Tiger Shrine! (Full Version)

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Vampire Fexy -> Tiger Shrine! (6/27/2010 6:07:32)

Tiger Master!

Location: Dojo --> Miko
Objective: Go to the Tiger Shrine and locate the hidden entrance! Beware! The temple is heavily guarded!
Requirements: Completion of Mantis Shrine!

  • Evil Sam Rye
  • Yokai Monk
  • Tiger Master

  • To Nee
  • Miko

    • Tiger Master
      • Before Battle
        Miko: The Tiger Shrine is romoured to lie somewhere within this courtyard.
        Miko: By enlightene, they mean whoever can figure out the corrent order to play the gongs...
        Miko: Oh... hmm.... I'm fresh out of gong mallets...
        Miko: You can just crash into the gongs with your mecha. That should make a pretty loud sound! Good Luck!

      • In The Shrine
        To Nee: Very impressiv, <Character Name!> It took my weeks to figure out how to unlock this shrin!
        To Nee: Your journey ends here! It is a shame that I will have to destroy such a promising young warrior such as yourself!
        To Nee: You will never defeat me... I', Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
        To Nee: Tiger style is the strongest fighting form! Now prepare to be dstroyed!

      • If the Battle is Won
        Miko: You did it! The Tiger Master as the most powerful foe that you have faced so far!
        Miko: Now you are the master of Snake, Crane, Monkey, Mantis and Tiger styles!
        Miko: ...
        Miko: What is that?
        Miko: ...
        Miko: We just detected a strange energy spike from your mecha!
        Miko: Please return to the Dojo so we can run a diagnostic!
        Miko: I hope that the Tiger didn't sabotage His* mecha!

      • If the Battle is Lost
        To Nee: Pwned!

    *Him for male characters and Her for female characters


    Correct order is the order you fought masters in

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