RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (Full Version)

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Cryogenesis -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/15/2010 21:07:08)

Hey, I'm back guys.
Sorry I've been gone a while.
So what have I missed?


Gah! Have I really been gone for THAT long?
I'm very sorry for being gone for so long.
Alright, what exactly do I need to do?

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/17/2010 10:54:59)

Welcome back, Cryo!

Soooo, Baron, when can we have the R&R election?

Baron -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/18/2010 4:43:25)

I'll most likely start the election around Wednesday-Friday.

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/18/2010 14:08:24)

Look forward to it!

Check this out
Implicitly implied that there'll be Paxia in-game content?! That would be magical

drago774 -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/18/2010 17:22:06)

Hey guys i'm back, now that I am level 136 I going to spend all of my time on AQ helping the clan.[:D]

137ben -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/18/2010 18:28:43)

Welcome back drago!
Brian: I don't really think so. Honestly, if I were running a game with a community like this I would reveal as little as possible, given the utter lack of maturity some forum members have about the meaning of "tentative".

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/19/2010 4:00:47)

Welcome back, Drago! Long time no hear.

@ben, it's almost impossible to decipher staff's intentions from their posts!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/23/2010 17:31:28)

I agree, Brian. And hello, Drago. Nice to have you back.

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (10/24/2010 17:17:49)

Hm, though thread 8 has disappears, i found this - - big brother is watching!

check the glacius activity bar - we're becoming a bit more active again.

137ben -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (3/10/2011 15:08:24)

I say we should join the paxia battle contest! The question is: should we have a separate thread for it, or should we discuss it in the ops thread?

tommy2468 -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (7/3/2013 4:51:07)

Hello to all the remaining members of Glacius [:)]

You may not be aware, but there is a revival of the Paxian forums taking place and is being spearheaded by the wonderful Ultrapowerpie.

If you have any questions about what is going on you may find your answers here:

And if you have any queries relating to Glacius then post here, or send me a PM.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Glacius High Command ~Thread 9~ (8/6/2013 22:42:58)

At this time there is going to be an overhaul of ALL clan governments and as such this thread shall be locked. Please take notice of this thread

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