stealthwings -> RE: =AK= SC Monthly Rare Mecha Discussion Thread (8/4/2010 13:33:29)
@PD I agree, healing would be nice. @glaisaurus Just make the vampire lords immune, that would work. The only bad part, would be that PvP would then turn into a game of rock paper scissors. It would be, lock beats short term defense, both are beaten by this, but short term defense comes closer, this is beaten by offense, which is beaten by short term defense. It kinda already is a game of rock paper scissors (short term defense beats offense beats lock beats short term defense...) @hellsoarer Either the viking, AC, skullcrusher, bladestorm, liberty, or morehawk, depending on what your fighting style is. @ultimaKomoto I will wait however long it takes to set up. I already have used my opponents tiger roar to bring my own damage to -6142.