Kathool Adept (Full Version)

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King Desoato -> Kathool Adept (5/21/2010 18:28:10)

[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DC.png[/image]Kathool Adept
(No DA Required)

Access Point: Kathool Adept Armor, Armor Closet
Requirements: Armor in inventory or bank
Release Date: May 21st, 2010

Default Weapon: Adept Blade

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 0
Crit: 5

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: 100%
Dex: 100%
DoT: 100%
Crit: 175%

Melee: 5
Pierce: 5
Magic: 5
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%


Increase Stun Chance

Requirements: None

Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage; applies 'Nervous' (-25 Immobility Resist) to target for 10 turns.

Mana Cost: 19
Cooldown: 4
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: Darkness


A headache your enemy won't forget!

Requirements: None

Effect: Applies 'Migraine', a 107% Magic Evil DoT effect, to target for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Your opponent suddenly has a massive headache!)

Mana Cost: 6
Cooldown: 4
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: Evil


Knowledge is good!

Requirements: None

Effect: Recovers 5% of player's max MP; 1 hit of scaled damage to target's MP equal to 5% of player's max MP.

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 4
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: Evil


Restore some health!

Requirements: None

Effect: Recovers 12% of player's max HP; applies 'Heal', a 12% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 3 turns.

Mana Cost: 190
Cooldown: 14
Damage Type: N/A
Element: N/A


Ink Spray
Reduce your enemy's hit chance!

Requirements: None

Effect: 1 hit of 100% stat damage; applies 'Blinded' (-50 Bonus) to target for 4 turns.

Mana Cost: 38
Cooldown: 5
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: As weapon


Paralyze your enemy in fear!

Requirements: None

Effect: 1 hit of 100% stat damage; applies 'Stunned' to target, stunning it for 3 turns.

Mana Cost: 68
Cooldown: 9
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: As weapon


Put up a defensive shield!

Requirements: None

Effect: Applies +255 Melee/Pierce/Magic to player for 3 turns. (Pop-up: Your defenses have phenominally improved!)

Mana Cost: 32
Cooldown: 5
Damage Type: N/A
Element: N/A



Requirements: None

Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage.

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: As weapon


Use your rage to increase damage!

Requirements: None

Effect: Applies 'Fury' (+25% Boost) to player for 4 turns inclusive; 1 hit of 100% scaled damage.

Mana Cost: 31
Cooldown: 4
Damage Type: As weapon
Element: As weapon

Other information
  • Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance.

    Original: Appearance 1 / 1.1
    Consumed / Chariot: Appearance 1 / 1.1

    Unleash the awesome power of water!

    Requirements: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% scaled damage to all foes.

    Mana Cost: 34
    Cooldown: 2
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Water


    Risky move that unlocks Kathool's Wrath

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Applies 'Shady Boost' (+25% Boost) to target for 1 turn; 4 hits of 25% scaled damage, amounting to 100% damage; unlocks 'Kathool' skill.

    Mana Cost: 264
    Cooldown: 2
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Darkness


    Lower enemy damage!

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Corrupted' (-25% Boost) to target for 3 turns; 1 hit of 50% scaled damage.

    Mana Cost: 11
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Evil


    Mind Twist
    A hex that gains power when corrupted!

    Requirements: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 110% scaled damage; if target is affected by 'Corrupted', attack increases to 150% scaled damage.

    Mana Cost: 11
    Cooldown: 3
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Evil


    Red Tide
    Red tide at night, monster in fright!

    Requirements: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 125% scaled damage, with +200 Crit.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Water

    Appearance 1 / 1.1

    Summon the monstrous Kathool!

    Requirements: Usage of 'Shadow' skill where the last hit lands to unlock

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Evil Buff' (-50 Evil Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive; 1 hit of 300% scaled damage to all foes, with +500 Bonus and +100 Crit. (Message pop-up: You cannot resist...)

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: Evil

    Other information
  • Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance.

    Original: Appearance
    Consumed: Appearance
    Chariot: Appearance
    Abyssal: Appearance

    Other information
  • The base damage of this class's skills is scaled to your level, using the formula [4.2858*(Level+5)+14.284]/100, capped at level 35. Scaling is floored at 100% damage and will reach a maximum of 186% base damage at level 35 or higher.
  • This class cannot use On-Demand weapon specials.

    Consumed Armor Set Appearance 1 / 2
    Chariot Armor Set Appearance
    Abyssal Armor Set Appearance

    Thanks to
  • Jay for class images.
  • TFS for updated damage scaling formula, other information, and correction.
  • DemonicDarkwraith for skill appearance images, other information, and corrections.
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Ashari for links.
  • shadow dragon666 for information.
  • ChronoPotato, In Media Res, RamDF, Sakurai the Cursed, and The ErosionSeeker for corrections.

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