Mantis Master! (Full Version)

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Vampire Fexy -> Mantis Master! (6/19/2010 11:20:35)

Monkey Master!

Location: Dojo --> Miko
Objective: Battle the Mantis Master in order to proceed to the next Shrine!
Requirements: Completion of Mantis Assault!

  • Mantis Student

  • Mantis Student
  • Mantis Master
  • Miko

    • Mantis Master
      • Before Battle
        Miko: We made it to the Mantis Shrine! ... But, where is the Mantis Master?
        Miko: ... Does this mean we won?
        Mantis Student: You fools! You may have already defeated our master but I will not let you get past this shrine!
        Miko: What is he talking about ? We hvaen't even had a chance to fight the Mantis Master.
        Mantis Student: My master was on his way to destroy your pathetic Rebel Camp when your foolish friends appeared!
        Cutscene: Shortly before you arriveved on Yokai
        Mantis Master: Run, your cowards! I am here to put an end to your days!
        Mantis Master: Your lives are now forfeit to me!! Your childern will suffer through chores with no allowance!!
        Mantis Master: Your refrigertaror magnets will belong to me!!!
        Mantis Master: I will reign supreme!!!
        Cutscene: *Incomperhensible tiny yelling*...
        Mantis Student: Now that you have left us without a master and have already beaten many of our skillful students, I will step up!
        Mantis Student: I have seen Kung Fu Mantis 8 times - and all of my Master's films! I have mastered all of his moves!
        Mantis Student: I have fabricated my own outfit that will let my enemies know that I am the new great Mantis Master!
        Mantis Student: Now, embrace your failure as you are about to be annihilated!

      • If the Battle is Won
        Miko: That was a weird fight. I guess we've successfully passed the Mantis Shrine. On to the next!

      • If the Battle is Lost
        Mantis Student: In your face!!

  • Page: [1]

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