Bizarre Flecks! (Full Version)

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Rhowena -> Bizarre Flecks! (5/15/2010 19:49:08)

Bizarre Flecks!
WarpForce Front
Quest Location: Main Screen
Quests Given From: None
Requirements: None


You may skip the cutscene at any time


You are on the Bridge with Celestra and Amada

Admiral Amada: Celestra, Sugar Li-- er -- Her Majesty will see you now...
Celestra: One of these days your mouth is going to get you in trouble, Admiral.
Admiral Amada: Oh it already has, many times...
Celestra: And yet you do not change?
Admiral Amada: No need to cramp my style, honey bunches--


When the scene returns to the Bridge, Queen Pra'Mitha has entered and Amada's glasses are askew.

Queen Pra'Mithia: What is it, Celestra?
Celestra: I am going to pay my husband a visit on Terra, and then check back in on Lore. I have had the oddest dreams lately.
«You»: How IS Galrick doing these days?
Celestra: He is well, «You». Thanks for asking.
Queen Pra'Mithia: Good. Send my regards and may the powers speed you on your journey.

Meanwhile, on Haden, dark sister world to Purgos, Queen Carmella Leifanu awaits news of her own. The Hadeni people have long been held as captives on their own world by Dark Madder and the Nechrons of Purgos, only allowed a meager level of self-rule and trade among other Network planets. To Dark Madder, the Hadeni are inferior -- a race of naturally evolved undead whose emotions led them down a path far removed from the warlike Nechrons...
  • Continue

    Inside a dark fortress, an undead Protean meets with two other undead. The swirling vortex of a lightning storm can be seen and heard outside.

    Royal Retainer: My Masters... Corus has been uncreated by Network agents. Madder is working with them as usual.
    Royal Retainer: The remains of the planet are breaking up into a band of meteoroids. They are composed of compressed uncreation energy.
    Queen Leifanu: How big are they?
    Royal Retainer: Most are the size of boulders, but the largest is the size of a small moon. The ripples are echoing throughout this entire system in all realities.
    Queen Leifanu: As uncreated matter, what impact will these things have upon those who come in contact with them?
    Royal Retainer: With this sort of strange matter it is difficult to say. It is unfortunately typical of Madder and her goons to uncreate incompletely in a manner that causes such a mess.
    Royal Retainer: Had this been complete uncreation there would be no memory of the planet, let alone meteors.
    Queen Leifanu: I understand uncreation technology well enough, Sheridan. It is the remnants that concern me. Speculate on what effects it may have.
    Sheridan: It may boost our own necrotic processes, but for born biotics it likely will be poisonous to both body and mind. Bizarre matter is, after all, highly unpredictable.
    Queen Leifanu: Where are the meteors headed?
    Sheridan: The meteor shower shall be reaching the Lorian system shortly, your Decayedness. The damage could be profound. It could even set off an uncreation wave.
    Queen Leifanu: We should alert the WarpForce. This has the potential to directly impact them.
    Sheridan: Respectfully, your Majesty, The breakup of planet Corus is not our concern. If we chose to side with the WarpForce now, in defiance of Madder, she might drive us from Haden entirely.
    Sheridan: Or worse, we would have more in common with Haven than the similarity of our names.
    Queen Leifanu: And if we do not, we are unfit to call ourselves Hadeni. The biotics may have bizarre and seemingly unnatural biological metabolisms--
    Queen Leifanu: --which require them to consume other biotics to survive, but they are sentient beings born in a manner not entirely unlike us.
    Sheridan: Of course, your Majesty. What do you wish me to do, then?
    Queen Leifanu: Prepare the transit vortex. I shall be meeting with my fellow Queen.
  • War!

    Dark Madder has created a storm of uncreation particles that are blasting across the galaxy. These "bizarre flecks" have been breaking down the boundaries between realities. In the reaches of space beyond Lore, however, the bizarre matter has boosted the powers and numbers of Madder's Nechron forces to the boiling point!
  • To Battle!
  • Special mission!
  • Leave War
  • Join this same war against undead on Lore in AdventureQuest!

      To Battle!

      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES

      After 100% of the enemies were defeated...

      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal

      1 BATTLE

      You stand in front of the defeated Pewterid with Celestra, Galrick, Sheridan, Queen Leifanu, and Pra'Mithia in the background.

      Dark Madder: (on radio) Pewterid! Report!!
      Pewterid: Dark Lord Madder, this is a loss! They have destroyed all but the largest meteors. And the Hadeni Queen remains free!
      Dark Madder: (on radio) Return to Purgos immediately.
      Pewterid: Yes, Dark Lord.
      Dark Madder: (on radio) And Pewterid... I expect you are prepared to explain your failure to me.
      Pewterid: *GULP*.

      The Pewterid leaves

      Galrick: You sure letting that one go was a good idea, «You»?
      «You»: Dark Madder will do worse to him than we ever could.
      Queen Pra'Mithia: We must stop that final Meteor.
      Queen Leifanu: It could set off a wave of uncreation...
      Galrick: I don't believe so... I have to check will Milly, but I believe we've reduced the concentration below the UD-50.
      Celestra: UD-50?
      Galrick: In medicine a LD/50 is a dose of something sufficient to be a lethal dose for 50% of the populace.
      Celestra: So what is UD-50, then?
      Sheridan: My coinage. The Uncreation Dose 50.
      Queen Leifanu: Sheridan, enough talk, track that meteor. Even without an uncreation wave, the havoc a meteor of that size will cause is extensive.
      Sheridan: Oh no. I am afraid that it has just left sensors...
      «You»: Oh great. Has it shifted into another reality again?
      Queen Pra'Mithia: May the elemental lords have mercy on that alternate Lore and those beings who live there....
    • Follow the continuing Bizarre Flecks Saga in AdventureQuest!

      Bizarre Specks
      Weird Motes
      Freaky Mites
      Aberrant Particles Z
      WG Peculiar Iotas
      WG Bizarre Flecks

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    Thanks to Rhowena

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