=MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (Full Version)

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Dev -> =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/7/2010 15:29:55)

Hello and welcome to my MtAK thread. For those of you who don't know me, I'm dev and am now a member of the AQ Equipiment Comparison/Battle Strategy Archknights. This is the place where you get to ask me questions about anything (within reason) but first a few ground rules:

1. All standard General Forum Rules and Guidelines apply.
2. Only 15 questions per post please.
3. Try and only post once per page.
4. Please avoid questions that are very personal in nature.
5. I also recommend reading the posts/questions that come before you. It'll help me not repeat myself. On that note, I'll also answer one question in advance. I'm not Gibby from iCarly.

Oh, and I'll be editing in spiffy color.

Last point: If you think you've seen this format before, you have. Shamelessly stolen from Gibby.

All that said...Ask away! :D

I is not hijacking. No srsly. Just editing to get the formating for the color. ^.^ ~TF

afterlifex -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/7/2010 16:26:18)

1) about time Hmm..???
It's more about rosemary, actually ;)
2) who are you?(serious question, tell us who you are(within reason))
No, who are YOU? :o
3) To be cliche...cookies or pie?
Is it too much to ask for both? But, seriously, probably a plateful of cookies. Unless it was one cookie or one pie. Then pie.
4) What would you like to be asked?
If I could have a million dollars. Or a plateful of cookies. Either way.
5) Why do I have no more questions?
Paradox alert! :O

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/7/2010 16:30:15)

Why didn't you tell me you were posting this earlier? D:<
Uh...uh.../me blames Baruman
If I asked you to compare 6 weapons in 3 different armours with and without IT, what would you say?
I would say that's 36 options and slap you with a trout >:D
I have in one hand a chocolate bar. In the other hand is a cookie. Right or left?
*ties vez to a chair and takes both*
What's better, Fireball or Megainferno?
Do you really have to ask? :P
Long Sword or Blade of Awe?
Long Sword. Mana vampire happens at the worst possible times.
Classic Guardian Plate or Asgardian
Asgardian. Classic Guardian Plate lacks dakka. And lightning bolts.
Nothing srs from me. See you on IRC.
/me baisnugs vez!

Doomsday -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:05:43)

1)... DEV!
Cyber-Rex <3
Go pew pew! (Cyber-Rex has them :D)
4)35741812th digit of pi?
42. For realsies. Go look it up.
5)Need more melee ice weapons!
I smell one coming for the upcoming MC release >:D (<- Pure speculation. I have no idea)
6)How do you pronounce "MtAK"?
Em-Tack. Like a rapper's name.
7)So you are now in charge of more stuff now eh how does it feel like?
It's a bit scary. I broke things on the first day. Getting better now, hopefully. The forum appears to be mostly intact.
8)/me blames dev for more stuff
/me blames Baruman
Alright see you around on IRC :P
*borrows Harry's invisibility cloak*

Khimera -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:13:20)

:o Me and Ash both!
Congratulations man :D
Thanks :D
Okay, here's some questions... you know I'm gonna torture you :P
More torture? Ev sent you, didn't he? D:<

Am I a girl... or am I a boy? :P
Doesn't it vary on a day to day basis? (Boy, I believe from the IRC /whois :P)
Wait 5 minutes. Answer the previous question again.
Girl. See what I mean?
Are you Gibby from iCarly?
No! Gibby is Gibby D:< He mentioned that he is NOT from iCarly his MtAK, if you want to go dig it up.
Did you steal the format from yourself? :o
I <3 Gibby and all, but we aren't the same person >:(
I believe it's pronounced "egregious" *nods*
:o *agrees*
How many questions have I asked so far?
OVER 9000!!! (Sorry Ev I know you're reading this :x)
Does that one count?
Nope, but my four year old cousin can :D
How about that one?
Yeah, he's very cute.
Why green? :D
Because there is a new AQW Q&A AK called Green. And I wanted to steal it before he/she could :O
Repeat question 1
question 1
Repeat question 2
question 2
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? :3
Square root -1, multiply by the mass of Jupiter's 3rd moon, add the polar coordinates of where I am sitting right now, divide it all by 0 and you *might* find out.
Anyway, I'm in a good mood, so here, have a plateful of cookies! *gives Dev cookies*
/me noms the cookies
Cya around on IRC ^_^ <3
Indeed I will! Keep those suggestions flowing :)

Vivi -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:15:18)

It's all Ev's fault. Whatever "it" is.
Absolutely 100% true. I suspect Baruman has a hand in it, as well.
'grats and welcome to the AKs ^_^
/me baisnuggles Vivi

SysRq AQForums -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:20:15)

Hey dude!
Sys! Hello there :Dv
Thanks for giving me numbers in Comparison Requests.
My pleasure. *waves to Sys*

chadrizard -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:30:00)

*noms chad's PM* Thanks!
2) Dev vs. L to the power of Cake, who will win?
Dev IS L to the power of cake :O
3) Why is this not in the AQGD?
I'm an AQ EC/BS AK. /me points to his title.
4) Do you still remember where that 15INT from 255INT came from [8D]
Hmm....not a clue. Some kind of university-like apparatus?
5) Do you still remember when I posted "Why aren't you "helpful"?" in the Mage guide...then you DID become helpful?
I do recall that, however you are trying to connect two unrelated statements. Like pancakes and cake. Mmm, cake.
6) Do you still remember when I posted "Why aren't you ArchKni......Wait...what?
What is this ArchKni of which you speak?
7) <quote>Only 15 questions per post please.</quote> That's not standard! That will be swept!
Not if I steal the broom! >:D
8) <quote>Try and only post once per page.</quote> I sense contradiction.
I don't see your Cuirass :o (hit the 'pedia if you don't get the pun)
9) What is the difference between a Caelestian and Lorian gods?
Different worlds, I believe. Or, if you want the better answer - Caelestians come from IRC /irc pun
10) Does god exist?
It's conceivable. I'm not willing to dismiss something that I am not sure of.
11) Is Kira god? [8D]
:o Justice will prevail! *points to sig*
12) Who is your favorite female AQ NPC? [:D]
Tough, so very tough! I'm a bit partial to Ael because of her incredibly awesome hair, but Aria is quite the NPC as well.
13) Why don't you collect rares?
I do! *points to Bar of Soap and Anthracite Coal Armor* I just like things that smash monsters. Not so interested in the "rare" aspect.
14) Where is the best farming spot for top-tiers? (LOL)
The Farm. Zorby can teach you all about it.
15) Where is the best farming spot for level 78 pure warrior adventurers (Double LOL)
To be honest? Probably Fairwind or something of the like. 90-100 you will want to try Tower Of Xyphos, 100+ is definitely Spellcraft: Darkness.

16) Wait...I can't have 16 because half a bit can only count up to 15? (0001 1111)
No. You can't have 16 because I only know how to count to 15.
17) Is AQ made up of bits...*gets dragged away by black men hired by the ex-loremaster for asking secrets behind the company...and asking more than 1111 questions.*
But that's...OVER 9000!

Cataclysm -> RE: =MtAK= Err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:53:37)

Wait... Weren't you just Helpful like... Yesterday? I have missed something.
Yes, you did miss something. I haz cake and shackles now. Not exactly the best combination, but cake is involved.
Anyway, gratz again, although this time for a different reason than being "Helpful."
Enjoying the new dungeon and chains?
It's a bit lonely, but luckily I have Zizzy and TF to keep me company! Also, don't tell Millie or Ev, but they forgot to lock up our chains :o
We have chains? >.> I thought we were taped to the wall.
Who are your neighbors, or do you have your own little chamber in your own little area?
See above ^_^
I'm going to get this out of the way, every MtAK thread I post in has to have this question as a pre-requisite. It determines if you'll be a good AK and I'll like you.
Bring it on!
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Dejavu? I think I got the wrong answer in Khimmy's post, though. Try this on for size - 42.
Grammar Nazi? Yes or no?
Nazi tends to have bad connotations, so I try and avoid it. I am a stickler about grammar, though.
Does that count as two questions or one?
Seven, actually.
You know, I think I'm done here. I don't want to cause all the pain have all the fun.
It's okay, we have cake!
Enjoy the cell!
*shackles himself back up*

Minion of Squirrels -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 0:56:38)

1) Congratulations on the AK, seems long awaited no?
My crystal ball must be malfunctioning :(
2) How/when did you start playing AQ?
During the Drakonnan part of the Great Fire War. My friend showed the game to me, and I fell in love with being burned by Drakky over and over again >_>
3) What makes you continue to play AQ every now and again?
Weekly releases, excellent plot (including the humor!), and most importantly, a great community :)
4) Well that is all, but I may have more questions later. *evil laugh Cough cough* But you mine as well have this. *hands dev a cookie and a piece of pie*
Pie? No cake? Ah well. Beggars can't be choosers. *noms both*

Romanv12 -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:14:46)

About time! ^_^
It's about 10:24 PM at the moment.
Congrats on the AK-ship :3
Thanks. I can haz princess now? :O
Here have a cookie now. *gives dev cookie* only 1! ;p
*turns the cookie into a piece of cake with magic and noms*
Now with your shiny new title,il always win on races :p
Broken logic is broken D:
Ah thats about it :P for now
Where's Governor Arnold when you need him? ;)
Again gratz ^^ you deserved it :-)
Thanks again!
Me has to beat you in next war racing.
Good luck. I look forward to it :)

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:24:10)

Hi dev! :D
*zips lips* Silence!
Congratz on the AK-ship, you certainly earned it! ;)
Still no princess, though :(
Will you use your newly founded powers for good or ebil?
Depends. Will I be as awesome as Zorby if I pick the latter? :D
Enough pestering you*, I'm sure you'll do a splendid job! :D
Pressure is on. I'll try not to disappoint!
See ya around in the AQ forum.
Definitely will do.
* I'll do that on IRC!
I'll be waiting >:D

OPEC -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:29:10)

Oh god, it's YOU.
Occy! I knew I'd be seeing you here sooner or later.
Congrats on AK.
Zards or Sneevils?
SnEbilZard. 'nuff said.
That's all. Bye now.
See ya around (IRC/forums)!

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:31:28)

Hey dev....err.. I won't try pronouncing. :]
Hi there shawn! Yeah, I hear that attempting to pronounce it is hazardous to your health.
Congratz on AKship!
Right back atcha! /very alte
So, how'd you think of that possibly "random" name? [:o]
Behind The Name: Random Name Generator. Fun tool. Plus, I know a little Hindi myself, and wanted the first part to be "dev" ;)
That's all for now, see you soon. :D
Indeed I shall!

PD -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:38:44)

Hi dev
Errr....SUP? /pun
Nothing to say here besides congratz!
See la later!
See la later, too :P I look forward to our future IRC conversations :D

chadrizard -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:41:45)

You AGAIN? :O! Hello there, chad :)


I here that attempting to pronounce it is hazardous to your health.

Epic fail [8D]
I don't know what you are talking about ;)


I don't see your Cuirass

Since I posted again...*waits to be dissolved due to said paradox*...
*uses Necromancer to bring chad back*
WOOT! I'm still alive!

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:52:09)

I didn't get the first post?! In a forum that I work in??!! D:<
D: afterlifex bribed me! *nodnod* Nice, my color tags :D
/me deletes all the posts before his in an attempt to get the first reply. >:D
/me deletes The Forgotten
You could have at least waited until I got back to post this. ;_;
You are back :P You were with me in spirit!
Anyway, congrats, and welcome to the AKs!
Thanks :)
/me gives celebrationfireworksnugglecookies. ^_^
/me noms
I can never spell your name. >.> So I copy/paste it when I need the whole thing. ^_^
Me too!
Well, I'll see you on IRC later. *waves*
Welcome back home!

siler plate -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:56:06)

Hay! (No, not that hay *cough* or that Hay that posted below me. /waves <.<)
Gratz on AK! :)
So, now on to the completely random questions. <_< >_>
Heh, those are my favorite.
Favorite sport?
To watch and play, basketball. Though I am a bit partial to watching football and playing tennis.
Favorite MMO?
Maplestory, sadly enough. I don't play very many MMOs.
Favorite video game?
Call of Duty: MW2 or NBA 2k10.
Favorite music?
Notorious B.I.G
Easiest thing you've ever done?
My brother's 1st grade math homework, many years ago ;)
I feel I'm boring you. I shall now bring some more interesting questions.
It's on! >:D
If you dug a hole through the center of the earth, and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
No, I'd stay there because the center of the Earth is actually made of cake.
If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said they 'died laughing'? (lol)
Overdose, overdose!
If you blew a bubble in space would it pop?
If it was in a pressurized suit, probably. I don't know how you could blow one in space >.>
Why do people never say "it's only a game" when they're winning?
Because if you win, you get a princess. Fact.
I believe that is all :) once again, congratz on the AK status.

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:58:55)

(Wait, who just called me?)
Me. I was trying to tell you to come to my party.
... and ze tour bus brings me here!
Party bus? Cool. Welcome to my humble abode.
Hello and congratulations!
Hay there!
Let's see *checks the board* AQ! What's your favourite war from AQ?
Rawr! Devourer Saga final battle!
Favourite word?
Would you like my vampiric cupcakes to visit you? They're very curious about you :3
Mmm, cupcakes. *noms*
Do you enjoy paradoxes?
I have Paradox Plate.
Seen Inception? Opinion?
Excellent movie. Nolan's films just get better and better. Need to go see it again, so many possibilities. Hint: The kids are wearing the same clothes and are in the same positions at the end ;o
Nothing else to add. See you around!
/me adds 9000

skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 1:59:00)

heya devbhargava!
I am your father :o
I really have no questions, sadly.
That's okay <3
So just congrats and have fun!
Will do!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 2:01:04)

Oh my goodness, would you look at that? We have a new recruit, Awesome.
Whar?! Does he have cake?!!

Nope, no questions. Just wanted to give you a hearty congratulatory and wish you good luck in your many endeavors alongside the rest of us.
Thanks! :)

sky222 -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 2:13:28)

Hi devbhara...what was it?
Princess McFluffyPants.
I made this post extra long :D prepare to practice your AK powers XD
*Noms dev's cake while dev is fixing post*
Hah, I replied BEFORE fixing the post! *noms sky222*
Haha!Say bye to your cake :)
It never left :o

Baron -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 2:13:32)

Hey dev and congratulations!
Baron! /me waves to the kitty
I could see this coming eventually!
I saw you coming, eventually :o
Favorite food?
Tough. Thai food, sushi, Indian food, dim sum...I dunno. It's all up there. I like food from the Asian continent.
Favorite drink?
Pepsi or Diet Coke. Regular coke is too strong and Diet Pepsi tastes like water.
/me gives dev 50 <enter favorite cookie flavor here> cookies as a congratulations gift!
Cake cookies? Omnomnom.
Your edit color is cool because it is green!
*paints Baron green* No you!
/me goodbyecongratulationsgoodlucksnugglepounces dev and steals his shoes
/me snuggles Baron. I'm not wearing any ;D

Gold -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 2:15:01)

Greetings, "dev-bar-ga-va"! I think that's how you pronounce it :P
Orly? *owl face*
I was expecting this to happen, y'know. Impossible not to notice you helping everyone everywhere on AQEC or info subs :P
The world works in mysterious ways.
So I noticed as soon as you got Helpful status, you switched to an avatar of L. Why is that?
Actually, I went to Near first. I'm not sure why, but the Helpful didn't have good synergy with Zorby. Anyway, I got bad feedback from N, so I switched to L :P
If you are going to be L, then I will be Light Yagami! >:D
Then Justice will prevail >:D *points to sig*
How much are you going to bet that I will actually change my avatar to a pic of Light Yagami just because I posted here?
I'll take that bet ;o
That is all. Also, the cake's over there. *points* Too bad you have to be a mod to have access to it though and it's half eaten by the mods.
So what I'm saying is, yes, the cake is indeed a lie :3

No it isn't! D:< Ev and Millie can share!

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= dev....err....how do you pronounce that? (8/8/2010 4:04:06)

Greetings Devbhargava ^^
Greetings Ana ^^
No questions from me... just a simple congratulations! =]
Whee, partay!


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