Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/1/2010 11:06:12)

Greetings people of the Legends and Lore Forum!

Well, September is here! And you know what that means... a new Books Project. This month is the fantastic Sci-Fi area of storytelling.

So if you have something up your sleeve in space travel, aliens, technology gone awry, exploration, etc, then by all means share it with us.

I can tell you that the L&L AKs, Hallie Slidepath and myself are at work on the introduction. The prologue, intermission and epilogue for this book will blow you away... hehehe. The concept is adventurous and challenging, but it will be well worth it.

So, get your writing caps on and start putting that story on paper. Remember, all stories and poems due on September 30!

Guidelines and past Books

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/1/2010 11:15:42)

It's here, It's here! I need to finish my story now!!!! But I shall post soon!

Torn -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/1/2010 14:34:42)

Alright! A new book, and boy do I have a twist in store for you guys with my story. Expecting some great stories from everybody.

Xplayer -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/1/2010 23:31:03)

Since I got such a good response from my last story, I'm going to write one in the same universe. The trio will appear again, but in a totally different context and a completely different story. Now if I could just get around to writing it...

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 13:22:22)

Already have an idea for the book. *does Live Long and Prosper thing*

alexmacf -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 19:19:08)

I decided that I will write a sci-fi poem. Just to challenge myself even further, because school isn't hard enough. ^_^
It'll be ready when I can figure out how to do that.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 19:38:02)

I actually have two ideas for the SciFi book.

One involves why Dragonflies really are here and so popular. The other is inspired by my time on IRC.

Let's hope I write them both.

Good luck to everyone.

Balu -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 20:03:13)

This is going to be sweet! I am all about SciFi.

May your synapses be rich and the rush of creativity pump your veins! ...that was a little weird. :-)

The Doctor -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 22:50:22)

Did you say... Science Fiction?!
Doctor Who all the way!

I should write a Doctor Who poem.
Perhaps something with Daleks.

Yes, I am going to enjoy this Book.

Thank you,
~The Doctor

Drakyloid -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/2/2010 23:25:55)

From the Forum Headline:

... So if you have a desire to write about aliens, technological disasters, space exploration and mega mechas (I'm looking at you MQ players)...

Guess what I'm going to write about. [;)]

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/3/2010 0:04:14)

@above-Since your avatar is clearly the Dragonoid mecha, I'm guessing your going to be writing about the Mecha.

I will be writing something that really goes out there. This will be a very special, very strong story.

It will have humor and it will have....well you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves what exactly it has.

Just a little notice. Due to a few circumstances that occurred after my previous comment was made, I'm sure you all will understand that this writer had to change some stuff. Much of my thanks, however, goes along to Eukara and her team.

Feoras ToxArch -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/3/2010 1:06:29)

Ah, so the next theme is Sci-Fi? *cracks knuckles* Sounds like fun to me.

.Discipline -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/3/2010 8:43:02)

Hmmmm... A Sci-Fi theme? I can write poems based on that I bet.
I'm not much of a storyteller but if you need poetry I'm your man. :D

EDIT: I just wrote up a poem, but I'm thinking of making it into a three or four part epic from the viewpoint of a few different characters and then submitting it to be in the book.

Red Blizzard -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/4/2010 9:56:50)

Just sent my story in a day ago. It's totally off the beaten track, and can hardly be called sci-fi...

I've done a mecha story for the book of war, don't feel like doing another one. Probably going to gear up for Book of Darkness :P

Angel of Grief -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/4/2010 12:27:32)

I think I'll skip this book.

Supertails -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/4/2010 12:51:23)

Ooh, taunt me with sci-fi, probably one of my worst areas. I-...I'll try to come up with something, but me+story deadlines=disaster. ;~;

Goldstein -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/4/2010 13:02:53)

Welp, time for me to slap some more crappy stuff into yet another book! Huzzah! Feh.

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/5/2010 12:47:41)

I have a story for it, but I'm not sure if it will be good.

I may wait for next month. I'll put two stories in, if I can.

Soundblast -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/5/2010 16:32:35)

how dose this work?
ill deleat this post as soon as my question is awnsered

Xplayer -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/5/2010 20:32:07)

@Soundblast: Basically, you write a poem or short story in the science fiction genre and PM it to an AK or Moderator in L&L so they can include it in a collection with other writers from L&L. If your story surpasses the character limit for a PM (as it likely will), I suggest you use Google Documents, textbin, or some other similar online text storing service.

Be sure to read the first post in this thread too for further instructions and stipulations. (I hope I didn't leave anything out).

Shreder -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/5/2010 22:21:14)

I think that more or less covers it. Oh and also, we (the AKs/Mods) will all be proofreading your story before it is put in the book, just to make sure there are no major issues or grammatical mistakes. [;)]

Arzamol -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/6/2010 0:05:52)

I should try my hand at this... oh but the deadline is so... so... close (considering the workload of a college kid). Hm... well, if I think of something, I'll try it.

Edit: I though of something.

Edit again: I finished much earlier than I though...

Goldstein -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/7/2010 20:25:01)

Excellent! My attempt at earning pity failed! Still, I'm working on my piece. Eh.

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/9/2010 15:43:01)

Through sheer coincidence, I have a story I can use. I'll do it over the weekend.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Sci-Fi! discussion thread (9/9/2010 23:17:27)

Alrighty, first ofa ll my apologies.

I have spent teh last two weeks getting my own classes and lesson plans written and have not exactly been on top of the introduction for the new book.

The intro is nearly done. One small section and editing left. Once we post that, then there will be a few stories to add to the list.

Again, my apologies.

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