Book of ...... for July (Full Version)

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Book of ...... for July

Book of the Tides (Stories of the sea)
  13% (34)
Book of Friendship (The trials and rewards of friendship)
  7% (19)
Book of Research (Non-Fiction Research - ie Teach us something!)
  6% (15)
Book of Fur (Stories from an animal's point of view)
  12% (31)
Book of Childhood (stories centered around children and their antics)
  6% (17)
Book of Mystery (mysteries)
  25% (63)
Book of Poetry
  5% (14)
Book of Sci-Fi
  20% (50)

Total Votes : 243
(last vote on : 6/20/2010 16:30:21)
(Poll ended: 6/20/2010 21:00:00)


Eukara Vox -> Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 19:56:36)

Alrighty, as promised.

Here is the poll. I have enabled multiple selections. I ask that you only vote for two choices. The top 3 will be put to a vote with my staff. Once we have made the decision, it will be posted on the forums when we are ready to start the next month.

If you submit more than two votes, your first two votes registered on the list will be kept and any others will be deleted.

Poll ends on Sunday, June 27.

Postmaster General -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 19:59:33)

I'll cast in my votes for Mystery and Fur.

Same thoughts as last poll, mystery can encompass so many things. And fur? Well, who didn't have childhood dreams of growing up to be an animal?

Goldstein -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:02:26)


Прощай сэр! Желаем удачи!
Farewell Sir! Good luck!

Poetic Melody -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:04:15)

I vote for Book of Fur and Book Of Childhood.

I'm nature crazy, so it'd be fun to publish something from the point of view of an animal. And then a book of childhood has benefits too, children have such an inspiring mindset that would be amazing to write through.

All of the books here seem interesting. I might have to free up my schedule to write for this book. [:)]

superjars -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:11:21)

I definitely voted for Book of Mysteries and Book of Sci-Fi. I love both of these genres, and actually have an idea that would fit for either one of them: A Sci-Fi Mystery! :D

Timhortanz -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:12:12)

Book o' Fur and Book o' tides. =3

I'm kind of worried. There is no book of W_____. D=

horusmaster9 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:13:01)

Voted for Tides. I was going to last time, but War just took it for me.

But it's a shame the W_ dynasty has to stop at only 3 Books. :(

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:18:42)

Fur and tides


Shreder -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:29:15)

I voted Tides and Childhood myself...

Postmaster General -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:32:35)

This certainly is a twist though, having a poll only desides the three that the L&L team will choose from. So even though one book may have the majority, there is no way to know at the moment which book we will have.

Very clever, Eukky!

This will also cut down on those who jump the gun and begin writing according to the theme they are sure is to win (myself included :p). I definately have some ideas in mind though. I think a book of non-fiction and poetry may be too bland, creating nothing more than a sample of the Archive subforums.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:33:49)

No W? Thanks Euky! My cookie is saved! Time to collect the wagers xD

Postmaster General -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:39:25)

Well I'm sure we could come up with synonyms for all of these that start with 'W'...


Book of the Tides (Stories of the sea)-Water, that's an easy one.

Book of Friendship (The trials and rewards of friendship)-

Book of Research (Non-Fiction Research - ie Teach us something!)

Book of Fur (Stories from an animal's point of view)-Wildlife

Book of Childhood (stories centered around children and their antics)

Book of Mystery (mysteries)-Who-dun-it

Book of Poetry-Written Music

Book of Sci-Fi

Okay, this may be harder than I thought!

Goldstein -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:43:19)

Duncan: I have more:

Book of Friendship: Book of Warmth and Friends (That's...not too good...)
Book of Research: Book of What?
Book of Childhood: Book of Wee Tykes
Book of Sci-Fi: Book of Wowzers! Lazers!

Eh, eh?

Crimzon5 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:45:45)

Duncan! Are you trying to take my cookie away? And after I've collected all the wagers xP

Heh, I'm glad the W dynasty's over. Anyway, as I said, I voted for mystery

alexmacf -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:50:35)

Book of Research!!!!!
Or, y'know, not.
I still voted for it, though, and Book of Children.

horusmaster9 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:51:41)

I will make sure of the return of the W dynasty! MARK MY WORDS...

On another note, here's your chex mix... and bottle caps. T.T

On a more on-topic note, I'd like to see Tides get in this time. Why? Well, there's always pirates... but oh wait, I've already used pirates. Dang it. <.<

Xplayer -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:52:07)

"Nothing can destroy friendship, it's the most powerful force in the universe. It's even stronger than Chuck Norris" ~Tea, Yugioh the Abridged Series.

Imagine using that as an opening quote!
Incidentally, I voted for book of Friendship, Childhood, and Mystery. Shoot, I didn't read the OP. Subtract one vote from Friendship then. Childhood is about friendship yeah.

With the help of a thesaurus
Book of Friendship = Book of Warm Friendship
Book of Research = Book of Wild Goose Chases (this one wasn't with a thesaurus but from personal experience) OR Book of Wikipedia
Book of Childhood = Book of Whippersnappers
Book of Sci-Fi = Book of Westerns in Space (ok, major stretch)

Poetic Melody -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:55:31)

Book of Friendship: Book of Working Together
Book of Research: Book of Work
Book of Childhood: Book of Wittle Wids
Book of Sci-Fi: Book of Weird Futuristic Stuff

Okay, they work. Kinda.... :/

Postmaster General -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 20:59:45)

Haha Sorry Crimz, Not trying to take your cookie away.

My point was this: The fire driven by this W_ Dynasty does not have to die out now. Given enough ingenuity, it never has to end! But I thought it would make for good discussion too...:P

horusmaster9 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 21:12:10)

Well, another /true/ W_ dynasty would be nice. :P

I know it's a little early to see anything conclusive, but I think Mystery may get to the top three... <.<

Crimzon5 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 21:14:13)

In history, dynasties collapsed.

Hmm... I think I'll write about dynasties

Mystery starts with M, which is W upside-down. A perfect way to tumble the W dynasty xD

YukiKitty -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 21:42:55)

Poetry and Mysteries, myself... My first step to owing up to promise to Eukky to get active again once the schoolyear's finished. x_x

horusmaster9 -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/2/2010 22:28:55)

Looks like a close race so far. I can't even begin early this time. :(

Xirminator -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/3/2010 4:57:47)

But we must do all of these! Eventually.

I only voted for one by mistake. Ah well.

Kooroo -> RE: Book of ...... for July (6/3/2010 6:03:04)

Mystery and Tide's because they...... Sound the best?

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