RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (Full Version)

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Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (8/5/2011 12:26:38)

lone V,

Try waiting at least 24 hours since you sent the reply on your phone.
Sometimes after a few hours, a partial payment will occur where you pay 1/2 and get 1/2 the points, if something went wrong with the payment.

And go ahead an try contacting Boku. They can confirm from their end if the payment is stuck, or broken.
They'll contact us if they need to have us go ahead an reward you the lost points, if your phone payment did finish.

lone V -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (8/7/2011 2:35:00)

Ok, it's been 2 days since i attempted to make my purchase, i did what you said, waited 24 hours, submitted a request on Boku's site, a "ticket" as they call it, i received a conformation email saying that my "ticket" was waiting to be processed i went to check the progress of my ticket today and it says after i log in to view my tickets progress that i do not have permission to view this ticket and if i go to "my tickets" It says i have no tickets. I logged in to the Boku site with the same details i used to make the ticket and it was letting my log in yesterday to view my ticket's progress... it seems that I've encountered a problem while trying to fix the earlier problem. [:(]
Is there anything you can suggest that i do?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (8/7/2011 12:28:33)

The next step would be to find out from your cell phone company if you actually made a SMS payment using Boku.
If not, then just start the process from the beginning again.
Also, make sure your cell phone carrier is listed in the 'Does Boku work on my Phone?' section of this web page:

If your phone records do show that you did make a payment, contact our Help team and they'll investigate on Monday.

lone V -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (8/7/2011 20:31:34)

Thank you very much Captain. That worked. [:)]

Sora the 15th -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (9/24/2011 3:55:42)

I know how you guys feel.I bought a membership for my friend 2 months ago and 2000 acs a month ago now its saying I have to wait a month just to pay for something else

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/8/2011 14:45:48)


ORIGINAL: randysnp123
thats the only way i can upgrade to so im hoping that they bring it back soon [:(] thats the easiest way for most players like myself to pay

Because of the "easy" factor, the U.S. Phone companies keep 25% of the money you pay.
In other countries they keep between 40% and 75%


ORIGINAL: zanathos
... They probably want us to try and use the other methods of purchase, so that they get more money. Well Cell Phone payments is the only way I can buy Points currently, due to personal issues...

We're trying to better understand what type of "personal issues" players are having that would force them to only be able to use cell phone payments.

Is it because someone else is paying for your cell phone bill? And they don't monitor your spending?

Or some other reason? Like... absolutely no retail stores in your area that have any of the scratch-off cards that we support?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/8/2011 14:56:35)

In Brazil, the mobile phone company keeps 70% of the money you pay.

When you buy AC, the mobile phone company earns more money than Artix Entertainment.

If our players in Brazil would use PayPal or Paymentez and NOT SMS, we would earn enough extra money to hire another game Artist and game Programmer for AQWorlds!

mikalblackheart -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/8/2011 19:12:10)

I have no way to get the gift card like things, and I ave no credit cards. so it it easier, all I do is add the cost of what I just got to my phone plan its simple for me, its just the really the only way I can

randysnp123 -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/8/2011 19:54:33)

im the same as you ^^ i hope they realize that they will lose a lot of upgrades and people buying ac's if they dont give us back mobile payments, because i am not upgrading until they bring it back i dont care how long it will take, im glad that there other games are only a one time payment

zanathos -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/9/2011 22:09:26)

The only reason I can use my phone, is because it is really the only payment source my parents trust.

They don't like to purchase things online, and The Best Buy and Targets in my area do not carry Ultimate Cards, nor Artix Entertainment Cards. I also do not live near a GameStop anymore, since I moved to the country. It's a 45 minute drive to the nearest Walmart, which conviently doesn't have a Rixty.

That leaves me at SMS, since Pay By Mail is slow, and somewhat insecure.

Well luckily, They are turning payment by phone back on in america, so hopefully they came to an agreement with the companies, hwoever, i have found that Boku is not compatible with my phone, so I must wait for Allopass.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/10/2011 16:02:12)

Good news!

We're turning the Mobile/SMS options back for USA players.

The U.S. phone companies still collect around 30% of the payment, which makes them rich I guess, since all they're doing is handling the transaction.

By comparison, Visa/MasterCard/PayPal collect less than 5%

zanathos -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/10/2011 16:18:37)

Great just great. Now allopass is broken. I reply Y nad they won't send me the code. They better not be chargin me for this. I'm about to call and complain...

I need those DCs.

Mody_909 -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (10/12/2011 12:12:30)

I can't buy POINTS in my country (U.A.E) they're telling "Coming soon" What to do?

fou2five -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/15/2011 5:59:21)

I Live in Indonesia, When i want to buy AP using Boku, It says "not available now , coming soon"?

Banpreiomaster -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/16/2011 19:54:39)

I live in Indonesia, and I wanna buy points via Boku.
Take a look at list of provider that compatible with Boku, for Indonesia it said that Telkomsel is available, but in your payment system Telkomsel isn't available.
Why it has difference between provider list and payment list?
I need your explanation.

Darknesscross -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/21/2011 11:22:08)

Live in Indonesia too, I'm happy to seeing SMS payment back.
But (same as above) Telkomsel still not available. :(
And that the only one operator I can afford, hope we can use it again soon.

Banpreiomaster -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/21/2011 20:20:01)

from Boku's staff
"Thank you for contacting Boku. We apologize for any inconveniences you have experienced. Currently all Indonesian phone carriers have been disabled at this moment. You will not be able to make any successful payments at this time. If you are positive that you were charged please provide confirmation or proof of payment."

All have been disabled, but Indosat and IM3 aren't... I guess there's something wrong with Boku, maybe AE need to allow Allopass again (Good quality best price) lol

Doomsday -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (11/21/2011 22:38:37)

I've been playing AE games for a long time, and I quickly snap up special packages like the 2 year loyalty secondary packages for both AQ and DF. Over the years I have seen a few promotions where people who buy game cards get some special item or bonus, so I'm just wondering since you are discussing how much of a cut companies take in general, how much do game card companies take? If they take a larger card than credit card or paypal does, why not offer special bonuses and incentives to people who pay through credit card or paypal?

I never used game cards to pay for AE games before, since the country I was in didn't have one, but I'm currently residing in the US and I now have access to these cards, so if there's an offer that is up on those cards, should I get them instead of paying through credit card or paypal like I've always done so?

If this is off-topic, you can move this elsewhere.

xMasihmux -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/2/2011 22:20:04)

something went wrong with my purchase [:(] i used boku "400 load = 1840 Artix points" to be honest i'm really mad

Necro-Knight -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (12/3/2011 16:30:02)

Hey, I'm having the EXACT same problem as zanathos is. I send the responses and such, but there is no reply with a code for any battle on points. >< HELP.

Supersei -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (1/29/2012 2:21:33)

When i try to use my home phone it get AP it says the number is not reconized
Im from canada
Thanks in adavance

Kash Boi -> RE: =AE= Buying Artix Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/5/2012 13:37:03)

i got 3160 artix points but it wont say i completed it and it took the £10 of my phone what should i do?

Lord Machaar -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (2/6/2012 12:28:19)

So this payment related with the World economy and the country of player economy! Actually it was unfair to drop AE points from 420 to 360 (Morocco) because 60 points really affect... 60x5times and you will see how much you will lose...

Leonix060 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/13/2012 16:02:10)

Hi there I've noticed that Allopass was disabled for Venezuela, and it was my only source to buy for this game, I know there's still Boku but I got problems when I use it, and it's way more expensive![&o], I want to know if it's going to be enabled again

LordAnimax22 -> RE: =AE= Buying Battleon Games Points using Phone and Mobile Phone SMS (3/23/2012 20:44:17)

i have the same problem leonix and i want to know too if the allopass service its going to enabled again[>:]

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