorry fo the random stupidity.
If you think you're random, you should see me in school. XD

I have seen you on a few stickies, and you obviously know what your doing, so do you have any advice for a new guy?
Well, heh... This goes for any place, anywhere, and not just online - stay in line. Talk less, listen more. Respect everyone, but worship no one.

[sm=SpratCC.gif]Have A Nice Day[sm=SpratCC.gif]
You too. >.>

BleedingAcid -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 9:28:08)

>.> hey
Hewwo. ^.^

So i have been talking to lamb on mIRC all this time
It'd seem so...

So hows everything been going
Good enough, thank you for asking.

Does your wool sell pretty good on the hard market now adays
Nah, in fact... I'm so poor I walk the streets with a cardboard "Wool work for food" sign.


Yerameyahu -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 9:39:18)

Hi DW. Man, that reminds me of years ago... you've the same nickname as DarkWing Duck. What a great show that was. Ahh, childhood.
._. No one gets to call me DarkWing Duck until they've had sex with me. >.> And that's not happening, I'm sure.

Speaking of which:

-Why a lamb?
'cause we're cute and snuggly and cute and BLOODTHIRSTY EVIL CRITTERS!
RAWR! ^_^

-You're Lithuanian by blood, or did/do you live there?
Uhh... Both? :P
-You've been around a while... what brought you to AQ?
>.> ...a link?
-Any hobbies, offline? Sports?
Hobbies yes, sports - no. I do general nerd stuff. Read, write, think, draw (suckily), play chess, yadda yadda...

No problem.

Prator the Legendary -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 9:44:46)

Do you think my sinister plots for world domination will be successful?
Yours won't, mine will. ^_^

Why is it some things in the RP forum move at lightspeed, while others don't do diddly for monthes at a time?
Well, it may have something do to with how spacetime is warped unequally in the internet, due to the different connection speeds between computers and servers. Thusly, RPs that have a surplus connection-conductivity flux progress at a significantly (though still only relativelly) more rapid pace, whereas those with a deficit may even find themselves victims of entropy and slow to a complete halt.

Or... It could be because not all people can be on the net 24/7. -.-;

Why the heck am I here?
Because you have no better place to be. ^.^

Azerkail -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 10:20:34)


What's with the D'Orc Weird?
Smb was tracing orcs in Flash, I commented on her work how a techie orc would look nice, and she made one. ^.^
Then the monster was animated, and applied cruddy stats. ._.

Is it a way for Artix to insult you behind your back?
Galanoth handles most of this sort of stuff, from what I know... And nah, I thought up the name myself. :P 'cause I wub puns. ^.^

Are you real?
Uhh... no?

If you were trapped in a bowl of gelatin, what flavor would you want it?
The flavor should be 'Breathable'.

What's your standpoint on the war in Iraq?
I indeed do have one, but I don't intend to share it.

What's your viewpoint on the Karl Rove situation?
None. Not american. And the time I have left after work I'd much rather spend on a good book that digging through newspaper articles.

Were you ever in a car accident?
Well, my foot was ran over once. >.> Does that count?

What bands to you listen to?
Sleeping City.

Do you like rock better than rap?
*shrugs* Don't have enough musical know-how to have an educated opinion about this, but yeah, I would believe so.

What about rap with rock in it?
>.> It's like an egg with bacon in it. Very, very wrong.

Who won that Chibi sheep with Chainsaw contest?
Hehehehehhe, you'll find out. Eventually.

What is with you and sheep?
Sheep are cuddly! ^.^

Why the chainsaw?
Chainsaws are cuddly! ^.^

Is the Arcane Chainsaw as good as they say?
I'd have to know 'what they say' to answer this. XD

And... I already know the answer, but can I have it?
Not anytime soon, no. :P

Ok, fine, I won't get it.
Your choice. ^.^

Have a good one, bye!
G'bye. ^.^

Sheep God Bob -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 10:45:25)

w000t go sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cmgaugler -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 10:56:22)

Hail and well Met, Dweird Lord of All Black sheep with Goutees.
Uppercase W, please.

I shall keep this short, for your sake and mine own.

What brought you to Adventure Quest?
>.> Like I told the other guy/gal before, a link. You know, the blue thingy with an underline? Clicky-clicky.

Bread? Wheat or Rye?
Bread shall be consumed! Any type of bread, really. ^.^

Do you beleive that some beings can be naturally pure evil or puregood, or that that is a oxymoron and all beings have a mixing of good and evil?
Well, I don't live in a DnD world, if that's what you're asking. XD

You'd better have said "Orange Bundles of furry Goodness" to the last questoion? Grrrr......
Orange Bundles of..? x.X Seriously, you people make less sense than me.

I'm off. May the sun always shine over you, and may the stars guide you home at night!
Hiss! Sun... burning... nerdish pale skin...
On an unrelated note, how can there be a night for stars to guide me, when the sun's always shining over me, huh? Didn't think that through too well, did you.

Bye. ^.^


Elnaith -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 11:20:44)


Meh indeed.

Actually you didn't set me upon a task.. I had one, but that was quickly given away to Mister QB.. So yeah.. I haven't got one now..
Yeah, I was just being annoying. :P

Do you like Parkeets?

And cats.. Do you like them?
As long as they're not clawing my face...

Cola or Orange Soda?

Beer or Wine?
B33R! Okay, no, not B33R. Plain beer. But lithuanian beer is still good enough to be leet. ^.^

MEh.. That was it for now.. Will be back to torture and be tortured later.
The Iron Maiden will be waiting for you! *wavies*

super saiyan sage -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 11:28:46)

your a lamb?
Yes. And "you're".

your a lamb that can write?
Well, duh.

were you raised in a farm?
<.< Nope. I'm a sheep in a relativelly small city.

what was the name of the person who raised you?

whats your fav book?
Crime and Punishment.

fav game?

do you like me?
Do I know you?

do you like sheeps?
No, I hate them and still tell everyone around me I'm a sheep. -.-

do you like other lambs?

Whats the meaning of life?
Life is a do-it-yourself kit.

whats the meaning of cheese?
Why, the cheesy goodness flavorness, of course!

keep it real!
Aww, do I have to?

*im a butcher ready to slice up some lamb!*
<.< You are aware of the fact that I am a chainsaw wielding lamb, no?

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 12:37:14)

Hi [:)]

Do you play Guild Wars?
Nope, no games for DW.

Do you like big fat scaly green boa constrictors?
...le huh?

The Yulgar smiley says "Yuglar" for the link...Go and see...
Thrilling indeed.

Here is a picture of my brother...
He looks like a sweet boy.

I don't call him Cakeface for nothing.
Icing runs in the family blood, eh?

Do you wear glasses? Mine are really thick and I'm almost blind without them.
Yeah. -1.5D for both. I don't really need them, they're more of a social symbol of sorts.

Sometimes, events happen and they seem really famliar. I usually forsee/fortell/act in/are notified of stuff like this in my dreams, and my dreams sometimes come true. Sometimes when I'm sleepy I doze off for a bit and then I see a very small dream, and sometimes (40% usually) it comes true. *looks back and forth* am I insane?
If you want to. And you know you do. :P

*sneaks out the window* bye...

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 14:32:04)

Hello! It's me, the fiery cryomancer
Well, it's been a while since I was greeting with an oxymoron. XD

Now, in Meet the <insert title here> tradition, I shall pester you with stupid questions that have no point at all other than to feed my insane self interest. Are you scared???
._. A mod's line of work in these forums is best described as 'Customer Service'. We fear nothing but a paycut itself! And since we're not getting paid...


Do you know what a cryomancer is?
Yeah, I took a course of pig latin in highschool. :P

Do you see the irony in a "fiery cryomancer"?
We've been over this. XD

Favorite Color?
Green, black, grey, and all inbetween.

Favorite Food?
Uhh... Not sure. Luminous artificers?

Favorite Non-Citrus Fruit?
>.> Apples. The green kind.


*For the Next part, It is Which is your favorite*

AQ or DQ?
DQ being..?

[:)] or [:D]

Flame Master Axel or Full Metal Alchemist?
Keine anime.

Chicken or Cow?
Chicken and beef. :P

Purple or Tuna Fish?
Rainbow trout!

Pyro or Cryo?
Why should I make a choice of the two if you don't? :P

"Final Fantasy Sephiroth" or "Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth"?
...who's this Seph guy all this hype is about, anyway?

Red or White?

Moogles or Demons?
Artificial constructs.

E or 3?
!.! Don't rub salt in the wounds.

Golden Set or Nightmare Set?

Snuggle or Huggle?


If you could teach any AQ class, what would it be?
Well, I can, and probably will, so just you wait. :P

Zero-Hex: Traitor or Visionary?
That depends on the point of view, and mine is bouncy. ^.^

Sephiroth: Wussy or not?

Favorite Final Fantasy?

Favorite RPG (other than AQ)?

Dehydrated Water: A good Invention?
It's a great drink for those not thirsty.

Meat Vision: A Good Super Power?
Meat Eatery would be a better one.

Favorite Number?

Why DWeird?
'cause that's what I am. ^.^

Favorite In Game Class?
Ninja! I really wish there was a monkey class, too, for I want to be the dreaded Ninja Monkey! ^-^

If you could give me a custom title, what would it be?
Uhh... "Member"? :P

Favorite Type of Weapon?
RL? Anything light and long-ranged. AQ - magic.

Favorite Weapon?
My tongue.

Do you Like Chocobo?
...that's a FF thing, right?

Do you Like Me?
Mildly. :P

Would you Like A look at the "Axel Set"
._. The text bellow says I don't have a choice.

Here It is
Hat of Odbarc not Killing Me" (Joke from 'The Radio Game: Save The World'
"Sheild of Protecting Me From Savage Orange Beatings"
"Vampragon Rider Armor...Not Vamprgon Squisher Armor"
"Uber 1337 weapon of 1 damage"
And my always handy "Inferno in a Jar"

Do you like it? Did it Make you Chuckle?
...orange beatings? O.O

Ever Talk to Your self?
Yeah, it's the only way to get any sort of intelligent conversation these days...

Ever PM yourseld? (I did once, I sent myself a love letter)
Uhh... Yeah, I think I did. ._.

Do you think I'm Crazy?
Saying 'no' will hurt your ego, won't it?

Have I annoyed you yet?

See Yah!
I believe you will.

Reaper_of_Souls -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 14:54:28)

What would you do if you were randomly attacked by zombies in a dark ally with a broken streetlight, while you were having a baby and your best friend, who just happened to be a vampire, stood their and moo-ed like a cow because he was in a tanning bed?

I'd find someone to write the plot who hasn't wrecked his/her brain with B-movies yet. :P

Blue Dragon Star -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 16:21:05)

I am the darkness elemental lord
-.- If I had a penny for all the times I met a darkness elemental lord on the net, I'd have enough to buy a small nation of my very own. Which'd be kinda cool, really. ^.^

So who am I <.< >.>?
A monkey with pants?

Darkness or light?

u picked darkness right?
Uhh... no?

Fear me!?
Lets not and say I didn't.

Give me your soul?
Can't - misplaced it somewhere.

Die by my sword?
<.< No matter how many times this line will be used, it's not going to become witty. :P

Join my clan?
Never a clan.

Join my club?
Uhh... No?

Join mylegion of damned souls?
...you're 13, aren't you?

Why do they let me on?
Because they like monkeys with pants!

Wat it is?

Wat it will be?

Wat it might become?

Do u have an urge to kill *cough AQ monster end cough*?
Dude/dudet, you're in serious need of some spelling/grammar lessons. :/

Did i steal your line^?
If getting it from my trash can qualifies as stealing, yeah. O.O

Will blue dragon star outshinethem all or cloak them all in darkness?
>.> No, it'll fall from the midnight sky and will hurt it's head.

favorite smiley[sm=evilking.gif]?

Are u scared yet[sm=evilking.gif]?
Yeah, your (lack of) spelling skills make me shiver to the bone.

Will u rule under me?

Why do i never say good bye?
Because you're an impolite meanie! *cries*

Abiogenist -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 18:20:43)

Hello D'wierd ^_^
Uhh... >.< DWEIRD*!

You remember me? in the RPA?...
I would believe so. You're active/helpful enough, but for whatever reason believe that your writing skills are superior to anyone else's, and become quite irrate when someone points out that they are indeed need of brushing up.

Well anyway... Why you chose a lamb instead of sheep?
A lamb is a young sheep, and I'm faaaaaaar from mature. XD

Are you really wierd? (in real life I mean)
Weird*. Seriously. >.> Didn't you read the first post of the thread? As for the question... Yeah. ^-^

You like anime?
Not particularly.

What anime do you like?
Uhh... >.>

You like Inuyasha? can you put your favorite character?
I know him only from all the fanboys of him on the RP boards. >.> So I'd have to say that I heavily dislike him. As well as those blond DBZ critters. <.<

What is your favorite smiley?

Mary had a little lamb! lamb! lamb! *looks at the D'weird* uhm... Mary was walking by the streets hehehe... *runs away*

TheRottenLeprechaun -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 18:46:56)

How old are you?
Old enough, yet too young for my age.

Are you corrupt as the rumours say?
And what do the rumours say?

Was that that no a lie?
I am yet to answer a yes or no question with either of the two. ^.^

Are you a satanist?
I'm Undecided.

Have you ever sacrificed an animal?
Nay, but I do plan to sacrifice a human one day or the other.

What is your favourite colour?
Seriously, haven't I answered this before? Grey, black, green, and everything inbetween.

What have you ever accomplished as mod?
Well, uhh... >.> Besides regular maintenance work... <.< To but it short: I planned/created/suggested/whatever, or at least was one of the people who heavily influenced, pretty much all the projects/RP forums/RP subforums that exist today.

Do you consider those things accomplishments
So, you're asking what I accomplished, and then ask if my accomplishments were accomplishments? XD Go get a question that makes sense, foo.

Are you still a satanist?

Why haven't you quit as mod to give room for others... there are lots of starving children in the world you know?
There's no one better than me to give my post up to. Still, I HAVE quit, once - when I thought I'd be moving to another country, thusly making me unavailable for a very long period of time.

What does starving children have to do with anything?
With, uhh... overpopulation?

Why haven't you answered all my love letters?
Because you've actually sent them to your highschool dean.

Why did you pick such a stupid name as Lady_tomo?
>.> The 'T' in "Tomo" is actually uppercase, you know.


PS. Do not ban me for mentioning the fact that there are starving children in the world.
I'm too lazy to ban anyone. ^.^
Meanin' I'll just report you to someone who isn't. :P

MADemocrat -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 18:58:25)

'ello, DW!
Hey MAD.

How is life treating you?
Well enough. How're those emails from that Catholic newsletter? :P

Do you have a favorite video game?
Uhh... If video game = computer game, Fallout. If not - I don't own a consonle.

Have you a favorite genre of music?

Well, 'tis all for now. Goodbye!

TheRottenLeprechaun -> RE: =AQ= Meet the lamb: Yep, DW 'ere (7/16/2005 19:05:41)

Úh uh, Allow me to answer that.

Life is treating her like that brown thing. She walks all day eating grass and if she tries to go on adventuyre some large dogs comes after her.

Her favourite song is something boring about silence fin a sleeping city.

Her favourite video game is Tetris (old people *shrugs*).

PS: Please do not ban me for mentioning that sheep can't go on adventuring.

>.> Please don't make me sound polite and stern at the same time. :P

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