Stephen Nix -> Thick Hide Cap (6/19/2010 11:17:19)
Thick Hide Cap A nice, light helm that provides good protection. Great for traveling! (No DA Required) Location: Teral's Gear Price: N/A Required Items: 1 Hide Cap & 5 Troglomite Pelt Sellback: 90 Gold Level: 28 Element: Stone Stats: Crit +3, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +4, END +4, CHA +5, LUK +5 Resists: Wind +3, Stone +3 Combine 1 with 6 Barrat Hide to form Kehaan Helm Combine 1 with 6 Barrat Hide to form Niadhoor Helm Combine 1 with 6 Barrat Hide to form Viadme Headdress Rarity: 2 Item Type: Helm Equip Spot: Head Category: Armor Other information Helm is color-custom; the hair is linked to the player's hair color. [image][/image] Also See: Hide Cap Thanks to Jay for image, other information, and corrections.