RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (Full Version)

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Kueninja -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 10:44:16)

Zomg 7th page already? i misssed the 5th & 6th page =(
Hahaha! That's alright, I WISH I MISSED all this pages =P
If you had three cookies and could only eat one every hour how many hours until you eat them all?
2 hours
If u said three u were right!
What! That's so wrong. I already ate one now, having 2 left, which means 2 hours =P
JK the answer was 2 since u eat one this hour and the other the nxt hour and other the nxt it would have been 2 hours xD
-_- I just explained myself
/me steals cookies from Ashluv
Noes D:
/me eats cookies and pokes ashluv
/me waves goodbye

Minato4th -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 11:09:24)

Hey Minato4th!
are awesome.
are red.
thanks for your time
anytime :)

iMeep -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 11:09:28)


Congrats on your promotion!
Thanks ;)

How do you feel?
Normal. :o

Cheese or pie?

Cats. Yay or Nay?

Uhh, I'm out of questions for now.
T's fine. :P

Bye-byes and congrats again.
Bye! - Thank you! ^^

Meep! :3
The Meep has spoken!

yeadudes -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 11:09:29)

Hey Ashluv! Nice to meet ya,buddy!
Heya :D
/pokes ash
/was poked
Are you evil? If you aren't,JOIN cuz we got....COOKIES! [:D]
I know!! /omnoms all the cookies
Btw,tell the other Archknights I said hi!
Will do!

Werewolf_King -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 12:35:16)

*hands cookie*
/noms cookie
good luck


moneybags -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 12:43:21)

Hiyas there Ash<3!
Hey $b!
Congratz on being AQWGD AK!
Thanks! Gratz to you for AQWAS as well. ^^
25 questions... and twice per page! That's like, 50 questions!
Yup! I have my SPAMhammer ready though. >:)
Well, just stopped by to say hi and gratz. See ya!
See you! :D

PallyKnight -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 12:48:15)

Thanx! :)
Ok time for some HARD questions.
Good or Evil?
Lycan or Vampire?
Vampire. :P
Mythsong or mind went blank...YOKAI! there we go.
Ok BAI! :3

Alisa -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 13:50:29)

Ohaider :))
Congrats on your AK!!11
Hm, foxes. :P
Favorite Item on AQW?
Naval, most likely. :)
Favorite Actress/Actor?
Not sure if I have one
K bai :))

zozozoz -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 13:50:57)

Who is favorite chaos lord?
one. :(
Did you like the previous question?
Was there something to like? O.o
What is your AQW username? Mine is Bybaiko!
What was the first AE game that you played?
AQ, but I stopped playing.
Did you like my questions?
-Zoz [:)]

SoftServe -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 13:55:19)

i have temporarily come out of hiding.....
yey for mah ashluv for getting AKness!
Yay me! ^^
as you noticed, i used "mah ashluv", that is because I OWN YOU!
D: I was bought?
hopes i dont makes yew too mad while yew is AK o:
We'll see ;)
-hugs- toodles /wave
/snuggles Bye!

Tower Tycoon Palmer -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:23:10)

So i hearz u likes mudkips?
What's with everyone and mudkips? I mean, VULPIX is a lot better. =P
Chuck Norris pwns
What are you will to do about the economy as an archknight?
Just keep it to a friendly environment. :)
Magic or science?
Pie or Pi?
3.14 Pies!
Ninja or Pirate?
Pirate ;)
Bacon Orb?! No waiz!

Brega -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:28:37)

Wow, I haven't posted in 2 pages :O
That's a long time! Welcome back. ;)
Well, that means... ITS PUZZLE TIME!
Ding ding ding!
Are you ready for PUZZLES?
1) A father and son are chatting when the son pulls up the question.
"Dad, I'm 22 now and I wanna know, how old are you?"
The father replies
"You wanna know how old I am eh?"
"I'm your age plus half of mine"
How old is the father?
Oh my... that's tricky!
Ready for the next one?

2) Ten candles sit burning in a room.
A breeze blows in through an open room.
You leave for a minute and one more has gone out.
To make sure no more burn out you shut the window.
Assuming the wind doesn't blow anymore out, how many are left in the end?
That one should leave you puzzled, is your brain ready for the third and final one?

3) Somebody ate the butcher's sausages!
There are 4 boys at the crime scene, hear what they have to say.
A: "B ate the sausages!"
B: "D ate them all!"
C: "I didn't eat them!"
D: "B is totally lying!"
Only ONE of these boys are telling the truth, can YOU find out who ate them?
Thats all of them, think you can solve them?

Now how do you hide stuff from an AK?
Ahaha, it's very tricky. ;)
Well, try not to peak!


3): C ate it all! 2): The only ones left are the 3 that were blown out, the fire melted the wax on the rest of them! 1): The father
is 44

Sorry for the spam, but I couldn't let you peak!

How many did YOU get? eg, 2/3
1/3 ;_;
Now for REAL questions :D
I'm ready!
So, got any gaming consoles?
Ever seen veggietales?
Do you have any legos?
Remember the dark room with the kerthud? I'm doing that again, how do you react?
/me eats the taco
/me gives you a taco of forumlyness
More tacos! Yummy!
Did you cold kick coldkick yet?
Haven't seen him yet. v.v
I think thats enough for now!
Okee Dokee
See ya!


The kerthud was... A DUCK!

Joe mysterious -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:31:21)


Herp derp derp derp.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:33:58)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Elnaith. He had the guts! :P
How the shackles.....what color are yours?
Light Blue. ;)
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
*keeps mouth closed*
Ready to play?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
*Throws the cupcake*
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Nope! It compliments your.. Uh... glutton!
Does it make you look fat?
Nu. >.<
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Had to reread the rules. =P
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Will do. ;)

CommanderHawke -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:49:45)

Hey again Ashluv the DESTROYER >:D
Hey! O.o
Jokes aside. I wish to tell you that Time isnt what people think it is actually a big ball of timey wimey stuff. Understand? okay good
Now who is better? Lee Evans or Peter Kay?
I don't know them
Whos better: Cysero or Oresyc C
Whos better: Beleen or Neeleb B

Well im off to prevent my TARDIS from exploding and wiping out the universe. If it does then this is a Paradox <You can reply to it>
~Jay,the 12th Doctor

edwardvulture -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 14:50:16)

1. There are three houses a red one a blue one and a white one. The red man lives in the red house the blue man lives in the blue house. Who lives in the white house?
The President! :P
2. If a rooster lays an egg on the roof of a house which direction would it fall?
3. Which was first Chicken or Egg?

Again congratz and bye
*walks away mysteriously*

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 15:22:24)


I can haz new axe polisher? :D
Another one? D:
How's the polishing?
..I'll get started. v.v
What are you using to polish the axe?
Goat fur?
You know you're supposed to be using the saliva of a rabid stallion, the tears of a joyful moglin, and the fur of a flea-infested Ashluv, right? :3
I have fleas? OH NOES!

Well how's the AKing?
Quite exhausting.
Which of your cell neighbors smells the most? :o
You! You;re the VIKING!
Who's your favorite Viking? :D
Hahaha, you of course! *Consider the fact that you're the only viking)
Well congratulations, and welcome to the team! :D
Thanks! ^^

ZSlayerX -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 15:24:45)

Ok, I gotz three questions.
Yay! 22 less question :D
You ready?
Sure am!
First question: Cake or ice cream?
Ice Cream
Second one: How do ya like being an AK right now??
It feels shiny :D
Third one: Are you getting tired of questions?
Considering I have 3 pages to do.... I have a long night.
I gotz to run now,
And congratz on your AKship!
Thanks! ^^

caneyempor -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 15:26:02)

i,m back
with more hard questions
Noes D: Will I implode again?
sorry about the explosion
It didn't help with the shackles!
my account was glitched so i cound,t invite friends
:o Don't abuse it! :P
sorry yestrday i cound,t get on to ask you more questions
It's alright. I have dozens left. o_o...
/e pokes ash
/e laughts eviley
/bonks with SPAMhammah
i got even more questions
my goal is to drive you crazy
time to dance its peunat butter jelly time
/e does the banna dance
/noms the banana
/e hits ash with a banna cream pie
i,m gonna toture you later
Can't wait? Bye!

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 15:27:03)

Hi Ashluv (Again)
Hey shump!
Tired of answering questions yet :P
Maybe... :P

You just wasted one second of your life reading this ,

and a further second reading this! xD

D: I just wasted a few more by typing this ;-;
Well good luck with this thread being an AK :)
Thanks! :)

Wilfre -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 15:37:33)

Ohey, I'm back!
Welcome Wilfire!
Do you like the game Portal?
I never heard of it >.<
If you do, are you excited for Portal 2?
Some of my fellow AK's are... I think. O.o
Do you like Croissants?
What's you're favorite element?
Do you like Bananas?
They're yellow! :D
Have you ever been to Mississippi?
Nope :P
Don't you think that Mississippi is hard to spell?
MI-S-S-I-S-SI-P-PI... definitely!
Would you dare to put the full chemical name of the chemical Titin here?
Do you like me?
Are you a person? :O
Do you like cartoons?
Not really
Do you like Ice Cream?
They're very delicious

Do you like hammocks?
:o Not sure.
That's pretty much it. So, CIAO!
*insert the full chemical name of the chemical Titin here*

Epicmoo123450 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 17:09:24)

I'm back for like the 4'th time
Same ol', same ol'!
Did you know that puppies are very nice to us?
They're very loyal... mostly ;)
How come you don't like cows?
They're not the typical animal with great odor.. >.>
*gaves cake*
If you just ate that, did you know that you just ate a lie?
Who's your favorite chaos beast?
Hm... Definitely the prehistoric Pony Gary Yellow :P
Who's your favorite chaos lord?
I have none
Who don't you think will be the next chaos beast?
Will I ever stop asking you questions?
Yup! When I lock this baby up. :P
How much wood wouldn't a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
;-; More tongue twisters
Bye (for now)

Omega Jr -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 17:16:18)

Hay Hay! ... oh I can't use that anymore >.<
Hey! ;-;
Thhhaaannnkkk yyyooouuu!
Yay! Let's Boogie!
Boogie On!

Raxor -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 17:38:33)

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (Sorry if someone already asked this)
The... Egg?
Why do people have lucky rabbit feet? If they weren't lucky for the rabbit, why would they be lucky for them?
Do you like pizza? (if not your the first person I've ever met who doesn't)
:o I like it. :)
What is your favorite book/book series?
Personally, I think Rick Riordan's Percy & the Olympians series
Have you ever heard of Gabriel Iglesias?
If yes, do you like him?
..I've never met him >.>
If no, he is hilarious and good with impressions.
Have to find him some time!
That's all i can think of for now.
Okee. Bye! ^^



dragon123197 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/29/2010 18:01:06)

hi ash!
Pink letters to burn your eyes!
Ahh! O_O'
Did you steal Cysero's left sock?
No, but maybe his right.
What about his right sock?
Why did you steal Cysero's socks?
The right sock didn't smell, so it was better than the left one :)
Isn't it obvious?
Shh! You're making it obvious!
Does 1+1=11?
According to Google, it's 2! :O
Look a distraction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oops false alarm.
*pokes ash and puts a no poking shield around himself*
AQW or DF?
Toughie... AQW
Look a number behind you!!!
What color was it?
Er.. Lavender!
Favorite Void form?
Blood :P
Remember that one time?
What one time? O.o
What happened during that time that you remember?
I don't know! I'm INNOCENT!
Do you wantz a cookie?
Yes please!
Too bad!Ash Dragonblade ate it!
No wayz!
Do you wantz a Waffle?
You sure?
I don't think you are.
but I am! :(
Are your eyes burning from this pink text yet?
Hahah, I see black while editing. >:)
What is the value of X?
Do you wantz cake?
*Gives ash a cake crumb*

Are you wearing Cysero's left sock?
His feet is enormous.
What did you do with his right sock after you stole it?
Framed it!
Lol this is a long post
Yes, yes... You might have pass the limit. ;_;
What would you do if i left you alone in a small room with an evil cat?
Have tea with him/her!
*loosens Ash's shackles*
My shiny shackles! E:
Why are you editing in the color that you are editing in?
It's FBI's orders.

Only 5 questions left D:
Really? I never noticed.
Is this MtAK driving you insane?
What color is green grass?
Wrong it is green.
Aw... :(
Is there a pen nearby?
/throws pen
If so write down the numbers fifteen eighteen one and three
15 - 18 - 1 - 3
Did you write it on paper?
Is this technically paper?
If you did you must re-write it on a wall
Ha! This isn't paper!
How many pages do you think this will go to?
A lot more than I expected
Well it looks as if i hit the question limit....
I didn't notice! :P
Well i guess ill just have to come back later!! :D
See you then!
Cya Ash

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