Adventurer Warrior (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Adventurer Warrior (6/19/2010 22:52:28)

Adventurer Warrior

«Scaling Earth guest.»

Also see Guardian Warrior, and other Adventurer friends:
  • Adventurer Warrior
  • Adventurer Mage
  • Adventurer Rogue

    Location: Friendship Bracelet

    Power Level = Your Level

    See Standard Guest Information for damage and SP costs. If you do not have enough SP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing SP). On every other round, if you do not have enough SP, then he leaves**.

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 103.7% Base, Random, and Stats each
    BTH: -3 plus Stats each
    Rate: 50%

    If you have Friendship Bracelet equipped, then the guest's upkeep cost is 80% of normal. Otherwise the upkeep cost is 120% of normal.

    *The Adventurer waits for you to be ready. «»SP required or he will leave next turn
    **The Adventurer returns to Yulgar's Inn. (Not enough SP: «»SP required)


    Image thanks to Tep Itaki. Appendix thanks to In Media Res.

    		Attack#1			Attack#2
    Level		Damage	Stat%	BTH		Damage	Stat%	BTH		SP
    0		2-5	112.5	0		2-5	116.6	-3		5/8
    5		2-7	149.6	1		2-7	155.1	-2		7/10
    10		3-10	186.8	2		3-10	193.6	-1		8/12
    15		4-13	223.9	3		4-13	232.1	0		10/15
    20		5-16	261	5		5-17	270.5	2		12/18
    25		6-19	298.1	6		6-20	309	3		14/20
    30		8-23	335.3	7		8-24	347.5	4		16/23
    35		9-27	372.4	8		9-28	386	5		18/26
    40		10-30	409.5	10		10-31	424.5	7		20/29
    45		11-34	446.6	11		11-35	463	8		22/33
    50		13-39	483.8	12		13-40	501.4	9		24/36
    55		14-43	520.9	13		15-45	539.9	10		26/40
    60		16-48	558	15		17-50	578.4	12		29/43
    65		17-52	595.1	16		18-54	616.9	13		31/47
    70		19-57	632.3	17		20-59	655.4	14		34/51
    75		21-62	669.4	18		22-64	693.9	15		36/54
    80		22-67	706.5	20		23-69	732.3	17		39/58
    85		24-72	743.6	21		25-75	770.8	18		42/63
    90		26-78	780.8	22		27-81	809.3	19		45/67
    95		28-84	817.9	23		29-87	847.8	20		47/71
    100		30-89	855	25		31-92	886.3	22		50/76
    105		32-95	892.1	26		33-98	924.8	23		53/80
    110		34-102	929.3	27		35-106	963.2	24		57/85
    115		36-108	966.4	28		37-112	1001.7	25		60/90
    120		38-114	1003.5	30		39-118	1040.2	27		63/95
    125		40-120	1040.6	31		41-124	1078.7	28		66/100
    130		43-128	1077.8	32		45-133	1117.2	29		70/105
    135		45-135	1114.9	33		47-140	1155.7	30		73/110
    140		47-142	1152	35		49-147	1194.1	32		77/115
    145		50-149	1189.1	36		52-154	1232.6	33		81/121
    150		52-156	1226.3	37		54-162	1271.1	34		84/126


    June 8, 2010: The guest was released.
    August 1, 2013: The guest's Stat% was updated to latest standards; before, it was 1.125 * (100 + 4.4*PowerLevel) %.

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